Forum > Non-Gaming Discussion > So Site Suggestions and Rules Version 1.0 VOTE NOW!
So Site Suggestions and Rules Version 1.0 VOTE NOW!
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Wed, 05 Nov 2008 19:54:50

Now that we finally have our own official site (only the title and the .com) I think we should decide on some of the ground rules for the site.

Basically I think it would be wise for those to give input of what should and shouldn't be allowed.

Topic #1 Off-Topic - An obvious negative to this would be that topics that are suppose to be of something aren't. Imagine in the Valkyrie Chronicles thread that you click on the last page and you find people talking about whether or not Kobe Bryant still has it or not? I'm sure some will argue that if you want to go off topic you could just go to GGWeekly or make a new thread. Though a possitive would be that the site would be a lot more free. And many would argue if people aren't on topic then the topic isn't good enough and if something intersting comes up that is in lines with the topic then all someone has to do is post it and the topic is back on track. And less face it we do this unintentionally alot too.

Topic #2 Language - I'm sure many wouldn't care if words such as "fuck", "shit", and "asshole" were used. But what about racial, gender preference ignorance, or sexist terms such as "nigger", "spic", "bitch", or "lesbo"? I'm sure that many would agree that these have no place on this site (unless it was telling a story where someone says it) but what about those that are detrgretory such as "gay", "fag", "whore", "cocksucker", "blacks" (in negative light), etc.?

Well I'll only leave these two as of now. So decide and vote and state your reason why.

One of the site's forefathers.

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Wed, 05 Nov 2008 20:09:07

Is anyone here honestly going to sidetrack a video game thread into a kobe bryant thread?

As for language I'm fine with bitch & lesbo, the other two are kind of pushing it. I think swearing should be used fairly sparingly and to use it only when you really need to emphasise something, ie. "WHAT THE HELL". Generally if you are using a word but not directing it at a specific person or group then I think it's fine.

I guess "no posting illegal stuff" is a good blanket rule. Obviously no swapping stolen credit card numbers and the like, but what about discussing torrents, drugs, etc.

More importantly if we're going to have formal rules, then we need the ability to enforce it with suspensions, etc. and a code that lays out the disciplinary procedures for each offense.

And why do I hear drilling in the room nextdoor wtf.

Edited: Wed, 05 Nov 2008 20:12:18

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Wed, 05 Nov 2008 20:55:49

Whore bitch should be allowed and cocksucker. I can't even believe I'm having this conversation. The other ones in that list, only A-holes would use those and just, use common sense to deal with that shit.

Off topic. Please no. Just let a conversation go where it needs to.

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Wed, 05 Nov 2008 21:24:31

The constant off-topic complaining at Gamespot really annoys me. There have been some really good conversations started over there that were killed because of their strict "no off-topic" rule nonsense. Human converstation doesn't follow such strict rules, and a forum shouldn't either. There are exceptions, of course, but for the most part, just let conversations play out naturally.

As far a offensive language, I don't have a problem with most of it, but I have no tolerance racist, sexist or derogatory statements.

Edited: Wed, 05 Nov 2008 21:33:54

The VG Press

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Wed, 05 Nov 2008 21:40:36
Yarcofin said:

Is anyone here honestly going to sidetrack a video game thread into a kobe bryant thread?

As for language I'm fine with bitch & lesbo, the other two are kind of pushing it. I think swearing should be used fairly sparingly and to use it only when you really need to emphasise something, ie. "WHAT THE HELL". Generally if you are using a word but not directing it at a specific person or group then I think it's fine.

I guess "no posting illegal stuff" is a good blanket rule. Obviously no swapping stolen credit card numbers and the like, but what about discussing torrents, drugs, etc.

More importantly if we're going to have formal rules, then we need the ability to enforce it with suspensions, etc. and a code that lays out the disciplinary procedures for each offense.

And why do I hear drilling in the room nextdoor wtf.

Topics such as torrents and ROMS and what not are for another agenda.

gamingeek said:

Whore bitch should be allowed and cocksucker. I can't even believe I'm having this conversation. The other ones in that list, only A-holes would use those and just, use common sense to deal with that shit.

Off topic. Please no. Just let a conversation go where it needs to.

What's so hard to believe? Personally I was in a hurry when typing this so I tried to find something demeaning to women. I can't find a word but in terms of saying something like "that game was marketed bad because they had a bitch marketing it, women should stay in the kitchen where they belong" as I've heard on another site. And that's a vote to keep Off Topic "A OK" right?

