Best Nintedo system for 3rd party games is... (1)
Article that calculates the best 3rd party Nintendo system
"Mean Girls' Game plays like 'Puzzle Quest'
According to Homer the best idea ever
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travo (2m)
edit: pics down, bandwidth exceeded. Pics are up at CVG though
The first two look remarkably good.
*dodges attack and counters with*
People I finished my blog, please read it or I shall bring forth thousands years of pain!
Yeah Fragile looks cool, but what ruins it is that you play as a kid. I mean come the fuck on now. It would be more realistic that he'd be curling up into a ball and crying for his mommy or just trying to find a way to live instead of being adult like and finding other living humans.
Also I'm glad that Iwata had his success, I mean I far prefer him then that arrogant ass Yama.
One of the site's forefathers.
Ok I am here, I had life stuff to take care of.
GG totally agree about your Okami comments and your Red Steel comments. I agree with you on just about everything really, we are on the same level, I think.
Let me get those Tenchu shots up there, looking nice, Fragile looks nice as well. Red Steel 2 is good to hear as long as its a well developed project.
BTW all you PS3 owners (meaning like 3 of you), you like horror games, get Siren. Its the real deal.
That's like trying to stab me with a pillow. Try a blade or a gun next time.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileSite traffic stats for the month. I guess it restarts at the first of the month. I'm waiting on an upgrade request before moving to a better server (less restricted, faster).
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI concur.
So anything else happening today, I can't find anything. I am about to put up Boxoffice numbers just to have something
(Go Batman!!!!)
How's batman doing?
Finally some challenge
Time to get out the big guns.
Like this
and this (never had lyrics fit well as here)
And finally this
And let's face it, you can't beat the classic one
And another classic
P.S. your final song was not fair. So I am going to cheat too.
Best second weekend ever. Its the fastest movie to 300 million by like a few days. For the 10 days its been out, its $55 million more ahead of the next highest grossing movie in a 10 day period which was Pirates 2. Its shattering records. It will be at $400 million by next week already. It may become the 2nd biggest US movie behind Titanic.
^^^I thought it was a pretty good movie, but not as good as most people made it out to be.
That saying I do apperciate it pushing movies forward (I will write an article on this soon so you'll see what I mean).
One of the site's forefathers.
^^Pirates 2 and Titanic? What a shitty movies they are.
Well because I declared this week to be ninja week I shall do something special.
Time for Ask A Ninja
Ask a ninja is a ninja that answers all your question. You can even send in your own question if you want. But be aware he will kill you afterwards.
Ask a Ninja Reviews: Pirate of the Caribbean II
He looks foward to killing you all soon!
Even if you can't beat the classic, I can pick better version
Or take your Brawl picks, and point out leaving out the best song
And you're going to have to cheat better than that
Oh, and be a little more diverse
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileProbably because they're not in-game, ass.
I played the Siren Demo, and hated it. What's to like about horrible controls and an asstastic camera?
What the hell is wrong with you? I will give you the Sunshine Song (that song is awesome), but the other 2. No just no!
This is the best Brawl song (so far, I haven't unlocked everything yet)
So one guitar > orchestra? What?
More cheating
P.S. punks blog about Gunraidan and the communist stuff reminded me of this
PS3's Greatest Hits line just came out today. So now, anyone looking to get Motorstorm, Resistance, Oblivion, and Warhawk...can do so at less of a ripoff than before, at $30.
Does fucking Nintendo have a Greatest Hits line for the Wii yet? WTF are they waiting for? Zelda and all those launch titles should be 20 bones. I would even buy Red Steel for that price.
Why should they? Nintendo's games are still selling well at full price.
I'm assuming you're joking about buying Red Steel because its has been $20 for a long time now. Shoot, I picked it up last fall for $8 brand new from Circuit City.