Best Nintedo system for 3rd party games is... (1)
Article that calculates the best 3rd party Nintendo system
"Mean Girls' Game plays like 'Puzzle Quest'
According to Homer the best idea ever
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robio (9m)
Yoda's was a bad way.
I don't know how to link on here - I tried using it the way I'd link on GS, but that isn't working for me. Is that the right way to go about it?
So you agree, mine thing is the most useless and worst thing in youtube. About your linking problem, yes it works the same way as GS. Maybe you should try changing browsers. I for instance use Opera version 9.5 beta.
Weird. I use Firefox, and I shouldn't have a problem.
Just tried it now (you won't see it - I've edited it out). Will try with another browser...
There's a chain link icon on the second row of icons; that is used to link (you could alternatively click the HTML button and write in the HTML for a link manually). Highlight text and click the link icon and a box will open to enter the relavent information.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI see.
Oh lovely. It's also working faster than Firefox. Cheers Yoda/Iga.
You thank us by posting that piece of shit again? Shame on you Homer, Shame on you