FFXIII scenario almost complete.
PS3 version will not be effected by 360 version.
Arc Rise Fantasia website upens
Dragons, airship and a main character that does not look like a tranny
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I tried to rent Wario Land today, and my Hollywood Video store claims they won't have it until Friday. WTH? It comes out today, right? They didn't have de Blob either, but I'd rather buy that one anyway.
Not sure. They just look right together. What's amazing if you think about it is how the DC is just slightly bigger than Wii, yet it was a fucking powerhouse console when first released. Impressive for a system that was made in 1998. Probably more impressive than even the Gamecube's size.
Heh, I remember a friend saying "that can't be more powerful than the N64.....look its not even as big" then I put in NFL2K....
That just reminds me of gamer bonerhead mentality: The Xbox is twice and big and several times more heavy than all other consoles combined, that must mean that it's a fucking beast! Look! It has power grills!
PSO DS Details
Phantasy Star 0 is a completely new title set in a brand new world.
- Phantasy Star 0 's gameplay mechanics will be based heavily around PSO's. But despite this, the developers hope that the unique style will attract more fans to the series, even those who have never touched a previous Phantasy Star title.
- The Nintendo DS was selected as the platform for this title to help broaden the age range of players.
- 'Zero' was selected as part of the title to invoke thoughts of a new beginning for the series.
- You will be able to play with people you've never met over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. No details were given on if or how Friend Codes will be used, however.
- Phantasy Star 0 will not support voice chat or vibration functions.
- PSO's word select system is a possibility, but has not been confirmed.
- PSO's symbol chat will not return for this game. It is being replaced by visual chat, allowing users to draw their own pictures using the stylus.
- Many common item and technique names will return from PSO.
- The developers hope that, despite this game taking place in a completely new world, it will still bring out feelings of nostalgia and other fond memories.
Screens there
I got this email today. Only 250GB per Month usage? WTH? How am I supposed to download all of my porn--er, high res video game footage and demos with that ridiculaus restriction?!
In all seriousness, who the heck could use it that much? I wonder what my usage numbers are. Probably less than 3GB per month, I'd image.
Yes the bonehead mentality: bigger = stronger
Let's test the theory.
So the theory bigger = stronger is false.
Wow, I remember that sig, GG! When did you join GS, anyway? I joined in May 2003 but had been lurking for a year prior.
Why not change "own" to "pwn"? You know you want to.
de Blob developer - we might have went with gesture-based control if MotionPlus were out, but most Wii owners want simple games
“I think if we had the MotionPlus to start out with, maybe the control scheme would have worked out a little bit differently. I think the temptation with having Wii MotionPlus would have been to push it more in a gestural control scheme. While it’s definitely intellectually stimulating from a development perspective to play with those ideas — and I think it does appeal to a set of gamers out there — I think the majority of people that play on the Wii want something very simple that they can just immediately get their heads around.” - Nick Hagger, producer
So, according to this guy, the majority of Wii owners are too stupid to understand how to play a game with MotionPlus?
Every time I see Moon on the DS it just makes me smile. It reminds me of a shooter that would have come out back in the late 90's on N64 and been a total classic. This and GTA are going to make me buy a DS...fuck.
So sir have horrible, horrible taste. There are many reasons to buy a DS and those two are not even at the top.
I am so depressed right now, I dont even want to read the posts of this place, I dont care right now. The Little Big Planet beta opened, eurogamer was just giving away free codes and I could not get in time. People are playing LBP and I am not.
Most rental stores wont get games that ship this week until late thursday, so they hold it till friday.
They had TFU last Tuesday, so I assumed they'd get it the same day as other stores. I'll go back on Friday and see if they have it then. Thanks.
Talk me into buying one then.
Doesn't it come out in less than a month?
Surely you can wait just that little bit longer Vader.
Precisely. Who the fuck could use 250GB in a month? Torrenting a heap of new games won't even do that (I don't do it, I'm just saying).
TFU had a street date so that game was sitting in all stores for weeks waiting for that date. Most games ship without a street date, so you have to wait for stores to get them, almost all get the games on Thursday (GS/EB gets them Tue. or Wed.).
Man I cant even wait three days for MM9, I am insane about these things.
Star Wars is still the most powerful brand in the universe.
Ah, that makes sense. I'll keep that in mind.
How how the gazillion RPGs