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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 16:37:06

Is his pubic hair really longer than his penis?

Is it also true that he does not have pubic hair?

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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 16:46:47

Sony's Third-party support problem: This is one of the biggest problems when there are three big gaming platforms to support. There's only so much time and money out there, and it becomes even worse with current-gen HD games costing 3-5 times more than they did last gen. Sony benefited greatly last gen when the PS2 had the weakest hardware because all of the devs made games for it, and then ported up to Gamecube and Xbox (usually with only very minor improvements).  Now Sony's PS3 is in the Xbox 1's position (the most powerful hardware. Well, theoretically anyway), and they are complaining that their system isn't being used to its fullest. Do they not see that by releasing the most powerful console that they automatically doomed themselves to being a port-to machine?

The VG Press

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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 16:48:44

I have made the transfer, what you thought you could lose me? Arghh! I'm here to stay, I'm like herpes, or Carlos Mencia.

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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 16:59:50;jsessionid=27vetqpiog9ha

I don't know if this is going to work,  but I just wanted to share this Dead Space trailer. I think I might be one of very few people who are totally excited about this game, I just need my survival horror fix and I'm sure RE5 will not satisfy that specific desire.

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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 17:03:35

Whoa HiRes, what is with the code?

Stargate Atlantis uses DS Lites

Do you think that woman imported Touch Dic? LOL

I missed the 4th series, waiting for it to be repeated here in the UK on sky.

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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 17:04:58

I don't think we can embed videos here yet, hiresdes. If that's what's your trying to do.

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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 17:09:52
hiresdes said:;jsessionid=27vetqpiog9ha

I don't know if this is going to work,  but I just wanted to share this Dead Space trailer. I think I might be one of very few people who are totally excited about this game, I just need my survival horror fix and I'm sure RE5 will not satisfy that specific desire.

Not sure about that video. It reminds of Doom 3 crossed with RE4. In fact it really just looks like another RE4 rip with an event horizon setting. I think that army of two's failure kind of made me skeptical of these high budget EA games. It's good that they are trying and it could be pretty cool, I'm just sort of wary.

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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 17:17:11

oh dang, yeah I was trying to embed it, then I gave up and erased the code I thought, and then that funky stuff that you now see showed up that I had no part

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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 17:17:39
mikej said:

Sony's Third-party support problem: This is one of the biggest problems when there are three big gaming platforms to support. There's only so much time and money out there, and it becomes even worse with current-gen HD games costing 3-5 times more than they did last gen. Sony benefited greatly last gen when the PS2 had the weakest hardware because all of the devs made games for it, and then ported up to Gamecube and Xbox (usually with only very minor improvements).  Now Sony's PS3 is in the Xbox 1's position (the most powerful hardware. Well, theoretically anyway), and they are complaining that their system isn't being used to its fullest. Do they not see that by releasing the most powerful console that they automatically doomed themselves to being a port-to machine?

Well the problem is not having the most powerful hardware. Even if 360 was the most powerful it would still be the lead sku just because its what everyone started on.

PS3's problem is Sony was too comfortable raking in the fortunes of the PS2, and hence waited WAAAY too long to release a new machine. They really should have been the first out of the gate with new hardware. Instead, they effectively let MS turn the 360 into the new "playstation" by having a year head start (remember, PS2 had a year on Xbox and Gamecube) while not even trying to match the price by launching at the ridiculous $600 tag.

Now, they're still feeling the consequences of all that, and probably will for the rest of the generation regardless of what they do from this point on. Meanwhile, to keep up with Nintendo and MS, they've pretty much doomed themselves to releasing a new machine early, next-gen, or getting left behind once the other machines release.

Sony obviously knows this, and had to give Ken K his walking papers because of it. You'd have to make some serious fuckups to boot a guy of his caliber, and Sony must have realised that, no matter what successes the guy had previously, he was leading the PS brand on a path of destruction. And I doubt they will ever recover to the point they were at before this gen.


