Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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robio (9m)
Wiimote incoming!
Banjo's art is great. Game looks great but TBH the vehicle building sounds boring to me. I don't want to spend 40 minutes putting together a plane to fly somewhere.
Banjo N64 on XBLA now that is megaton.
Oh its that ugly buzz controller. What is this crap.
I missed something did they annouce Banjo N64 on live?
WTF is this codemasters game?
Wow, anyone watching the conference still? That self-movie game is the stupidest idea ever
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYeah they did.
WTF is this?????????
I really like the approach to Mii's myself. Why not take a cool idea and implement it and try to make it better. It's how most progression happens anyway no matter what medium it is.
Same kind of feelings for broadening their userbase as well. Why not create some more family appeal in the machine. The 'hardcore' developers aren't going to all of sudden drop from the scene because those games sell remarkably well on the 360 but for sales to grow MS needs to make it seen as a console everyone can enjoy a wide variety of titles on be them 'hardcore', 'casual', or 'family-friendly'.
Yay! An Eyetoy ripoff.
What the hell is this crap?
This is officially the most embarrising thing in E3 history... Sony 06 can retire.
MS was doing so well and then, they commited suicide.
Thanks for the info, Iga! That gave me somthing cool to read during this now boring Microsoft conference.
I dunno, it just seems profoundly unimaginative to me. It almost seems like they got off to an awesome headstart and the great games are still coming, but it doesn't seem like they know or have a plan for where they are heading and are instead just mimicking anything the competition comes up with so they can slap it on the box if you know what I mean. That scene it crap copying buzz? The live vision camera copying eye toy? Is this the best they can come up?
I'm all for going for new audiences and that, but something more original would be cool and not provoke such apathy from me.
Netflix is actually a very cool idea because this kind of thing is growing immensly. I've downloaded a few movies now and find it to be pretty cool.
The movie game idea does sound really stupid though.
Banjo on XBLA! Holy shit that's awesome! I'm definatel down wit that.
"Guitar Hero!" *dead silence*
LOL!!! Best conference ever. LOL!
Lips!! LOL!!! Singstar ripoff.
Duffy, singing. I hate this song. Sounds like bad remix of an old 60s tune. And I like 60s tunes.
So, a singstar rip? Again, just unimaginative. There better be some megaton in this conference or at least some alan wake goddamnit.