Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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Recently Spotted:
That is true. Speaking of shitstorms
This is the greatest thing I've ever seen.
Totally. Speaking of shitstorms:
I haven't been to any boards except the ubisoft forum since E3 started. What's going on around other places then?
Lol, that's the same guy that did the Brawl video, genius
Logitech officially unveils Wii wireless keyboard
Cool! I may need one of these soon whenever my noisy-ass Laptop fan quits working.
Sega Games List:
Out of all of these games listed, the only one I have any interest in at all is Samba De Amigo. *shakes head* Man, 8 years ago, I was such a hardcore Sega fan. I'd buy just about any Sega game and love it, but, alas, they are not that Sega anymore. *sigh*
Riddick 2 Rumor:
Man, I hope this game gets made someday. I played through Riddick 1 four times on Xbox. I'm still pissed that it isn't compatible with the 360. Microsoft got Doom 3 to run, so why not Riddick? Oh, that's right. There's going to be a 360 remake someday too. Lame.
Wario Land: The Shake Dimension.
Is that the official title? What a dumb name.
Who cares about the name, check the globe you can see a wide variety of levels. Desert, Volcano, Sea, Jungle, Haunted House, Circus, Oriental etc.
Hey, I care! Names are the most important part of a game.
Yeah, it's definately a day one purchase for me even if the name is silly.
Edge cant get on, he gets an account suspended thing.
Capcom to Announce Lost Planet Movie
I think madworld and bayonetta interest me out of sega's games. Sonic aint doing it for me. Maybe if they did a Wii double pack port of the PS2 Yakuza games, that would be cool.
Tell him to take viagra!
Little's King Story & Rune Frontier : New Trailer & Images
More Screens...
European Trailer
Solid Snake is writing it, so awesome.
I'll PM Yo about Edge. Can you ask him exactly what happens when he tries to log on?
Ghostbusters screens
That was happening to me previously.
Tell him to go to and search "Insert Coin Gamingeek" and click on the link and save the new address to a bookmark.
He could type (I THINK)
One of the site's forefathers.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileEveryone notice the news posting schedule up top^?
*Standing ovation to Yoda*
How cool is that?
Anyway to have it parellel with the banner?
Omg Riddick 2 is probably number 2 on my most wanted list, right behind a true sequel to Conkur's Bad Fur Day, with Deus Ex 2, Shenmue III, and a new Oddworld Stranger's Wrath bringing up the rear...Riddick one was just so so amazing, one of top 5 favorite games from last gen.
My gripes with RE5:
I haven't seen the improvements I was hoping for in enemy variety, which was one of the few gripes I had with RE4, as I thought that the best parts of the game for me were spent fighting the Berserkers.
THe artstyle looks bad to me, it looks like every other 360 shooter, but with the contrast jacked up to 100.
Character animation looks pretty meh to me, and I don't really like the looks of his sidekick in this game...Must you always have a sidekick in Resident Evil.
So far it just doesn't look very immersive, and I don't like the fact that Chris never seems overwhelmed. I've never really liked playing as a badass in Resident Evil, which is why Code Veronica remains my favorite, and i was hoping with this game they would take all the goods from RE4 and all the good things from RE:CV and evolve it into something even greater...That is not happening.
Riddick 2 would kick RE5's ass!