Renegade Kid interview
DSiWare plans, next game coming at E3, cannot comment on Son of the Dragon cancellation
Cave Story blog updat
Cave Story ‘very done’, Pixel interview coming soon to Nintendo Channel
Little Kings Story Telegraph review
"treads its own path with complete confidence in itself. And that is truly regal."
Six Year Old Boy Asks for name change to Sonic X
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Gee thanks!
So no more playing Animal Crossing online, with tension?
LOL, you guys know the feeling I see.
So blurry. And that's what it will look like on your TV screen
Updates done
Not me, I am a robot. I have no feelings.
That's what happens when you ride the Hapticmaster for so long.
Going by the demo, monster behavior is going one of the biggest attractions of Monster Hunter 3. From their animations to their dinosaur-like cries, both Dosujagi and Kuripeko are very lifelike. They're also fierce about protecting themselves, in contrast to some of the more peaceful creatures grazing about the world who won't run away from you until you start slashing at them.
Outside of fighting these two creatures, the Monster Hunter 3 demo has another area of play that has managed to suck up a good amount of our time: simply walking around. It's fun to just run around and explore the world, as not only is it among the best looking worlds we've yet to see on the Wii, but there's so much variety. You'll go from a shore to forests and caverns, and can even submerge yourself underwater for a few swimming sections. It's hard to believe that this is just one of what will be many worlds of play in the final. If they all have this much variety and detail, the hunting part of the game may end up taking a back seat initially.
Nintendo has announced via its Japanese website that the Wii no Ma video download service will go live on May 1.
The advertising-based service, which will initially be offered in Japan only, is a collaboration between Nintendo, which will handle its development and management, and media firm Dentsu, which will be responsible for sourcing original video content.
Upon launch users will be able to download the Wii no Ma Channel for free from the Wii Shopping Channel, reports Andriasang. They can then register up to eight Miis for the service, which appears in the style of a virtual living room.
As well as original programming, which has yet to be detailed, the Wii no Ma Channel will feature a space for partner companies. This area will offer promotional videos for products, and users will be able to have product samples delivered to a pre-registered address.
DSi owners will be able to connect to the service by downloading a free program called Dokodemo Wii no Ma (Anywhere Wii no Ma) from the DSi Shop from May 1. They will then be able to download programming to their handheld for viewing on the go.
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has previously confirmed that he would like to roll the service out in the west if it is successful in Japan.
A Japanese video detailing the service can be viewed here.
Do any of you have the slightest idea what a HapticMaster is, and what it can do?
If any of you are interested, you can read what is here!
Yeah, it's something...for...the...anus...of you euro guys. No?
Haptic technology is a lot more useful than our uncivilized friends here consider it to be. Beyond Iga's anal stimulation use, there are many things that are made possible with haptic tech, ranging from telesurgery and neuroscience research to videogame tech, including force feedback steering wheels and vibration ("rumble") devices found in PCPS360Wii controllers.
I'm still puzzled as to why would you want a haptic device for, Iga. Besides backdoor pleasure, that is.
Yep, but you only mention a small scope of applications. It can also be used in tele-operation (not just surgery, but for example controlling a mechanical hand in a radio-active zone), guidance (create hard virtual constraints to guide a tool, like a ruler makes drawing a straight line easier) and force generation.
I will be using it to eliminate high frequencies to improve welding. So if you weld, all your uncontrolled vibrations will be suppresed. Hopefully this will make welding easier for the non expert welders. The airbrush is used to simulate welding, so instead of welding you are painting lines. This will be my Master Thesis.
All these attempts to justify his anal perversion come off as pathetic. Like someone who'a equally at home dining out of dumpsters and fine french restaurents.
And my Master Thesis, best.thesis.ever!
Such is a person I wouldn't pay attention to.
Or how was it?
I forgot.
(such a person is a guy I don't pay an attention to) but not really something to get upset about.
I interrupt this discussion about anal probes to bring you Uncharted 2 news, it will have online co-op, that will be separate from the single player, and versus. Sounds cool.
So I went to Target to buy Endless Ocean... not there.
I stopped by two Blockbusters cause they have some clearances going on. I found Professor Layton for $10, Rogue Galaxy for $7, De Blob for $20 and Sly Cooper 2 for $3. I plan to visit more Blockbusters to find what other games I could find. My major goal is to get Bioshock for $20, I heard its on clearance, that I would get in a second. So suggestions, De Blob maybe but then I cant get other games, I only want to spend $20.
Unless fun platformers with awesome soundtrack, fresh approach to gameplay and endearing characters aren't your thing.
Thats one for De Blob. Need more, I'm leaving to hunt soon so I need votes in now.
Clearances like these happen all the time...
I am almost going to say screw it and just wait for a new flow of games.