Rumored Rock Band 2 Track List
Submitted by a QA who supposedly wrote down as many songs as he could remember, he came up with about 60 of the rumored 80 track list
Mercenaries 2: WiFi 'Recon' Trailer
Mercenaries 2 is a sandbox shooter for the 360,PS3, and PC platforms
Velvet Assassin 'Killer' Trailer
Velvet Assassin is an action game coming to the PC , 360
Patapon 2 Announced
Detailed in Famitsu, Sony has a sequel in the works for the PSP
High Quality Killzone 2 Screens
Most of the screens are old, but have not been seen at as high of quality as these
Trauma Center 2 Demo Available
Demo can be downloaded on the Nintendo Channel
Ngamer - Animal Crossing and Punch-out
says Animal Crossing is finished at not a MMO and Punch-out has balance board support
Resident Evil Zero Wii edition impressions.
Nothing is changed. Wii controls detailed.
Tons of info on Pokemon Platnium
Hits Sept. 13 in Japan, additions described.
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Recently Spotted:
robio (6m)
I've seen NMH lying around at my BB, but I can never man up enough to actually buy it.
So now fanboy is included in the dictionary? w00t!
Next year, they'll include pwnt.
And I'm worried about SUDA getting his hands on Fatal Frame, given the mixed reactions this guy's games usually get.
Is that Ravenprose updating
It's interesting how you guys update. HiRes packs info in the subtitle, Raven is putting the website source there. And I try and do it everything as short as possible or stick something funny in.
So tomorrow is me and Dvader
I have the power!! Now you can't stop me!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Ok GG I will go by the rules... for now.
Force Unleashed trailer has me giddy like a school girl.
GG that RE5 link takes me to some weird site.
I've never played a Fatal Frame game, so I'm hoping the series doesn't get messed up due to Grasshopper, SUDA, and Nintendo influence. The Wii definitely needs more creepy games.
The amount of updates we are getting is amazing, great job guys.
Anyway back at the GGD there is a thread about Cliffy saying he wants the Xbox 720 to be more like the wiimote. Well of course everyone is bashing the idea which is fine but I suggested at least getting IR sensors so you can aim, I think that is the best aspect of the wiimote and it can be applied to normal controlers with slight modifications. Well apparently no one can aim with a wiimote, the entire thread is filled with people that say aiming with a wiimote is worse than with sticks. People saying MP3 was a pain cause of it, that TP was better on GC cause of it, its insanity. Its not that I dont believe some of these guys, I trust that rag does have issues with aiming, but its the extent of the complaints that I don't get. Its like the idea of having IR sensors is the horrible thing on earth that baffles me about that thread.
Why is everyone suddenly using "reveal" as a noun? The associated noun is "revelation".
I've seen this phenomenon just in the last few weeks--hadn't seen it before--and it's grating on my pedantic nerves.
I don't have issues with aiming the wiimote at all. I was just backing up HiResDes, by saying that the opinion that aiming the wiimote is superior isn't a universal opinion. As I've said before, my main issue with the wiimote is my own laziness. I play laying in bed wrapped up in blankets, and a traditional pad is much more condusive to that.
edit: sorry for not being around here more. I've been cutting back on internet time.
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"
Aw man, the captain rainbow trailer doesn't work for me. I think anything flash or java related just isn't working on my browser at the moment
Oh that wii controller patent is obviously a GC shell that you plug the wii remote into. Looks like they may be phasing out the GC controller for good.
Yep, it's me, GG.
Yodariquo: Thanks for the RSS feeds tip you suggested a while back. That makes updating the news insanely easy and quick.
I hope so. Nintendo should've released something like that in the first place. I really don't care for having to switch between three different controllers just to play all of my games on Wii.
That could be sweet. I'd love it if it replaced the classic controller too. I like the idea of plugging the controller in directly instead of having it connected by a wire.
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"
Well Vader those people at GGD are plain wrong. It is not even a opinion but a scientific fact. If you want I can post some proof, but I will explain the gist of it. Analoge aiming is basically velocity based. You press left and how far left you press, detemines the velocity of your moving crosshair. While a pointer is position based, the crosshair moves to where you point it. A human is better able to do position based task than velocity based task, thats why a pointer is more accurate. The same applies to the mouse. You move it left a certain distance and the cursor moves a certain distance too. Also position based.
And by the way how would you put IR into a standard controller? Try grabbing a normal controller and aim at the screen, I bet it is not entirely intuitive. If you have IR you will need a controller shape that makes pointing intuitive. A shape like a pointing stick, laser pointer or a remote.
Yeah, there are a few crazy people out there.
Seriously though, I can't even fathom people saying that dual analogue is superior to wiimote aiming. Cannot even fathom it. On games with a static screen you get lightning fast, pixel perfect aiming, try the wii play duck hunt game for instance. You couldn't even begin to simulate that with a dual analogue. Same goes for the other light gun games.
Otherwise the wii controls have been abused. People play games with crap controls and assume that wiimote controls are bad. Play prime 3 on advanced for instance or pick up Medal of Honor Heroes 2 and tweak the controls to your liking. There is a learning curve, you have to play for at least an hour to get the hang of things, but wiimote aiming outclasses dual analogue by quite some distance. In a game where you have a frozen screen, Gears for instance, or Zelda when you arrow aim, or RE4, the wii can offer faaaaar superior controls.
Medal of Honor Heroes 2 even offers turning which is as fast as a PC, you can spin lightning fast and not lost any accuracy.
I sometimes play these games lying down and it can be done, but you have to have your system set up for it and be at the right distance. It's not an issue when I'm lying on the sofa in a large living room, but if you are cramped in a bedroom with the sensor bar too close I could understand.
Dunno. My only wiimote aiming experience is RE4. I loved it, but I don't know about first person controls.
I was saying to keep the exact same controlers, with a few modifications and add IR, you guys can have the option for the two sticks, they would still be there. One day controllers will change guys, you need to be open to adaptation, which is how I see that thread, as a thread of people completely opposed to any change.