Tiger to Share Cover on PGA Tour 11
Elin doesn't get half, some Irish guy does.
sportbusiness.com news
Will Wright talks Wii
Says its a toy market, talks Nintendo investment in software
gamedaily.com editorial
Sneak Peak at Warner Bros FPS
Video here including American Idol's Randy Jackson
bigdownload.com news
Max and the Magic Marker review
The physics engine is as rigid as World of Goo, and the concept is as orginal as Lost Winds.
thehanafudatimes.com impressions
Y's Vs Legend of Heroes Date Set
RPG titans join forces. Should be amazing.
andriasang.com news
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No condom for the Arc? Have they learnt nothing from Nintendo?
Gee...I am asking myself the same question.
Oh ok its based on the movies and you will have to shoot different ways in some levels. Somewhat interesting...
By the time Nintendo puts out a WiiHD nobody but Nintendo fans will care since the PS3 will be doing all that for eons by then. Nintendo's gonna need another hook for their next machine, or go back to directly competing tech-wise. Ohterwise, I can't see them ever duplicating Wii's success again.
No. That will be implemented 6-months later in The Dual ShArc 2.
Only Socom used it in the entire conference.
Quick! Someone get Pachter on the phone!
The wand has a main button surrounded by the four PS face buttons and a trigger. The sub-controller as they call it has an analog stick right above a d-pad and a trigger I think.
That's good, I was afraid I was going to be seeing nothing but blue balls.