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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 17:19:56

BTW, it would be nice to have the page numbers at the top of the page instead of the bottom. And like GG said, those 1up post titles were cool too. Also, where are the smiley faces?


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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 17:39:47

In Sony's defence I think that they let MS get a year headstart partly because nintendo also were no where near release. I think that both companies sort of looked to eachother and thought that they could bide their time as long as both companies were set on a similar console lifespan.

They were also huge on blu-ray, because there was this widely held perception that the PS2 succeeded partly on the back of including DVD playback. And who knows, as Blu-ray is now the next gen DVD standard and as the PS3 price lowers you could see it easily overtaking the 360, especially when you factor in the japanese market which the 360 doesn't seem to be able to crack.

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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 17:45:44
edgecrusher said:
mikej said:

Sony's Third-party support problem: This is one of the biggest problems when there are three big gaming platforms to support. There's only so much time and money out there, and it becomes even worse with current-gen HD games costing 3-5 times more than they did last gen. Sony benefited greatly last gen when the PS2 had the weakest hardware because all of the devs made games for it, and then ported up to Gamecube and Xbox (usually with only very minor improvements).  Now Sony's PS3 is in the Xbox 1's position (the most powerful hardware. Well, theoretically anyway), and they are complaining that their system isn't being used to its fullest. Do they not see that by releasing the most powerful console that they automatically doomed themselves to being a port-to machine?

Well the problem is not having the most powerful hardware. Even if 360 was the most powerful it would still be the lead sku just because its what everyone started on.

PS3's problem is Sony was too comfortable raking in the fortunes of the PS2, and hence waited WAAAY too long to release a new machine. They really should have been the first out of the gate with new hardware. Instead, they effectively let MS turn the 360 into the new "playstation" by having a year head start (remember, PS2 had a year on Xbox and Gamecube) while not even trying to match the price by launching at the ridiculous $600 tag.

Now, they're still feeling the consequences of all that, and probably will for the rest of the generation regardless of what they do from this point on. Meanwhile, to keep up with Nintendo and MS, they've pretty much doomed themselves to releasing a new machine early, next-gen, or getting left behind once the other machines release.

Sony obviously knows this, and had to give Ken K his walking papers because of it. You'd have to make some serious fuckups to boot a guy of his caliber, and Sony must have realised that, no matter what successes the guy had previously, he was leading the PS brand on a path of destruction. And I doubt they will ever recover to the point they were at before this gen.

Yeah, your analysis does offer a much better explanation than mine, Edge.

edgecrusher said:

BTW, it would be nice to have the page numbers at the top of the page instead of the bottom. And like GG said, those 1up post titles were cool too. Also, where are the smiley faces?

Smiley's have to be typed in manually. HappyNyaa LOL WinkWink

The VG Press

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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 17:45:52
hiresdes said:;jsessionid=27vetqpiog9ha

I don't know if this is going to work,  but I just wanted to share this Dead Space trailer. I think I might be one of very few people who are totally excited about this game, I just need my survival horror fix and I'm sure RE5 will not satisfy that specific desire.

Are you part of the "Resident Evil isn't true survival horror anymore?"

In terms with the PS3. Well the reason is simple for both. In terms of it not gaining ground early. Well lets look at their history. The PS1 and PS2 suceeded due to the other console manufacturers being nincompoops. The SEGA Saturn had a CD-Drive and had a universal controller, but it mainly concentrated on 2D as to develop a 3D game on it was impossible. Not to mention that it was priced twice as high as the then mainstream console price. The Nintendo 64 supported 3D very well and had some real innovations but it used a fucking cartridge as a medium! The Playstation 1 was the only console with a head on its sholders. Okay 3D, Okay 2D, Great Controller, Great Medium, Okay to Develop for. That is why SONY succeeded because the other two companies completely fucked up. If the Nintendo 64 was priced at $300 with a CD-Drive it would've destoryed the other two systems.

