Braid creator hates Nintendo
Braid might be released on PSN, but not on Wii, due to not enough space in the fridge.
Castle Crashers for XBL price revealed
It will cost you $15. Comes out next week.
Disaster: Day of Crisis coming soon?
Australia's OFLC gives the game a Mature rating
Super Mario Land 2 Retro Review
Leo this one is right up your alley
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robio (1m)
You know I was thinking about sensationalising headlines again what with this newspaper theme idea. The Yu Suzuki story could be:
Yu Suzuki leaves Sega, whereabouts unknown, last seen with sailors
Then the retraction:
Suzuki still at Sega, still no Shemue 3, Sega still hated
Or the madworld brit tabloid story could be:
The very fabric of British society at risk. Middle aged man says "Blah, blah, blah, blah, children"
Photorealistic Graphics possible soon?
AMD demostrates their new GPU: cinema 2.0
In anticipation of Edgecrusher's return.
For all those who have and haven't played Red Steel.
Watch the gametrailers video review.
I think this is the one that best reflects my experience with the game. I want edge's feedback on this so I can laugh.
Impressive. I thought that years ago when I saw these laser booths where they put in models and scanned them in 3-D that we would have something like this by now. My idea was that with these 3-D cameras you can take a full 360 image of of an area and collect that data and have a program use the data to build a full environment. So for instance set down a device in the middle of a room and it bounces light off everything to gauge its depth and colours and then you take that info to build a game. If something like this is done properly and easily enough in many years from now someone can literally scout real world locations and build the environment for a game just by collecting information in the real world.
^^Yes, but that would create boring level design though. Because real life is not made for gameplay, plus what do you do when you want destructable environments?
Wanted to ask you about the latter GG. How reliable are the Daily Mail in terms of news? Like, are they a tabloid or something?
You would have to mark points or lines on it for breakaway points.
In the UK there are broadsheets which are the serious newspapers. Then there are tabloids which are newspapers like the sun or mirror which are like celeb and gossip focused and trashy basically. Then you have these slightly right wing newspapers that fall somewhere in between. Sometimes called the "middle britain magazines" which are for middle class conservatives and are always reporting about immigrants taking over the country, the criminal justice system crumbling and occasional celeb stuff and politically slanted articles. The Daily Mail is one of the worst offenders there. The mediawatch organisation is this family group that watches the media and cries about any media with any kind of sex of violence in it because it somehow erodes british family life. The leader is like a UK Jack Thompson, a somewhat annoying, pedantic ass.
^Wow, what a whore! Probably the worst looking Lara model out of them all, but damn she makes up for it with pure slut-itude.
Wow check this out gamestrailers top 10 most difficult games of all time
For the lazy:
10. Contra (NES)
9. Zelda 2 Adventure of Link (NES)
8. Castlevania (NES)
7. Devil May Cry 3 (PS2)
6. Shinobi (PS2)
5. Ikaruga (GC, XBLA)
4. F-Zero GX (GC)
3. The Ninja Gaiden Series
2. The Ghouls & Ghosts Series
1. Battletoads (NES)
I finished Zelda 2 semi-cheating and F-Zero GX. What did you guys finish from this list.
Good review. Score's too high though. Nothing should be over a 7.
I just got past the part that looks like some circus show or something. Kind of goofy, but definitely the best looking area in the game so far. Actually looked like a Wii game instead of an average PS2 game.
I'm stuck right now though. Went back to the dojo and they say I can either train or go to the bar for another mission. Went to the bar, and I can't seem to choose a new mission. Do I have to train first?
Batman Arkham Asylum fact sheet
1 Player Action Game, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, PC
Publisher: Eidos
Developer: Rocksteady Sudios
Release: 2009
- Clever choice of location moves the game away from an open world Spider-Man clone and more into the dark and gritty realm of The Chronicles of Riddick.
- Packed with Batman's most dangerous archenemies Arkham Asylum boasts a brand new story reminiscent of the depth and twists of Bioshock
- Story is written by Paul Dini (Batman: The Animated Series, Detective Comics)
- Wildstorm is crafting the authentic yet distinct new look for all the key characters
- Gameplay places just as much focus on Batman's role as a detective as his combat prowess.
- Game isn't being rushed to tie in with any TV/Film marketing cycles.
- Game runs on Unreal Engine 3
- Most of the game is played through an over-the-shoulder perspective
- You're going to see and get to fight against all the big super villains. Seen so far. Joker, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc, Zsasz, Penguin, Riddler, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze and others the magazine doesn't want to spoil.
- Allies revealed so far are Commissioner Gordon who plays a big role and Barbara Gordon (aka Oracle) who is your radio contact in the game.
- Game opens with the Joker surrendering himself and subsequently taking over Arkham because of some secret the facility holds
- Magazine teases that this game will be the ultimate Batman experience so the voice cast will reflect that (Think Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill).
- Arkham was chosen as a location because of its limitations including the fact that it's an island prison. It's a persistent location so you can visit any location at anytime including Batman's secret on site Bat Cave etc. Don't think that just because this is an island prison there will only be small hallways. The developers have taken into account all the construction/destruction of the facility over the years so locals will vary.
- Eidos' Batman license includes all 70 years of comic book fiction so they're pulling from all of that.