EDIT - I find it odd that Gamingeek isn't a mod being that this is practically his site.

Ravenprose said:

The constant off-topic complaining at Gamespot really annoys me. There have been some really good conversations started over there that were killed because of their strict "no off-topic" rule nonsense. Human converstation doesn't follow such strict rules, and a forum shouldn't either. There are exceptions, of course, but for the most part, just let conversations play out naturally.

As far a offensive language, I don't have a problem with most of it, but I have no tolerance racist, sexist or derogatory statements.

I agree fully.

Edited: Wed, 05 Nov 2008 21:42:59

One of the site's forefathers.

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Wed, 05 Nov 2008 21:50:52

Personally, I think it should be allowed to discuss emulation/ROMs. Older stuff mostly - anything more recent should be disallowed, unless there's a reason for discussion (i.e Mother 3). Providing links to said content should be an offence.

Getting back on topic though.

I think there needs be a limit on the language. Anything racist, yeah, that ain't cool. Unless of course there's a reason for mentioning it, than just "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BLACK ASSHOLE" (just an example).

If need be, make Off-Topic it's own board.

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Wed, 05 Nov 2008 22:56:56
darthhomer said:


Am I a bad person for lawling at that...

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Thu, 06 Nov 2008 00:01:52
darthhomer said:

If need be, make Off-Topic it's own board.

This is the "Off-Topic Board". Nyaa

One of the site's forefathers.

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Thu, 06 Nov 2008 02:33:05
Off topic was considered as a separate board to begin with, but I left it for now given the relatively low activity.  It will happen given enough posts.  We don't need to be moderating topics for drifting off-topic, though.

I personally suggest merely going on a reasonable limits clause.  Make a judgment call on whether something is appropriate.  But more specifically, just don't get personal with other posters and we're fine.

Biggoted terms directed at actual people are pretty much the only thing I'd be willing to outright ban, because there's no circumstance in which the use is justified (not sure "lesbo" qualifies. I suppose it's generally used negatively).  Though again, a judgment call must be made as for example, if we had a topic on fictional writing, it could be appropriate or inappropriate given the context of the writing.

And finally, while I heartedly support discussion of ROMs, modding, homebrew, etc. I'd prefer not to see any topics dedicated to compiling links to ROMs and emulators.  Just kind of unnecessary and legally ambiguous.

Punk Rebel Ecks said:

EDIT - I find it odd that Gamingeek isn't a mod being that this is practically his site.

Being as you're the only one who was interested when I asked initially, you're the only one I had bothered to add the permissions to.  Also given GG responded in the topic, deferring to bugs, I just wouldn't want to do so and add any sense of unnecessary responsibility as we know how thorough he is.  Basically, he's got the powers if he wants them

Edited: Thu, 06 Nov 2008 02:58:57


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Thu, 06 Nov 2008 09:57:19
Punk Rebel Ecks said:
Yarcofin said:

Is anyone here honestly going to sidetrack a video game thread into a kobe bryant thread?

As for language I'm fine with bitch & lesbo, the other two are kind of pushing it. I think swearing should be used fairly sparingly and to use it only when you really need to emphasise something, ie. "WHAT THE HELL". Generally if you are using a word but not directing it at a specific person or group then I think it's fine.

I guess "no posting illegal stuff" is a good blanket rule. Obviously no swapping stolen credit card numbers and the like, but what about discussing torrents, drugs, etc.

More importantly if we're going to have formal rules, then we need the ability to enforce it with suspensions, etc. and a code that lays out the disciplinary procedures for each offense.

And why do I hear drilling in the room nextdoor wtf.

Topics such as torrents and ROMS and what not are for another agenda.

gamingeek said:

Whore bitch should be allowed and cocksucker. I can't even believe I'm having this conversation. The other ones in that list, only A-holes would use those and just, use common sense to deal with that shit.

Off topic. Please no. Just let a conversation go where it needs to.

What's so hard to believe? Personally I was in a hurry when typing this so I tried to find something demeaning to women. I can't find a word but in terms of saying something like "that game was marketed bad because they had a bitch marketing it, women should stay in the kitchen where they belong" as I've heard on another site. And that's a vote to keep Off Topic "A OK" right?

EDIT - I find it odd that Gamingeek isn't a mod being that this is practically his site.


It's not my site. It's Yo's site and our site as a group, thanks to Yo. Thanks yo!

