Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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robio (10m)
Yup, you're right.
That's Banjo allright. Banjo was never a platformer, it was a collect-a-thon. All Rare "platformers" are except for Conker.
I never played any of the old Banjo games. I was expecting something more in line with Super Mario. Building a wagon, putting scoccer balls into it, and then driving them somewhere else just isn't what I'd call "fun."
Come to think of it, the only Rare games I've actually played on N64 was Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and Killer Instinct.
at the Sonic RPG description! That is sooo true!
^Well Perfect Dark is by far the best Rare game!
Yup, PD is their best. Man, I remember hating Killer Instinct Gold. KI on SNES was fun, though.
Fixed that for you.
Was talking about the N64, but to close to call that one. DKC3 was also awesome. That were platformers not collect-a-thons.
People go to this site. The music is awesome, the game looks awesome.
Go now NOW to World of Destruction DS site
Dead Rising screens look more pixellated and murky compared to 360. Obviously a lot of those screens above are from the cutscene engine on 360. That said some of the cutscene pics I posted from RE4 match that. Really they need better reflections and texture detail in this wii version of DR.
Wow, I just bookmarked it for the music. However when I clicked the other stuff I got nothing on screen.
I takes a while for it to load!
And in order to collect most of those collections you must explore your way through platforming.
One of the site's forefathers.
Dragon age gameplay footage
Fighting looks boring.
What's up with the Banjo hate? BACK OFF HATERS! Banjo & Kazooie was the best platformer of the 32-bit era. DEAL WITH IT! And this one is going to be awesome (but I'd be amazed if it matched Mario Galaxy).
De Blob really needs more attention.
This is going to be one of the most entertaining Wii games this year. I mean, how can you beat a game where you're a giant Bukkake splattering your seed around town? You can't.
Who is talking about hate? Oh, and Mario 64 > Banjo Kazooie Fact! Oh Edge, check out the Dora preview
Funny Matt C. quotes, on his Epitaph of E3 article:
At the end, Shigeru Miyamoto confirmed that Nintendo is hard at work on a new Wii Pikmin, seemingly out of pity for audience members waiting for a legitimate announcement or two.
We realize we're probably biting the hand that feeds us with the following suggestion, but going forward, if Nintendo's plan is to focus on uber casual wares, it may as well just wave good-bye to E3 and concentrate instead on getting Oprah Winfrey on the Balance Board and throwing discs to dogs with the Wii remote.

But probably not at E3, for Nintendo has made it pretty clear that it no longer lives and dies by the once-unequaled venue.
More like the best Platformer of any era.
In terms with Nintendo well obviously they aren't turning their back towards their fanbase due to them still feeding them with the titles they'll love (Kirby DS, Wario Wii, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem DS, Etc.) but in terms of media like press conferences and advertisments it's pretty much mainstream audience (casual) from here on out. They clearly are the biggest tribute to Nintendo's success and they definately won't risk losing their grip on them.
One of the site's forefathers.