- Boss Battles won't necessarily be a series of straight pugilistic fights. Each enemy represents a different side of Batman and not all of them can match his wide skill set. Some battles are focused on combat others will focus on gadgets some are similar to giant Zelda style bosses.
- Combat description in the magazine talks about Batman perched on a high ledge in a wide open room as he watches some of the Joker's thugs rifle through drawers. Batman switches to investigation mode using a blue tinted visor that among other things lets Batman see his enemies through walls and identifies things like guns and knives. One thug is carrying a machine gun so Batman jumps of the ledge, spreads his cape and kicks him in the face. He then swipes his cape in a large arc to stun his other enemies and then goes to work on them with a stylish blend of punches, kicks, a knee to the face here a behind the back elbow there. Combat has a gymnastic flourish and is accomplished using only three buttons. Attack, Stun and Throw.
- Combat is only one element of the game so the developers didn't want a bunch of button combos that you'd forget because you'll be doing other things besides fighting.
- During battle a combo multiplier at the top of the screen will increase with every strike. Once the combo expires a colony of bats will swirl around Batman and then contribute to an experience bar on the left side of the screen. In an RPG like skill tree system players will be able to distribute points where they prefer. Think Combat moves, faster takedowns, or gadget upgrades like the ability to throw multiple batarangs at the same time.
- Gadgets are revealed by collecting items in secret rooms. You'll need gadgets to survive as there are very tough enemies in the game that you can't just go head to head with (Think Killer Croc, he's 10 feet tall in the game and super tough)
- There are sections that involve sneaking but the developers call them Predatory gameplay sections as stealth tends to imply weakness, they prefer to think of it as picking off the weak people or people you wouldn't last too long in direct fight with from strong positions. The example they give in the article is Batman creating distractions with bodies and victim's yells and then stalking the guards as they go to inspect.
- Developers have come up with a very "sexy" CSI style for forensic puzzles because Batman will always have the very latest gadgets.
- Investigative mode is the centerpiece in Batman's arsenal. The visor can highlight points of interest and much like the Metroid Prime games will scan items into your database.
- They also mention another forensic gadget, a fingerprint tracker that allow Batman to follow trails of fingerprints.
- Magazine hints at the ability to play as the villains in the game. Not sure if this is inserted directly into the game or available as a second playthrough option.
- Magazine lists a few suggested reading items. Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth, Batman: The Last Arkham, and Arkham Asylum: Living Hell.
- Game is very gritty looking. The screens in the mag are all inside Arkham and show case a few hallways, The Riddler's cell, A sewer etc. Lots of great lighting going on.
- Character redesigns are pretty good for the most part. Joker looks like classic Joker only with Heath Ledger style make up (long drawn on red lipstick etc.) he still has a the bright purple suit and bright green hair. Definitely more sinister looking than say the TAS Joker. Killer Croc is huge and looks more like Jim Lee's Hush redesign as opposed to some of the more human renditions of him.
- Batman is in the Black and Grey costume. It looks more like armor however his gauntlets in particular look like the ones from TDK. Overall it looks very awesome.
- They show screens of fights and predator segments and all look very interesting and very Batman in scope. Lots of classic poses etc.
- You can control Batarangs from first person mode.
My finished mock ups
And this one with the egg logo
Bluh. For some reason the writing seems pixellated in Photoshop but it prints perfectly cleanly.
Good Job GG, now I will have to wait for Foolz. Foolz where is your mock-up?
Where is Leo by the way? Need his input too!
I think I've only played FZero GX and Ghouls and Ghosts. Like spirit I found G + G difficultly overated as once you get used to it you can recognise the patterns and get through fairly easily. Practice makes perfect. FZero story missions are hard but the rest is okay but I can't win the uber trophies and dont bother. I made a kickass racer but it has weak shields. Incredible speed and handling though.
No idea. Maybe you have to talk to other characters? As I remember there are 4-5 characters each with missions. Or you can try visiting the shooting range or go upstairs to the meeting room, you may have been told to go up there.
Otherwise try learning a couple of moves at the dojo or talking to the old master there. It might trigger something. The dojo looks nice eh? Shame the framerate isn't rock solid.
Did you see the bit at the docks with those yellow and black striped pylons and the bloomy lighting? I think if this game were polished it could look really nice. That's why I'm hopeful on the sequel. Do you like the sword fighting or not? The ninjas at the end are quite difficult. I have a technique for them though.
Oh I forgot. The page would be twice the height of that and the screen would scroll down so we can have around 6 stories on the front page. Maybe have the one story highlighted and on the first full (viewable) page. And then have the lesser stories on the second (viewable) page with smaller pics/word count etc.
Crap I forgot to put in an editorial but basically make the mario pic smaller put in a small bar for the editorial title/link
Do not worry I get your idea. If already have a concept that is very, very close to your idea, if it is accepted than we can argue, about the art and logo's and stuff. You know the details!
Oh shit, the UK tabloids are raping MadWorld a new asshole, first the daily mail, now the Sun.
Wii faces killing game rap!
"AN ultra-violent new computer game should be banned in the UK, watchdogs urged yesterday. "
What watchdogs? Mediawatch UK is a right wing conservative lobby group run by a clueless A-hole on a mission to ban all sex or violence from the media at all.
I really dont see the point of limiting batman to arkham and not just doing gotham city.
Well two advantages. First all the bad guys are there, so you are basically in a lions den. Second not a GTA rip-off.