Ex-Metroid Prime devs were working on a Mega Man FPS reboot
Videos and screens released for now cancelled Capcom project
polygon.com media
Nintendo's Kyoto headquarters being constructed
Photos may or may not include a giant ape rolling barrels at workers
iFixit Tears Down Oculus Rift
A peek inside the Oculus Rift and its hardware.
ifixit.com media news
VG Leaks: BC for NextBox if you buy a separate add on
From a (separate) discless unit that will be networked with the Durango
Rayman Legends Wii U full online mode download soon
new challenges will be added on a daily and weekly basis, each one with its own set of leaderboards.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist confirmed for Wii U
Nintendo's Third-Party Partners Rolling Out Great Wii U Games
PlayStation 4 developers have access to 7 GB RAM
The remaining 1 GB is reserved for the operating system and background tasks.
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Megaman FPS
Zeschuck needs a reality check. SWTOR "doing really well" my hairy Canadian ass. It was the most expensive game ever made at the time (and still may be) costing well in excess of a hundred million and sold nowhere near that level of sucess costing the publisher a ridiculous amount of money. SWTOR is a resounding failure. There is a reason people call it TORtanic. It is doing better than BEFORE on a free to play model but doing better than shit is still only doing slightly better than shit.
This game was a disaster.
So this year Wii U is getting or already has:
Not bad, regardless if they are multiplats or not, you can get them on U, usually with offscreen play and more. Hopefully Nintendo will ignite a rocket up its ass at E3, we already have confirmed Mario Kart, Zelda 2, Zelda WW, Mario Platformer, X. Still have to see what Retro is cooking up.
BTW I don't see the point of this blackgate handheld Batman. They should have just made this with sparkling new assets and 3D on 3DS:
Rayman Legends delay: 'I wasn't shocked by the backlash,' says Michel Ancel
Silver lining:
Anyone here buy Dead Island? Deep Silver was a pretty average publisher but it bought two of THQs hand offs so is now more important?
Dead Island got a 71 on Metacritic, I always thought it piggybacked on Dead Rising's sucess? Am I wrong or is it a good game? Most sites gave it a 7.0 or lower.
Batman Origins Blackgate info:
Batman Origins info:
"Porting Arkham City to Wii U let the team get familiar with Unreal 3 "
Seems Wii U Arkham City did have a purpose, it gave them experience for this new game. Let's hope they drop vsync when things get hectic and stablise the framerate.
Oh, ok then.
That portable Batman game sounds incredible, kind of like Shadow Complex. Both games seem like must buys ATM.
Oh Batman sounds good. Though does every game need to follow the AC method of opening the map, completing a tower.
How fucked up would that be. "Oh we could have done this all along but we wanted to screw you guys for a gen, now its ok to be offline."
Every major PS3 game coming out this year is not a FPS. Last of Us, Beyond, Puppetteer, Sly Cooper. Why would anyone think that the PS4 will just have FPS when the majority of Sony's best games are not.
That is an odd statement. The Sony brand is hardly known for FPS.
Oh I fully agree. A couple of you seem to have misunderstood my post.
I was merely explaining why MS would be intransigent on doing a backflip on this if they chose to. GG thinks it's a simple technical fix, which is true, the more difficult thing would be for a corporation like MS, having made this decision, to about face on it.
(re-read my original post for details).
You are playing an amazing game right now looking at you trophy pic.
Saints Row The Third was developed and published prior to Deep Silver acquiring Volition. So rest assured this excellent game has nothing to do with Deep Silver.
Hey, it was a free DL for buying Infinite. Why not relive a classic?
I told you Blacklist was coming to Wii U GG.
If its close to the PC version graphically I may get the Wii U version. I'm actually considering Deus Ex on the U too just cuz I love that game & it looks great on the U.