I left Gamespot because of modding + crap coverage and I declined the offer to be a prefect back in school. Given the posters here, who we all know, I just dont see modding as a major problem right now. I think the best thing would be to make everyone here that we know mods and just use common sense.

If someone says the comment you posted above then let them, we will either know that they are joking or we will then know what kind of person they are.

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Fri, 07 Nov 2008 06:44:02

More of a technical suggestion, but there needs to be a way to go to the last page of a thread straight away, instead of having to go to the first page first.

If there is, my apologies! Nyaa

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Fri, 07 Nov 2008 14:34:31

We need a hotlinking policy, and everyone needs to know about it.

Almost all of our threads devoted to games at the moment are hotlinking IGN images or other sites. I don't know if this is specifically against any kind of "laws", but it's kind of unethical. We wouldn't want people leeching off of our servers. At the very least I think we should source the images with "External source: http://......."

But the biggest problem is that once they remove the images, that's it, the thread on our side is broken and the image is lost. For GGWeekly this might be okay when the images are only up for a few days, but not in the forums. This has already happened with the Street Fighter thread in the forums right now, every single image in the first post is broken.

Please encourage people to make Photobucket/Flickr accounts. It's annoying having to spend 30 seconds logging in and uploading, but it will prevent a lot of future problems.

I'd even be willing to donate one of my lifetime 250GB Filesavr accounts if Yoda wants to set up a centralized quick-upload system on the site to store stuff there. Tongue out Then we could even just have an "upload" button on the WYSIWYG editor itself that automatically uploads the image and attaches it to the post, so laziness is no excuse.

Edited: Fri, 07 Nov 2008 14:41:54

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Fri, 07 Nov 2008 15:11:32

Er... laziness for the Win.

I hotlink all the time. But some sites can prevent it. We have no images of our own so it doesn't mean much. I think re-host for small sites, but large sites like IGN etc can take the hit easily.

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Fri, 07 Nov 2008 16:25:24

Do you want me to hotlink you, baby?

I know I make you horny. Raaawwrr.

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Fri, 07 Nov 2008 18:40:41

Okay, Yarcofin made me feel bad for hotlinking IGN, so I uploaded all of the pics to in my Animal Crossing thread.

Edited: Fri, 07 Nov 2008 18:41:05

The VG Press

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Sat, 08 Nov 2008 14:55:12
Ravenprose said:

Okay, Yarcofin made me feel bad for hotlinking IGN, so I uploaded all of the pics to in my Animal Crossing thread.

I was mostly referring to Phantom_Leo's posts but ok Nyaa

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Sat, 08 Nov 2008 20:57:26

Fart in a box and send it to him Raven!

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Sat, 08 Nov 2008 21:29:31
gamingeek said:

Fart in a box and send it to him Raven!

I don't know what the fascination with farts in boxes is today, but I just want to express my opinion that I don't think it will work. It might stay in a box for an hour, but it's not completely airtight. Even if you fart into a tupperware container I think it might still be porous enough that gasses can slowly escape.

Can you cup your hands together and fart and then throw a fart at someone a few seconds later? Yes, I've done it to my sister. But a fart travelling in the mail for a week, I dunno...

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Sat, 08 Nov 2008 21:32:46
Yarcofin said:
gamingeek said:

Fart in a box and send it to him Raven!

I don't know what the fascination with farts in boxes is today, but I just want to express my opinion that I don't think it will work. It might stay in a box for an hour, but it's not completely airtight. Even if you fart into a tupperware container I think it might still be porous enough that gasses can slowly escape.

Can you cup your hands together and fart and then throw a fart at someone a few seconds later? Yes, I've done it to my sister. But a fart travelling in the mail for a week, I dunno...

LOL Farting in Tupperware? Sounds like an interesting experiment. I'll leave it to you guys to try it, though.

The VG Press

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Sun, 09 Nov 2008 00:41:04
Ravenprose said:
Yarcofin said:
gamingeek said:

Fart in a box and send it to him Raven!

I don't know what the fascination with farts in boxes is today, but I just want to express my opinion that I don't think it will work. It might stay in a box for an hour, but it's not completely airtight. Even if you fart into a tupperware container I think it might still be porous enough that gasses can slowly escape.

Can you cup your hands together and fart and then throw a fart at someone a few seconds later? Yes, I've done it to my sister. But a fart travelling in the mail for a week, I dunno...

LOL Farting in Tupperware? Sounds like an interesting experiment. I'll leave it to you guys to try it, though.

Noobs. Everone knows the best items for fart storage are plastic bags.

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