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Well, that's true depending upon your point-of-view. The way I see it, I will eventually buy another game anyway, this way I get $10 off that game or I can just consider it a $10 savings on AC. Either way, I saved $10.
Shane was so annoying. I sort of knew he would have that opinion in this chat as I remember his sucky preview of the game that basically moaned that it wasn't Halo. I remember writing this fake Gamespot Mario Galaxy review and it was basically Shanes Metroid Prime 3 1up preview with the words "Metroid Prime 3" replaced with "Mario Galaxy"
Here is that preview: I still wouldn't wipe my ass with it.
My fake review is below
OVERVIEW: On its own merits, Super MarioGalaxy is a solid game with a really distinctive look and some great moments, but it also has its fair share of shortcomings, it's on Wii for a start.
Several key changes and enhancements make this the most refined Mario to date, and Nintendo is reportedly proud to be releasing it up against another similar platformer: Sony's Rachet and Clank.
But is that really a fair match-up? Although the previous mario titles may have looked like rachet-esque platformers, the underlying gameplay (heavy on exploration and platforming) stayed remarkably close to the oldschool 2Dmarios of yore. However, in moving Mario to Wii, Nintendo Tokyo has made it more of a rachet rip offthan ever by copying nearly everything about the series, including spherical 3-D worlds.
The manner in which Galaxy presents its narrative feels like a step forward for the franchise, expanding the previous game's underwhelming FMVs with scripted events delivered Half-Life **** The story itself -- a seemingly predictable follow-up to Sunshine that has the villainous DarkBowser kidnapping the princess-- amounts to little more than a premise for some old-fashioned space hopping. Honestly, the presentation and scripting seem amateurish compared to what's going on in mega budget productions such as Halo 3 and Heavenly Sword.
Similarly, it's tough to stack Galaxy's graphics against what you'll see in games on other consoles. As expected, the same sublime artistry and cohesive aesthetic sensibility from the previousmario titles return here, but at the same time, this looks awfully close to its GameCube forerunners. A few new blur effects and a rock-solid frame rate give it a negligible "next gen" sheen and crispness, but one look at the hyperdetailed, evocative visuals in BioShock will make the most ardent Wii-faithful envious. So, given the hardware's innate graphical limitations,Galaxy generally makes the best of it and stays the course, delivering an eye-pleasing, imaginative quest through wild alien worlds. Likewise, the appropriately otherworldly soundtrack carries on the same frivalous vibe we've all come to love, remixing ****c themes and layering on the foreboding choruses.
This game has an uphill struggle to even make par...... where are the guns? At least Mario sunshine had the FLUDD, it kinda of looked likea gun and you could shoot things, but here? ........ nothing. It's a wasted opportunity that this game could have had high definition graphics and guns yet eschewed these obvious standards for mushrooms and turtles. What is going onNintendo? Also, we could do without the motion sensing nonsense. Whereas the traditional controls of past mario games made them feel deep and adventuresome, thel oose and complicated waggle controls screw things up here.
And the sounds that come out of the speaker sound really harsh, if only you could turn this off or reduce the volume? WHY ISN'T THERE THIS OPTION NINTENDO?!
Once you get past the excitement over the fact that the latest Mario game is finally here, you'll find a game that's generally pleasing but heavily reliant on a few new moves that seem more like gimmicks than gameplay innovations.
Also the game is so cute it may turn you into a serial killer. The addition of a machine gun with a chainsaw attachment would have made this game so much better and in this day and age, how can a game like this get away with no online arena modes?
No idea about the podcasts on youtube.
Seriously though, I know Metroid Prime 3 may not have PS3 graphics, but on an SDTV it can still look beautiful. Rock solid 60 FPS, beautiful lighting and effects, details. Put it on an HDTV and it adds jaggies because it's scaling up the image to lines that don't exist in the original picture output.
Even these screens don't do it justice.
I spent a lot of the game staring about in wonder at beautiful it looked in many areas. The first section and world are no great shakes, but from Skytown onwards it's uphill all the way. The pirate homeworld is stunning as is that derelict ship. I've played a ton of High Definition next gen games and this game still stands out as probably one of the most beautiful looking games I have played. Some of the detail on the floors was extravagant and bewilderingly beautiful. Its art is sublime compared to most titles.
Not the full podcasts, but I know you can download excerpts. I know for GFW you can, and that's always a good thing.
