Call of Duty: World at War Screenshots
Why couldn't they just make it a vietnam game
Stephen Totilo (of MTV fame) Interviews Peter Dill
To Discuss FFXIII's Jump to the 360
Mass Effect Trilogy Not Coming to the PS3
Confirmation Comes with a suggested shot at the PS3
Resistance Website Countdown Over
A bunch of new non-gameplay related videos released
When should Games say goodbye
Interesting article about when a game should end and not drag along
Super Mario's Performance Enhancement Scadal!
Say it ain't so, Nintendo!
The Conduit: New screens and impressions
Click main page for impressions
How to fix your old NES
Blowing in cartridges does apparently not work.
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I agree, Iga pick things up buddy boy or you're fired from your thankless, payless job.
GG why worry? We live in Europe remember! American patent law is not applicable here
What major news? The ones highlighted in color?
I didn't mean to refer to him trolling in the same way of Carnage or Gram but more so trolling cause he knows that I'll react to it because I'm so simple minded so he'll get a laugh out of my stupidity.
Yeah I agree that the major news button should only be used for major things.
Also great for XNA. It truly is making steps for being of what they initially imagined it to be.
One of the site's forefathers.
Yeah the yellow ones, its being abused like Batman's mum. (If you read the news story you would get it...)
Okay next time I will only highlight important stuff like Dora the Explorer.
P.S. Mirror's Edge hands one is major news and Dead Rising is highlighted becuase GG likes it so much. So there
There were like 10 Mirror's Edge hands on previews last week.
I am just saying its a bit too much. Your shift though. Oh and I have no issue with the updates, good stuff just the amount of yellow is throughing me off.
Major news are nude Iwata pics. If you are going to highlight all things that GG likes, then you'll have to dye my wang bright yellow.
OMG I just saw that on the news. WTF? Turns out Batman is more evil than The Joker.
I already did Steel!
Oh shit.
I hate to quote myself, but I thought I would at least get a reaction from this one
Campcom: We want to make Mega Man 9 hard
Blue man to take blue pills!
It seems to be that the mom is looking for attention or money. The thread on gaf about it is golden!
Those guys are so campy.
I actually lol'ed at that one. And grinned at your Horsez reference. >_<
I'm sorry GG and EC for my comments.
Please don't ban me.
One of the site's forefathers.
You are banned for saying sorry. Manly man never say they are sorry NEVER!
Good thing that I prefer women.
One of the site's forefathers.
Women prefer manly men
^^^I'm manly only when it really counts.
One of the site's forefathers.
If something is old, let me know I was in rush, have to be at the skatepark in 30 minutes for filming...But I'll be back in less than 90 minutes.
BTW, I needs a PC related news button.