Iwata asks: Wii music part one
Miyamoto: I wasn't this excited when we created Super Mario Bros.
FUUUUUUUCK!!!! Way better than the other one.
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travo (56s)
Iwata is badass
Before the Boogyman goes to sleep, he check's under his bed for Iwata.
Umm , where is everyone? Can I get naked?
LOL, it would be funny though. I remember when Miyamoto said something like "3rd parties use their C-teams"
I don't think you can characterise all Wii third party efforts as shitty, though I know what you mean, you should say the majority of.
So it's perhaps more accurate to say that Wii owners get a few niche gems, a couple of big games (Monster Hunter 3/FFCC/Tales Mothership Title) among a lot of shit, whilst waiting for the big guns from nintendo. There are quite a few of these niche titles now, Zack and Wiki is one, Kings Story looks to be another. No more Heroes etc.
As for the gems I don't think it's neccessarily nintendo's reponsibility to push third party games - although it would be nice and helpful. Endless Ocean especially is published by Nintendo, as is Disaster, as was Metroid Prime 3 and they don't seem to market it to the levels of their other titles like Wii Fit etc. But on the other hand if you look at the gems, the Elebits, the Boom Blox's, the De Blobs, these are all very unconventional titles, a scuba diving game, two physics based object manipulation games and a game where you roll around paint to colour a city? I mean these games aren't guranteed any kind of attention or sales at all whether they are on wii or not. They just have to sort of catch lightning in a bottle and hope to be popular.
But yeah, these are the games that NEED pushing as oppossed to something easier to understand like your wham bam, played out genres. But if it's published by a third party they need to get all the steps right from development conception to marketing execution to make a game a success. Perseverence is also paramount, Ubisoft for example taking another chance on BGE. Sure nintendo could help out by highlighting these titles at media events but then people complain and wonder where the first party titles are.
For me, even the games which didn't turn out to be ass, turned out to be GOOD, but not GREAT. As they were hyped - Bioshock for example or GTA IV or Halo 3.
Assasins Creed is another failed example, hyped to hell, this is the reason why next gen rulez - 6/10s at most review sites. So many games are lined up like bowling pins and only a couple are left standing at the end of it all. But you hopefully remember that whenever you watch the development of a title in the future.
EDIT: Shit, Too Human too. The games keep dropping like flies. In another one of these lists people rattle off, Too Human was in there too for a long time. The first part in an epic trilogy.
Heavy rain pics
PS0 screens
^^What's Heavy Rain about?
It's supposed to be the spiritual successor of Fahrenheit.
ahaaaaaaa, what's Fahrenheit about?
Oboro Muramasa Interview
1UP: I've noticed some speculation online saying that Muramasa will have more action and fewer RPG elements than Odin Sphere. Is that true, and if so, can you offer any examples of how that changes the gameplay?
JK: Fundamentally speaking, even people with no skills can grind their character to the point that they can beat the game. That part as an RPG still hasn't changed. But I suppose it is much more action-oriented than Odin Sphere at the same time. This time around, we increased the agility and mobility of the characters and put a lot of energy into creating the field maps for the player to jump around in. On the other hand, we condensed the dramatic portions of it. This way, we can avoid how we reused bosses in Odin Sphere, like how people pointed out.
More at the link
Actually, Fahrenheit's premise was rather cool. Your character becomes a MURDERER in the first cutscene of the game, and from that moment on you have to unravel a weird plot that explains why did you kill that poor dude. The plot completely falls apart by the last third of the game, leaving you with a bittersweet taste, but the first two thirds of the game kind of justify the whole mess.
Stay away from the PC version, though, QTEs and beyond horrible controls make the experience an exercise in frustration sometimes.
^^All my predictions of this game turned to be true, more emphasis on action and jumping around and shit.
This way, we can avoid how we reused bosses in Odin Sphere, like how people pointed out.
Punk is having a nergasm right now!
Now if the framerate holds up, it will be awesome.
Those Heavy Rain screens made me pop a boner.
I saw a Phantasy Star title for thr GC. Which one is that?
Cool, like Memento. But what's the gameplay all about. It looks like a QTEs fest combined with adventuring!
Actually, that's not far from the truth. More later.
Pretty much that. Though all the QTE's actually make sense because when you press a button, it's always corresponding to the movement of the character.
Like, in any other game, you'll need to press a combination of the face buttons during a QTE - which may/may not actually do the same actions in game. Fahrenheit's does - if you need to move left during a QTE, you move left.
Though I'll be interested in what Heavy Rain does. Aside from it looking damned beautiful, I'd love to see if it's going to be more than an interactive cutscene...and how the fact that if your character dies, the story keeps going...that'll be interesting to see if it's compelling or just some marketing speech...
Enough about the inferior Memento clone. Check out Muramasa interview GG posted. NOWWWWW!!!
Homer said it better. So, no later for you Iga.
I didn't get a chance to defend Edge before so I will do it now. Yeah its a slow lineup for Nintendo right, but we have seen this before from them. They did this with GC, they start off amazing, huge games right at the start and then they slow down. Meanwhile you have a company like Sony that has big games every holiday, 2,3 sometimes 4 at a time every single year without fail. I know they have a ton of companies working under them but maybe that is what Nintendo needs. Now I don't want Nintendo to be pumping out their big three but at least have something else major. Sorry I dont think Wario Land is a big game, its nice to have but it can be just any game you get at any point in the year. I know there is AC but its an odd genre. Now it seems like their big games are Wii Music, Wii Fit, Wii Sports, etc instead of having an action/adventure game or something, Kid Icarus would have been perfect right now.
Vader 3 things
1. The Gamecube launched with Luigi Mansion
2. Pray that Mushroom Men is good, because that's the only one left
3. Did Sony not have a slow start with each of their consoles?