Wise Peter Moore believes suing pirates is wrong.
Moore loves piracy. :P (He's right)
New MLB minigame collection game by 2k for Wii.
There is a steriod injecting minigame!
Capcom doesn't realise the potential of Elebits
Svensson calls the game "unremarkable"
C3xHobby Fair Next Week!
Fragile, Sky Crawlers, and Soul Eater DS playable!...in Japan
Punk Rebel Ecks
David Braben interview
talks about Mario’s timeless quality, Sonic’s lost spark, and teases LostWinds 2 once more
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I posted it at Free Radical http://www.frd.co.uk/letters.php
But it doesn't show up and they have a comedy robot that gives shitty answers.
That's cool GG.
If you want a news guy, let me know.
Thanks for volunteering. It's a fairly painless and streamlined process updating the news thanks to Yodariquo. I don't think you'd have any problems with it and TBH we probably need someone who's got a bigger interest in PS3 as well.
Anyone like this sig?
Lovely, but the text is hard to read. Try outlining it.
I updated the priviledges of those here to post news.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileBah. I tried to resize it to get it smaller and the resolution went all blurry. I have lost that one. But I made a retro one above from all my childhood memories
This should be interesting. So what's the word on the revamp that we've all been talking about?
According to THIA seems that the last issue of Famitsu said there will be a likely RE2 Remake only for Nintendo Wii.
Popular Japanese gaming bulletin board, 2ch, has posted information on
what looks to be a brand new remake of fan favourite Resident Evil
title, Biohazard 2. For now, the posting lists the following features
for the game, which will be released exclusively on Nintendo Wii. The
details were alledgedly published in the latest Famitsu.
Thanks to Nemesis556 for posting thisarticle on THIA
Well I suggest to have a few days to test the free for all concept! With a few changes to make it easier to prevent double news posting. About the frontpage, I think the proposed front page design is a good first step. Will make a new blog where you guys can fight about the art and title of the frontpage.
So far free for all = GG at 89 out of 99 updates this week. Still, should we stick to the schedule and ask for help on our non-days? Have maybe like 2 days a week as a free for all or free for all, all the time?
I'm still wondering if we are scrapping this or not.
Ougon no Kizuna Brings RPG Action to Wii Grab your nunchuck and fight colossus-sized monsters in this brand-new title.
The game's title is Japanese for "bonds of gold," and the story's central theme (as outlined by scenario writer Miwa Shouda, who worked on Final Fantasy XII and the Saga Frontier games for Square) revolves around the bonds Rian forges with the people he meets during his quest.
Kizuna looks like one to watch, and not just because of the name-brand talent behind it (including Shouda and director Yoichi Kawaguchi, an ex-Level-5 guy who's also leading up Little King's Story right now). The game seems to take cues from several other notable titles, including Prince of Persia (it shares that game's subtle cel-shaded graphic style) and Sony's Shadow of the Colossus (you'll fight massive, lumbering bosses at the end of each chapter that are a puzzle in themselves to defeat). We'll have to see how those games' magic wears on this one when it touches down this winter.
Well yeah, but maybe just post 5 or 6 interesting things. For example you are browsing the net and you see something cool, that we must know about, simple put in here. No point in going through all the news like we do now!
But then it's not GGWeekly is it? Wouldn't forums be more appropiate? Ah hell knows, I'm going off to complain at capcom again, no one has replied to my elebits thread. Literally nobody has played this game.
Oh wait, it sold 270'000
But there is no awareness of the can of worms it's opened up. It's still just about the only game to live up to the Revolution moniker that Wii had previously. I'm sure Dvader could imagine if the next zelda had Link with a magical gauntlet that allowed him to use physics to manipulate things in game.
Opening a new topic for every litle bit of news is a bit much. So we could use this instead. Okay new suggestion, we do the newspaper like redesign at the front page and we add forums, and than we discuss at the forums what we will do with GGweekly.
BTW I can no longer do thursdays starting next week, monday and wednesday is fine.
What the crap?
Oh well, free for all it is.
DISASTER in europe this year? Wut? I checked the link. Where is this guys proof? There is no link there except to some footage posted on gametrailers in 2007.
As much as I wanted a Resident Evil 2 remake on the Gamecube.....I just don't want the current RE team at Capcom going anywhere near that fucker.
I also don't want it done in a RE4 style, if it WAS done. I want a REmake style experience so as to stay true to what the game was in the first place.
ay of Crisis is going to suck ass. That's why it hasn't been shown yet in any way. Go back to making RPG's Monolith.