Rumored Rock Band 2 Track List
Submitted by a QA who supposedly wrote down as many songs as he could remember, he came up with about 60 of the rumored 80 track list
Mercenaries 2: WiFi 'Recon' Trailer
Mercenaries 2 is a sandbox shooter for the 360,PS3, and PC platforms
Velvet Assassin 'Killer' Trailer
Velvet Assassin is an action game coming to the PC , 360
Patapon 2 Announced
Detailed in Famitsu, Sony has a sequel in the works for the PSP
High Quality Killzone 2 Screens
Most of the screens are old, but have not been seen at as high of quality as these
Trauma Center 2 Demo Available
Demo can be downloaded on the Nintendo Channel
Ngamer - Animal Crossing and Punch-out
says Animal Crossing is finished at not a MMO and Punch-out has balance board support
Resident Evil Zero Wii edition impressions.
Nothing is changed. Wii controls detailed.
Tons of info on Pokemon Platnium
Hits Sept. 13 in Japan, additions described.
Order by:
Recently Spotted:
robio (3m)
Only $80 for the Fable 2 Collector's Edition! Wow, we get a behind-the-scenes bonus disk and a useless Hobbe figurine! Woop-de-doo! That's definately worth an extra $20! (/sarcasm)
Seriously, WTF? Man, I remember not too long ago when bonus items as lame as these just came with the game for free. Sometimes I hate this industry.
Oh I know, I just think that nintendo is being so stingy with info that it's literally pointless even talking about it. I think the only nintendo related E3 things worth talking about are Kid Icarus and Animal crossing. I had a heart attack when I got my smash bros tom nook trophy. Are there no AC fighters in Smash?
GG said: at Nadal pics. Bravo.
GG please tell me you have seen the link I have posted! It is even better than 10 Rafa Nadal buttshots.
Sexiest tenis player ever
Edit: I accidentally deleted my first post. Oh well we are on the 2nd page anyways!
Fuck the Bonus Round. These stupid fuckers NEVER know what they are talking about. I remember their last Nintendo chat where they claimed that Galaxy was going to flop because they didn't know anyone intrested in it, as well as Zack and Wiki sold badly (when Capcom reported that it sold pretty well), as well as stating that the Wii was dying in Japan. I also loved how they contridicted themselves ridiculously. First they said in their last one that the Wii owners aren't core enough to like a 360, then the same exact episode 5 mintues later (literally) he states that Wii owners will probably move to the 360 so that they could play superior ports of games like Madden. Oh and don't even start with me about their "Are the Japanese culturally biased" episode. I didn't know what was more pathetic the fact that they didn't know what they were talking about as they had much incorrect info, or the fact that they didn't cover key points such as the history of the Japanese gaming scene and Western publishers, or the fact that they'd do something so ridiculous in the first place. I mean what kind of grown adult would even consider such a ridiculous thing? Just glancing at the media there would prove otherwise.
I seriously think I'm going to watch this episode just to be ammused by them. Let me guess they say something like "Nintendo doesn't have anything this year" (When E3 as well as the press event season is RIGHT around the corner), third parties in the Wii haven't been selling because their aren't any million seller "core games" this year, and some more stupid bullshit. Sorry for sounding so hostile but these dudes really piss me off.
Next big Tales game to be on Wii - First Tenchu, then Megaman, now Tales. So now the Wii IS stealing some "gmaer" franchises. Wonder what the fanboys will say now.
Boom Blox has long term sales trend? 250'000 sold so far - I have zero idea why people get the impression that if a game doesn't appear on the NPD that means bad sales. That is the best selling 30 games a month and much of those games tend to be AAA production. Even so those types of games need to sell a lot in their premier days due to them costing so much money to produced and that the whole "behemoth factor" disappears for the next big game. Though games like Boom Blox (along with No More Heroes and Zack and Wiki) don't need to get that because that isn't what they are shooting for. Those games just concentrate on the total sales which are usually a long term moderate thing.
One of the site's forefathers.
Tales is a franchise that spreads itself around alot. It was on GC and PS2, then DS and PSP, now Wii and 360 + new portable games.
Namco now saying that the next big tales game will be on wii is no suprise to me, as they will probably have another 3 versions on different platforms.
How do you use this PK freeze move of Lucas'?
Does Lucas' PSI magnet work to absorb normal kicks and punches?
Is Zero suit samus selectable or does she only come out once you have taken a certain amount of damage as Samus?
hold B and you can steer it, but it is very difficult to do correctly.
