Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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Tretton: PS3 has more exclusives than anyone.
The fuck is he on?
They might, remember most of 360 games are on PC.
LBP!! Yes!
I love this game so much.
HOLY CRAP, suck it powerpoint!
Are people still hyped for LBP? I got kinda bored with the concept after a while. Why is resistance overated edgecrusher?
Sony wins E3, best conference, its over.
Could you whore out your game for our marketing talk?
LOL what a great graph!
$30 boooo.
Train ride, YES!!
That is the F-ing greatest presentation of stats I have ever seen. Wonder how long it took to make?
Nice, some attention to Yakuza 2.
You're a couple of minutes ahead of me.
Batman bundle for PS2, ok.
It got hyped to be incredible because it was the one PS3 game to get. Its no Halo. Its just a good shooter.
R2 looks way better though.
ANYWAY, are they still talking PS2? Did he honestly just say PS2 is helping PS3? Are they still not gonna kill this thing off and drop the price to $99???
The PS2 version of Mercenaries 2 looked really bad. But nobody cares anyway. Is it just me and D watching this or what?
Quest for Booty!!!!!!
$30 for Greatest Hits is bullshit.
Not only is it 10 bucks more than usual, but you're also paying a higher percentage than the past. Last gen $50 new, $20 GH....LESS than half the price. This gen? $60 new, $30 GH.....half the price.
No I'm watching just taking it all in, and post on GS some.
Damint someone is watching TV in here. I can hardly hear a damn thing. And I dont want to move