I disagree with you here GG. The game was stunning the moment you entered Bryyo and saw the mini moons chained on the surface. The lava part with the arcane machinery and the melon-spikey forest thingy are awesome too. Bryyo truely looks alien, no ice, water, lava things cliches here.
Many critique the first two part of the games (Norion and Valhalla) because they are not as alien and spectacular as the other levels, but that is to be expected, they are human made. But even those areas are brimming with details. Norion is very creepy once you get back there to retrieve a energy cell.
In conclusion Metroid Prime 3 rocks and all the people who scored it lower than 9.0 are Foolz
I bought MP3 a year ago, and I still haven't finished it (bored with 3D Metroid games). It does look very pretty, though.
Edgecrusher, some of the user comments to Shane B's Metroid Prime 3 preview.
These are all from unique users.
"but one look at the hyperdetailed, evocative visuals in BioShock will make the most ardent Wii-faithful envious." Come on. Everyone knows that the Wii's hardware limits the visuals. Why do journalists have to bring it up at every opportunity thrown at them? So biased it hurts.
"You call yourselves journalists? That's some funny shit, considering Gamerankings places you a -9.6% below the average Wii review score. This site is some biased trash and that was the most worthless preview I have ever read in my life. I'm glad I decided to stop posting actively on these forums. Thank god your pathetic ass website is nearly bankrupt and about to go under. At least IGN gave us some real fucking info. All this ignorant dickhead did was compare the game to a bunch of shit that's not even related to it."
"Hello! Thanks for telling us, in almost every paragraph, that the graphics aren't up to par with the other systems. Glad you kept repeating that in different ways so we wouldn't get confused! Give me a freakin break! So, I suppose graphics are the ONLY thing that matter know since that was obviously the focus of this preview...not the new control scheme (barely mentioned) or anything else about the game. Only the graphics matter according to this reviewer. Well thanks for making my decision on which site review to won't be this one"
"Why is this douchbag previewing this?"
"This guy is like a sony fanboy, all he does is compare it to the the other hi-def games, and honestly graphics do not make a game great."
" had to log in just to say this... I am SO sick of hearing previews and reviews for Wii games say something along the lines of "it doesn't look as 'next-gen' as Xbox 360 or PS3 games". Guess what? It's not a Xbox 360 or PS3 game. It's a Wii game. For the Wii. It should be judged by its own merits as a game for that particular system. "
"Odd. IGN reviewed the same part of the game and said the visuals were far superior to the other metroids and went on and on about how great it looked. I wonder if the guys at 1up bothered to get the component cables fot the Wii. "
"Shane Bettenhaussen is one of the best 1up reviewers, but this time he lost his focus. We already know that Wii graphics can't and never will compete with PS3 graphics or X360 graphics. There is no point in comparing graphics from Bioshock to MP3. It's a loss of time. Also, I don't see the point in remarking the lerning curve. Let's face it, ALL wii games have a lerning curve!!! I'm more interested in what the control scheme adds to the game experience once you have accustomed to it. Unfortunately, the writter doesn't elaborate on this aspect. Anyway, I'm waiting for the complete review of the game. This preview doesn't tell much about its interesting aspects. "
"I am so tired of "it doesn't look as good as other next gen games" crap! To STILL compare them is dumb. It is like comparing a BMW to a Hyundai. Yes, we all know the BMW is better but the Hyundai is still a good car in its own right. All Wii games should be compared to similar powered machines and not compare them to a system that is technically out of it's class "
"Halo 3? Bioshock? Heavenly Sword? What game are we previewing here? People read this to find out more about Metroid Prime 3, so it doesn't help comparing to other "megabudget" productions. Also, allow me to quote you here: "Similarly, it's tough to stack Corruption's graphics against what you'll see in first-person games on other consoles." Then, three sentences later: "So, given the hardware's innate graphical limitations, Corruption generally makes the best of it and stays the course, delivering an eye-pleasing, imaginative quest through wild alien worlds." People play MP on the Wii. Does it really matter what groundshattering graphics Bioshock or Halo have? Don't you think it would have been better to only compare Wii games to Wii games?"