I think it is used for projectiles, but I do not know for sure.
Yes press shield button when selecting samus. Or you could use the taunt up, down, up quickly to get Sammy to strip. She also loses her suit after performing a final smash.
Lucas's and Ness's Up+B attacks seem to follow a stricter path now than Ness's did in Melee. They're also harder to hit people with, IMO.
The PSI magnet in Melee only stopped projectiles, energy (e.g. Samus's charge shot), and fire IIRC, so I'd assume it will do no more in Brawl.
What do you think of the controls and physics, GG? Try the characters you played as in Melee.
Man, Resident Evil 2 was so much better than Nemesis, going back to it. That 2nd senario playthrough just kicks so much ass. Mr.x for the win.
I also totally love the art in RE2, and the color of the world. IMO this is how the new RE games should be designed, just in a next-gen way. Not looking like Black Hawk Down.
EDIT: MR.X!!!!
I don't waste my money on this shit anymore. I used to get a lot of the "collector's Edition's" back around the early days of 360...until I realised that not only was I already being charged 10 bucks extra just for the games themselves, but then another 10 to 20+ dollars MORE just for a lame art book or some stupid trinket? I'm all set.
Its really amazing how much of a ripoff things have become just over the past few years.
After checking out some stuff on IGN, Youtube etc today, about all sorts of different topics, its become ubundantly clear that people should NOT be able to post comments about stories or anything else. Every single thing you read the comments to, just has a bunch of complete idiots arguing stupid shit, back and forth.
I feel a little stupider for reading some of it. Has anyone else reached this conclusion?
^^ Try reading youtube comments.
Anyone know where Yo is?
I wanted to get the permissions up. Today is suppossed to be the day of Iga and HiRes.
what now!!! GG you need to tell your methods and sites you are visiting. So we can do that too!
Thanks guys. As for the controls and physics it feels very similar to me. I can't really tell if there is a difference without going back to play melee which I sold a few years ago.
Now that we have a few smash owners in here, we should arrange an online match. Using my nifty news scheduling table I can find a time that would suit us all.
If you tell me your time in relation to GMT by using this: and let me know what times you are generally availible to play on. I can work something out.
I need some friend codes though to register so lemme have em.
I'm going to get started on tuesdays updates now. I had to work through a couple of things with Yo first, but yeah I want to get the permissions up as soon as possible and get things started this week. HiRes and Dvader will be on too so I hope they show up!
We need more guidance, tell us your secret fearless leader! We are lost without you.
About Smash I think we should have an Euro match first, because Europeans >> Americans nah just joking the reason is lag. See how the lag holds up and than try America. Do not try Aussieland. Foolz told me their internet is behind a few years.
I think you and I are the only europeans here
As for guidance, you guys don't need any IMO. When the permissions are up there will be an add articles link at the top of your GGWeekly page. You just add the link and title. Yodariquo has made it as simple as possible. NeoGAF is always good for news, it's always last on my list though and I only check the first two forum pages. You guys all use gonintendo anyway which is cool, IGN is great, all the channels, 1up etc. Gamasutra for developer info and articles.
Jesus man, has anyone checked out the gamespot conduit interview? Look at this question:
GameSpot: So, if the Wii can't match the 360 and the PS3 as far as the technical, graphical capabilities go, wouldn't it make graphics a moot point for the Wii? If you're going to be making a really nice, slick-looking game, why even bother with the Wii? Why not just go and make a 360 or PS3 game?
Wow Aquanaughts Holiday PS3 screens:
^That screen is crappy
^WTF is this about??
You know, looking at these pics, Endless Ocean holds up really well.
WTF are these things?^
Man that looks identical to Endless ocean^
^^^Is that made by the same guys? It looks like the exact same type of concept.
That Gamespot Conduit question just shows why Gamespot are retards now, and they obviously don't care much for Wii. How exactly is having graphics that push the Wii to its limit a "moot point"? Considering it is, in fact, so underpowered, isn't it then even MORE important to get the most out of it?
I didn't see anyone complaining about Metroid and Mario saying "ugh...why did they waste their time making the game so beautiful? I want N64 graphics damnit!"
Really, fucking moronic question. The kind of question that deserves a classic Dave Mustaine "you're an idiot" look (at the 2:50 mark):
Endless Ocean Wii shots for comparison.
video here:
Sperm Whale:
Commerson's dolphin:
and this little fella:
wing span around 2m
wing span over 6m: