Alan Wake looks incredible!!! Now if I only knew what in the hell is it?!?!?!
You should try reading a Stephen King or Dean Koontz book set in a small town. I think this game will have a great atmosphere and production values but I'm still doubtful over the gameplay. These guys made Max Payne so immediately I'm thinking, linear, shallow but fun.
Seriously, if Zelda uses Wii Motion Plus and has visuals as good as say Monster Hunter 3, I think people will be wowed.
I'm hoping for a return to cel-shading for the next Zelda along with MotionPlus support. That sorta-realistic look of Twilight Princess just doesn't look nearly as nice to me as Wind Waker's cel-shaded world. That was like a cartoon coming alive! IGN recently had an article about what they'd like to see in a new Zelda, and even they think Zelda should return to cel-shading; they just don't want child Link to return. I honestly don't care if it's child or adult Link, I just want more Celda!
I'm sure most of you guys will disagree with me on this, though.
Seriously, if Zelda uses Wii Motion Plus and has visuals as good as say Monster Hunter 3, I think people will be wowed.
I'm hoping for a return to cel-shading for the next Zelda along with MotionPlus support. That sorta-realistic look of Twilight Princess just doesn't look nearly as nice to me as Wind Waker's cel-shaded world. That was like a cartoon coming alive! IGN recently had an article about what they'd like to see in a new Zelda, and even they think Zelda should return to cel-shading; they just don't want child Link to return. I honestly don't care if it's child or adult Link, I just want more Celda!
I'm sure most of you guys will disagree with me on this, though.
Zelda should try to look more like the concept art!
^^I had a poster of this
Kizuna is a game that looks almost the same as its concept art. Zelda should try to do the same.
Seriously, if Zelda uses Wii Motion Plus and has visuals as good as say Monster Hunter 3, I think people will be wowed.
I'm hoping for a return to cel-shading for the next Zelda along with MotionPlus support. That sorta-realistic look of Twilight Princess just doesn't look nearly as nice to me as Wind Waker's cel-shaded world. That was like a cartoon coming alive! IGN recently had an article about what they'd like to see in a new Zelda, and even they think Zelda should return to cel-shading; they just don't want child Link to return. I honestly don't care if it's child or adult Link, I just want more Celda!
I'm sure most of you guys will disagree with me on this, though.
I will disagree, not that I don't love the cel shaded WW style. But the monumental amount of bitching about it and now having this turn around of people wanting zelda to go back to it annoys me in general. TP outsold WW by a good amount and people seem to be settled on the realistic style. In Twilight Princess' defence in relation to art style, the graphics weren't even the best visuals on gamecube. If they had been as good as RE4 in the same style that it had we wouldn't complain. Thankfully it was developed on cube hardware so a new engine and using the Wii hardware should allow it to improve much in the same way that prime 3 or mario galaxy got a visual boost.
I have feeling that nintendo might shock everyone by doing some crazy ass zelda concept like four swords on GC or a top down Phantom Hourglass style game controlled via IR.
Seriously, if Zelda uses Wii Motion Plus and has visuals as good as say Monster Hunter 3, I think people will be wowed.
I'm hoping for a return to cel-shading for the next Zelda along with MotionPlus support. That sorta-realistic look of Twilight Princess just doesn't look nearly as nice to me as Wind Waker's cel-shaded world. That was like a cartoon coming alive! IGN recently had an article about what they'd like to see in a new Zelda, and even they think Zelda should return to cel-shading; they just don't want child Link to return. I honestly don't care if it's child or adult Link, I just want more Celda!
I'm sure most of you guys will disagree with me on this, though.
I will disagree, not that I don't love the cel shaded WW style. But the monumental amount of bitching about it and now having this turn around of people wanting zelda to go back to it annoys me in general. TP outsold WW by a good amount and people seem to be settled on the realistic style. In Twilight Princess' defence in relation to art style, the graphics weren't even the best visuals on gamecube. If they had been as good as RE4 in the same style that it had we wouldn't complain. Thankfully it was developed on cube hardware so a new engine and using the Wii hardware should allow it to improve much in the same way that prime 3 or mario galaxy got a visual boost.
I have feeling that nintendo might shock everyone by doing some crazy ass zelda concept like four swords on GC or a top down Phantom Hourglass style game controlled via IR.
I never complained about cel-shading in Zelda WW. In fact, I was absolutely blown away by the style when I first saw it. I agree that a new realistic Zelda on Wii will most likely look a ton better than TP, but I really don't like that dark look as much in Zelda games.
"Here's something you probably didn't know: Twilight Princess, for all of its hype, sold worse than The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. Well, kind of, anyway. Wind Waker outsold the Wii version of Twilight Princess by about 30,000 units, believe it or not, but of course that doesn't account for all of the gamers who bought TP on GameCube, some 900,000, if you're counting." --Matt C
That's kind of surprising. So it took the combined sales of TP on GC and Wii to beat Wind Waker's sales.
Just before I read this: Microsoft Patents Swearing Filter
I happened to read this: Obscenity Filters: Bad Idea, or Incredibly Intercoursing Bad Idea?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile---
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWii Music performances hit a new low
OMG, they are even worse that Matt. So much for the waggling and no skills required!
This has to be the podcast theme damnit:
BTW we should use that swearing filter on Edgecrusher. It would be like holding the mute button on his mic for an hour
Our site is going to be newspaper-like right? So we should have a news tune. You know the one you hear before the news starts.
Good idea. Not fun though. Did you edit the alan wake story?
Yes, a library. It's like Shenmue 2 when you aired the books out.
WTH? The trailer, they plagerised the Princess Mononoke music? Mythical forest animals confirmed!
Well we could make a mockery of Fox News, if you want fun. Edge will be Bill O'Reilly.
Editing your story, who me?! Why would I do that?! Iga is a good boy!
You? If you had free run you would scribble penis pictures all over the website.
I think you got me confused with Steel!
Alan Wake looks incredible!!! Now if I only knew what in the hell is it?!?!?!
You should try reading a Stephen King or Dean Koontz book set in a small town. I think this game will have a great atmosphere and production values but I'm still doubtful over the gameplay. These guys made Max Payne so immediately I'm thinking, linear, shallow but fun.
I'm hoping for a return to cel-shading for the next Zelda along with MotionPlus support. That sorta-realistic look of Twilight Princess just doesn't look nearly as nice to me as Wind Waker's cel-shaded world. That was like a cartoon coming alive!
IGN recently had an article about what they'd like to see in a new Zelda, and even they think Zelda should return to cel-shading; they just don't want child Link to return. I honestly don't care if it's child or adult Link, I just want more Celda! 
I'm sure most of you guys will disagree with me on this, though.
Zelda should try to look more like the concept art!
^^I had a poster of this
Kizuna is a game that looks almost the same as its concept art. Zelda should try to do the same.
I will disagree, not that I don't love the cel shaded WW style. But the monumental amount of bitching about it and now having this turn around of people wanting zelda to go back to it annoys me in general. TP outsold WW by a good amount and people seem to be settled on the realistic style. In Twilight Princess' defence in relation to art style, the graphics weren't even the best visuals on gamecube. If they had been as good as RE4 in the same style that it had we wouldn't complain. Thankfully it was developed on cube hardware so a new engine and using the Wii hardware should allow it to improve much in the same way that prime 3 or mario galaxy got a visual boost.
I have feeling that nintendo might shock everyone by doing some crazy ass zelda concept like four swords on GC or a top down Phantom Hourglass style game controlled via IR.
WTH is that^
I never complained about cel-shading in Zelda WW. In fact, I was absolutely blown away by the style when I first saw it. I agree that a new realistic Zelda on Wii will most likely look a ton better than TP, but I really don't like that dark look as much in Zelda games.
EDIT: From IGN's recent Zelda article:
"Here's something you probably didn't know: Twilight Princess, for all of its hype, sold worse than The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. Well, kind of, anyway. Wind Waker outsold the Wii version of Twilight Princess by about 30,000 units, believe it or not, but of course that doesn't account for all of the gamers who bought TP on GameCube, some 900,000, if you're counting." --Matt C
That's kind of surprising. So it took the combined sales of TP on GC and Wii to beat Wind Waker's sales.
False the Wii version outsold Windwaker. According to VGChartz TP wii version sold 4.83 million and Windwaker sold 4.55
Never trust IGN when it comes to simple facts.
P.S. why is no one reacting to my clearly awesome idea, that Zelga graphics should look more like concept art?
Huh? VGCharz is notorious for being wrong in their numbers. Sorry, but I'll take IGN's word over theirs, anyday.