"I've played about 5 hours of BioShock, and it's got great art direction, sure. But everything else is kinda passe. The only reason I'm still playing it and not selling it on eBay is that everyone and their grandmother is telling me to continue. Frankly, BioShock (to me) seems like a loose hybrid of Psi-Ops, Half-Life 2, and Clock Tower 3. But Psi-Ops had better "psychic" abilities, Half-Life was more immersive, and Clock Tower had more thrills. (There's no death penalty in this game). Oh well. "
"Did anyone see the Broken Pixels episode (episode 5) where Shane, Crispin, and Seanbaby all play Red Steel? Now granted, the game wasn't great, but they purposefully avoid following the ON SCREEN directions to relay an idea that the game is impossible to control. Look at the video. You can actually see the instructions they are ignoring. They actually say "How many years do we have in the video game industry, and we don't know what the f**k to do to beat this guy." It was funny, only if you believe what they are saying, and ignore the fact that the instructions are there on the screen to be read. It just shows a standard for these guys. I just happened to stumble on this preview. Now it's set in stone - I'm only here for retronauts"
"Well, I'm a multiplataform owner but I'm not a moron. To say that Metroid Prime 3 graphics are not like Bioshock's is one of the most unnecessary and redundant statments I've ever read. That's why people are complaining. I mean, was that comment really necessary? He could tell so many other things about the game, instead he chose to simply make stupid comparisons. I doubt he is stupid, he just chose not to mention several superb aspects of the game and make it all the little flaws (which really aren't flaws) seen like a big deal. Why would he do this? Well, I don't think that you are stupid either, so the conclusion is pretty much clear."
"Is it just me or are 1up Wii haters? I just started visiting the site, forums and listenning to the podcast in the last few months and it seems that whenever Wii is mentioned, it's just outright slammed, or given little consolation. Does the 1up crew honestly think that the Wii really is just sub par, and that all games should be measured against other console's graphics and cinematics? "
"Summary of the preview: Teh Grafix!!! Teh Halo!! Teh Bioshock!!! Teh Next Gen!!!Teh Voice acting is amateurish!!!! This game will be lucky to get an 8 on 1up. You are insane if you think that Shane will stop sucking Kaz Hirai's cock to give this game a decent review. There's a reason Gamespot is the number on videogame site on the net and 1up isn't even in the top 5 "
"That preview was terrible 1up. Honestly, nobody should bother reading that preview at all. To Summarize: Preview of MP3 by a total Bot This game is not Halo 3. Why is this game not Halo 3? Also, it is not Bioshock. It is not even Heavenly Sword. Why would I bring up Heavenly Sword in a preview of Metroid Prime 3? I don't know, but this game certainly is not Heavenly Sword. A couple maneuvers are a little tricky at first. I wish this game were Halo 3. What kind of a reviewer compares some of the best graphics on the Wii to Bioshock? Fuck Bioshock, MP3 looks great. It takes a sad and amateurish reviewer to compare the graphics of a Wii game to those of more powerful consoles, especially when this game could possibly have passed for a 360 launch game if it had been in 720p. Whatever, this game is going to be great, terribly written preview or not. "
"To me he sounds like a Halo fanboy, yes. Some people say that he is a PS3 fanboy. Actually I don't care, cuz in his position he shouldn't be allowed to be fanboy AT ALL. And this preview clearly isn't a fair one. The whole comparisson with Halo 3 and Bioshock graphics is just... stupid, I would say. I mean, the guy said that it's hard to press the down button and the gameplay takes 2 hours to get used to. Wtf is this? When I played (yes, I played the game) I got the controls with 15 minutes. If you think that the guy is "awesome", hey, good for you. I think this site has far better editors."
