FFXIII scenario almost complete.
PS3 version will not be effected by 360 version.
Arc Rise Fantasia website upens
Dragons, airship and a main character that does not look like a tranny
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robio (2m)
There might be some people that are also interested in the other reviews, but your title made it look like it was just about LBP. So I changed the title to better represent what the news article was about. So you want some one to send you a message, than wait for the answer and than change it! Yeah, right! It is a free for all so that changes can be made quickly. So suck it Wesker!
I have Splash Woman's level music stuck in my head. I hear the music while I drive, eat, study, ect. I'm hearing it right now! I think I've even had a crazy dream about that game once.
Yes that is exactly what you should do, ask. You post whatever garbage you want up there and no one messes with it. That is what the article is about, that is the major cover story exclusive of the magazine.
Well my furry friend, I've been playing a shitload of games actually. That's why I haven't been spending much time on boards.
So that's my current playtime.
I also have 2 games arriving today from Gamefly: WarioLand and Persia: Rival Swords. Now that Rival Swords is cheaper I was going to buy it as I need that game back (traded in the Gamecube version...foolishly) but now I hear that they downgraded the Wii version from an M to a T rating, and took out the blood replacing it with sand....WTF? Looks like I'll rebuy the Cube version instead, unless this Wii build turns out to be more fun with the controller but I doubt it.
On top of that, I have the following games lined up and waiting for me to finish or be started:
On Xbox 180:
On Xbox 360:
On Playstation 2:
On Playstation 3:
On Gamecube:
On Wii:
On top of this, I need to continue my quest to replay the Resident Evil series. I made it up to halfway through Code Veronica so I need to get back to that. And I also have Silent Hill Homecoming arriving in the mail soon...which I will probably start right away and put whatever else on hold.
Is this good enough for you, shnookums?
Need you even ask if Pure is on Wii?
The only semi-serious racing game of note I see coming is Moto GP by Capcom. There is some Ferrari game too.
And what's this weird crap about Endless Ocean sucking? YOU suck.
It came out. Gamestop.com has it in stock: http://www.gamestop.com/Catalog/ProductDetails.aspx?product_id=230297
Very good list Edge, de Blob and Wario impressions as soon as you got them. Are you keeping track of how many games you beat, you might give me competition.
No the article was about other reviews too, not just LBP. If you find an article that only about LBP, you can talk only about LBP. And asking is retarded, how would I now who posted that article? Yoda gave us the power to change the news if we see fit, asking and waiting takes more a lot more energy than changing it quickly. If you are not happy you can change it again, which you did. If you see a spelling mistake or something in a article, you are free to change it or make fun of it.
Resident Evil 5 images -
What the fuck is this? This seems more like third person entry of Far Cry 2 if anything.
One of the site's forefathers.
I read a review of that Ferrari game, and it doesn't use the Wii remote like a steering wheel; it uses the analogue stick instead. Yuck! If I wanted to play a racing game with an analogue stick, I'd just buy 360 racing games.
Endless Ocean does suck . . . it sucks away a lot of time.
I could care less if Fable 2 ships with online. I want it for the single-player experience just like the first game. Not so I can run through it with some moron.
You're one crazy bitch. Just give it up on Prince of Persia. How old is that game? The new one is coming out. I still have it on cube uncompleted.
Would you two just get a room already?
Fine. Iga, I'm ready for makeup sex.
True. I feel the same way, but it still sucks that Microsoft believes they can ship a game without that announced feature and claim they'll just patch it later. That sounds just like PC gaming. "Ship it now, fix it later." What BS.
Holyshit...I thought it WAS Far Cry 2 at first. See...this fucking game you can tell just looking at it...the RE vibe is just gone. They're trying to fit in with western trends so much that they're losing the soul of what made RE in the first place. See if Mikami was there he'd be like fuck the west I'm doing it MY way, like he did with RE4.
RE5 is like the shell of RE4 with the RE atmosphere ripped out, and a much less impressive artstyle. RE4's art was beautiful and intricate, RE5 looks technically great but the art integrity isn't there. Did Mikami also take the artists with him?
By the by, I found this cool website for people interested in designing their own site.
It has all these online tools which create things for you like icons and backgrounds and stuff. Pretty handy.
For instance I could use the paper generator thing to make a text box look newspaper like. Like our gaming reporter idea?
Why? Its a great game. Finish it. Almost as good as Sands.
Its 3 years old and is better than most Wii games.
But, but I have been practising my triangle choke!
P.S. did you guys know that you can add pictures to the news story, I did it once, but everyone ignored it! Check it out Vader I posted the cover of the PSN magazine as an example. It is in your news post, just press the (1)
It has this habit of dumping you in barely decipherable environments. It needs like a metroid prime like scanner for when you get stuck, instead you're left with this trial and error BS where you have to actually test if the prince cab actually grab onto a distant ledge or not. I'm in this room with about 4 of these elevators and rotating controls. Fuck it.
For the one person here looking forward to this game, here:
More: http://www.gamekyo.com/newsen29109_animal-crossing-let-s-go-to-the-city-new-screenshots-with-the-map.html
They want it realistic, so it's set in a realistic african town. With monster, zombie things I guess.