The Playstation 2 went up against the Dreamcast lead by a company that was already about to pronounce bankrupecy. People always ask "Why did the Dreamcast die?", easy because SEGA was already next to dead and couldn't compete against SONY. So SONY had a free ride with the "high tech" DVD player.

The Playstation 3? It pretty much copied the PS2 the only difference is that #1 Blu-Ray was WAYYYYY too new of a medium (it didn't even beat HD-DVD yet?). And went up agasint Microsoft (the richest company in the world). And not to mention Nintendo who came out of nowhere. Not to mention that they completely missed the casual fanbase ($600?). To me there is no question to why this system is failing. SONY is used to running a launch with morons competeing against them in the race in that time frame not a smart company and a potential genius.

In terms of software, well once a upon a company called Nintendo geared their consoles as being "the console for Nintendo games". Thus people started buying mostly Nintendo titles instead of third parties. SONY's? Once upon a time a company named SONY wanted their consumer base to buy their system due to what SONY specializes in, media features. Eventually their consumers focused too much on MP3's, Bluray's, UMD's, Piracy, and what not and stopped buying games all together. I just got out of high school and while people may experience different things, what I expereinced from being there, I remember that EVERYONE who owned a PSP almost NEVER used it for gaming other then Madden. UMD's? At times. Video Downloads? Yes. MP3's? Yes. Games? Outside of Madden? Lulz. Again to me there is no reason why SONY can't sell that much software as before. The PS3 has a LOWER attach rate then the Wii...that alone tells me how well its software is doing.

One of the site's forefathers.

Play fighting games!

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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 18:54:29

Yeah I miss the title thing.

New metal gear game a prequel, please make a remake of MG1 and MG2, those deserve to have their stories told with today's tech.

RE5 will never be a 360 exclusive.  Why would they assume that there is big news at E3 means that, all it probably means is that they will show off the co-op.

Oh and Clone Wars looks good. Rental for sure.

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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 19:22:09

....but I don't know how to do smiley's manually.

BTW, we need the smiley's from the Pantera boards. They rule.


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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 20:12:53
edgecrusher said:

....but I don't know how to do smiley's manually.

BTW, we need the smiley's from the Pantera boards. They rule.

Sorry about that, I should've included a key with my last post. Here you go (note: there's no space in between the two parts) :

: ) = Happy

: P = Nyaa

; ) = WinkWink

: ( = Sad

: D = Grinning

:lol : = LOL

: O = GASP

I couldn't find yodariquo's key from 1UP, but I think these are all of them.

The VG Press

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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 21:10:44
foolz said:

Is his pubic hair really longer than his penis?

Is it also true that he does not have pubic hair?

I now see why he hacked an entire comment section on 1Up so that every comment said "Foolz sucks" in it. WinkWink

Does anybody have any estimates on how long they think before WiiFit will have a price drop? Because I want it, but I'm not paying that much for it.

Also, those Rune Factory pictures a page back reminded me that Harvest Moon Wii will eventually come out. Damn all of these great things coming out between the very end of August and October, when I will be at university in a strange town and probably not have the ballz to go on an adventure out to buy them. After downloading the Spore Creature Creator (trial version) I am quite looking forward to that, assuming my relatively-new computer (or laptop I will undoubtedly get for university) will run it.

In the complaints department, I thought that there would be one of these comment pages for EACH news article instead of one giant one. If this page ever becomes popular (30+ regular members), it's going to be extremely cluttered in here.

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Sun, 22 Jun 2008 21:49:02

"Within an hour [after posting], Atari called to have the review pulled off, claiming there was an embargo till Friday," Bergervoet said in a comment to Shacknews. "Our review copy was sent directly to us by Atari and [was] not a pirated copy. They explicitly told [] that they only let high scoring reviews break the post-release embargo date."

Oh noes, publishers are sueing over low review scores now!

Man, telling reviewers not to publish review scores before a certain date unless they are favorable is pretty damn low and shouldn't be legally allowed. Atari should be sued for trying to mislead the public.

The VG Press

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