John Carmack interview
Plays the Wii alot, no plans for making games on it
The future of Insert Coin (Important)
Guys get over to my blog quick, read it and leave a comment
The 29 Most Ridiculously Hot Female Fighters
Where is my Zero suit Samus?
3rd parties do sell on the Wii
but but the Internetz has told me otherwise
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SupremeAC (4m)
GG Try to find Pac n'Roll if you are curious about the controls.
Oh fuck reviews, the fact that it says Miyazaki means that it is auto-win. Shame on you for doubting him
Plus reviews spoil way to much.
Take it from me, it is more fun watching an anime you know nothing about. I did it with all Tokyo Godfathers, Perfect Blue, Paprika and Millenium Actress. I only watched them because some one (i.e. you) recommended it. Plus one of my favorite anime Melancholy of Haruhi suzumiya I watched because the name sounded cool. If I hear cool things about an anime I will watch it like I did with *cough cough* Death Note.
Red Steel
Seriously it takes a couple of hours at least to get used to the controls and its been far surpassed by other shooters, even COD3 at launch was better. If you are playing on an HDTV it makes the game look doubly worse. The game doesn't get better till you hit tokyo and has some suprisingly fun missions. Persevere because once you are down with the controls you may like it edge.
If you are seeing a ton of pixellation than that's because of your HDTV creating jaggies and making things look doubly worse. The game though is very graphically inconsistent, it ranges from looking like a PS2 game to an Xbox game, to slightly better than that in moments. It even has some N64 textures in there
I dont know how you find time to watch all these online Iga. I still haven't had the chance to watch death note or blood plus.
Anyhow another review
Ponyo is the most delirious fun a Miyazaki work has been since we saw a pig fighting off pirates in 1920s Fascist Italy.
From start to finish, Ponyo simply explodes with those little touches of energy, of Miyazaki’s unadulterated, insanely creative fluids.
I am a student, that should explain all. And I do it in bursts. Sometimes I watch 2 movies a day followed by the normal procedure of not watching for months.
I just saw a, err, cutscene in Red Steel where, in big GIANT letters, it said smaaaash!! on the screen as to simutate being completely immersed into a car smaaashing through a barricade at a parking lot.
CLASSIC shit man. Classic shiiit.
Holy crap, I am awesome! So many updates and it is Saterday!! Puny Mortals Worship my awesomeness.
Yeah, cutscenes suck ass in this game. It's like they didn't have time to do proper ones. Like everyone agrees, this game could have used months of polish, they really rushed it out for release and even Ubiport admitted it.
Good. Such a great film.
Good updates, nice to hear the sam and max score. Is anyone else getting this? I loved the original on PC back when I was a teenager. The only reservation I have is that the new game/episodes are 3-D.
In the RPG Cliche thing: #'s 15, 14, 12, 10, 8, 7, 4, 3, 2, and 1 annoy the hell out of me!
One of the site's forefathers.
Ehh Punk, would it not be easier to say which did not annoy the hell out of you.
^^^I don't like writing big words.
One of the site's forefathers.
^^but you do seem to like to write lot's of numbers.
P.S. I read the article why is he talking about Zelda? Zelda is not a RPG and the puzzles are awesome. Puzzles in general are awesome, if you do not like them why does one play Zelda, the action/adventure/rpg/puzzle game.
Vader is a traitor!! In a Gamespot interview he said that he goes to Neogaf for news and to Insert Coin to shout at us. We are a news site and he goes to Neogaf for news? What the fuck is wrong with him? I say lets burn the witch. Burn it.
Calling Angry Mob
Pac 'n Roll = awesome!
Pacman's voice in Pac 'n Roll = WTF were they thinking?!!!
Did you click on the link? I think Vader is a spy sent by CNET (which is the codeword for SkyNet) to destroy insert coin.
He must be stopped!
I'm more worried about HiRes, did he post on Friday at all? Is he on vacation or just left never to return?
Is it not obvious that all of the updates have the lame jokes that are my trademark? No he did not update for a few weeks now. Like I said before Rag and HiRes are gone. I saw both post at GGD. And Archangel and Queenie are also MIA.
We need to get more people at Insert Coin.
I don't know why, but some people just seem to prefer posting at places like Gamespot that get a million idiots on there. Like they feel special because they're posting on some major website or something, like they're a star.
That's the vibe I get anyway. Some people don't like something like Insert Coin because they don't feel like they're in the gaming spotlight, as silly as it is.
Those people are idiots. This site will go through some changes and as a member you have more say in what direction Insert Coin can go. Gamespot still has some issues that are not resolved, while here we are constantly improving.
I think the lack of forums is biting us in the ass. It's difficult for an outsider to start a discussion here. Leo already told us that already. I think if we have a forum more people will be willing to join. We can still keep this comment section alive. So I think the first thing we need is a forum.
They probably just dont like us
We are exiles for a reason. My GTA trashing probably drove them away.
You know brucie gives you that super car right? I seem to have lost it? Is there anyway to get it back? Is it stored somewhere?
Shame Onewing never made it over here, but he cant seem to leave GSpot. I don't mind people coming and going but HiRes is a scheduled news poster, it would have been good if he had told me he couldn't post or didn't want to post. I'm going to give it a week then I guess I will have to rearrange things.
Hoi we left the exile state behind us at 1up. We now have a mission to gather all news and put it in one place. We are no longer here just to be not at Gamespot. And besides I am still posting at Gamespot, but only blogs and union. The reason I am not posting GGD anymore is because it is boring plain and simple. I came to Gamespot for the community, the community went sour so I went away.
I do not understand Rag at all. He had an awesome time here, with me posting perverted pics. He complained about the state of the GGD. So what does he do, he forsakes the place that is fun and goes back to the place he is always complaining about.
Wait I take it back, Rag is suffering of the Abused Wife syndrome. And about OneWing, he has been turned into a troll lately. In all his posts he always bashed Nintendo. I say GGD corrupted him.
Now what's the deal with F1, I want to know?