"That preview was sad. Very, VERY sad"
"I dont care about the preview. I just want that someone else write the review, because if Shane does, well, expect an 8.0, lot's of Halo 3 fanboyish talk and some retarded statements like "Metroid Prime 3 graphics isn't even close to Bioshock graphics". "
"When 1up reviews Halo 3 in a few months.. they better talk about how the controls dont stack up to Metorid Prime 3. If they dont.. then that is proof that they are biased reviewers who are out of touch with what is going on in gaming. 1up is biased against the Wii and is stuck in this ancient way of thinking that graphics are the only thing that matters in games. Period. When Metroid sets the presedence for controls on a 1st person shooter, I want to hear about how all FPS afterwards on the 360 and PS3 dont stack up. "
"Heh. I knew they would found a hundred insignificant "flaws" in the game and make it a big deal. I just knew it. Why not mention the polish of the game. The flawless level design. The little polished details. The amazing boss battles. The great soundtrack and voice... nah, this isn't worth mentioning. All you guys need to know is that the game supposely is Gamecubish, the game now is a FPS that copy Halo franchise, the sub-menus suck, the presentation is amateurish and the game is nothing like Halo 3 and Bioshock. That's it guys, that's all you need to know. Seriously, why bring Halo 3 up to this hands on so often? This is so fanboy... the games are nothing like each other and everybody knows it. I'm willing to bet that they'll give an 8.5 to the game and say "hey, it's a great grade!". "
"the cinematics aren't "professional enough" and "the graphics dont compare to 360 games" Here's an idea numb nuts, rent brokeback mountain and throw your wii out the Window you're obviously too much of a fucking re**** to appreciate it "
"Who ever wrote this article should be fired. I dont think I have ever read a more biased article. Instead of talking about the game Metroid Prime 3, you compared it to other first person shooters and did a poor job of that. You obviously are in love with the Halo type of FPS. Why didn't you comment on how "last gen" Halo's controls are? Sure the visuals in Halo is more impressive than Metroid, but comparing the two games, you have to be as critical of Halo as you are of Metroid. Give Metroid the props it deserves."
Skytown was by far my favorite part of Corruption, and I think its also the best looking part. All those little robots flying around made some great atmosphere.
My HDTV must work better with Wii than most, because I tried the game on my old CRT and I really saw no difference in the quality. The only thing that bothers me is that on my Plasma Corruption does not fill the screen. I have bars on the sides which annoys me. Yet something like Zack & Wiki is full widescreen....go figure.
Did you finish the first Prime?
The trashed Valhalla was stunning, the opening scene when Samus' ship lands with a space nebula of red gases behind her looks like FMV it's so good. There are parts of Bryyo and Norien that look good, the lava bits in particular but on the whole I wasn't a fan. I did like the snow part of Bryyo. The other levels like Skytown or the space pirate homeworld just looked better and better.
Then it's possible that you have a bad CRT. Not all TVs are made the same. I plugged my cube into two different 14" CRTs and the difference was phenomenal.
Try it on a great CRT with components. I have tried wii on various HDTVs and the difference between how it looks on my great Sony CRT is stark. The picture is blown up and so is not nearly as crisp as it is on an SDTV, it's almost like losing resolution because the HDTV is blowing everything up and spreading it across a large screen. Only the wii outputs 420 lines and your TV is trying to emulate that across either 720 or 1080 lines artificially; when the lines don't exist in the original output.
You lose colour, jaggies appear where there were no jaggies. And truly if the game doesn't output in progressive you are truly screwed because it's far easier for an HDTV to convert a progressive picture than an interlaced one.
This goes for other SD consoles, I tried my Xbox with components on an HDTV. Ninja gaiden looked like crap! And don't even get started on Dreamcast
You know the Space Pirate home world caught me off-guard. I expected a greenish slimey alien world like in all the other sci-fi movies. I never expected a black red design. The thing was fucking awesome.
What you do not like chained moons and spikey melons?! What's wrong with you?
Yes. I started getting bored with the Prime games near the end of MP2 which I also never finished. I thought I'd like MP3 better since it has much improved controls, but alas, no.
I have an awesome CRT, actually. Its what I played all my Gamecube, PS2, Xbox games on. Its a modern Sony CRT. 36 inch and heavy as fuck. With a flat screen.
Yeah I really didn't see a difference. Maybe very slight cleaner look. One game I saw a huge difference in was Tomb Raider Anniversary, which isn't surprising since its basically a PS2 game on Wii anyway.
My CRT has component, but the quality is no different from S-video since it doesn't do progressive scan anyway. So I just used S-video for my old systems.
My biggest fears of getting an HDTV confirmed. I play a lot of old games on my SDTV, and I'd hate it if they looked like crap on an expensive HDTV. I'm just going to stick with SD for as long as I can then; I really don't care about HD anyway.
Alas yes, the pacing in Prime 3 is much better than the first two. Unless you are like Yoda and play too conservatively with the Hyper mode. That thing is made to be abused, so abused it. How far did you get?
And yes the key collecting in Prime 2 is horribly annoying.
I got the ice Missile upgrade, and quit playing shortly afterwards.
Yeah and the Metroid creche was pure Metroid atmosphere, and lets not forget, you get to build your own nuclear bomb.