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The Thread of Fire and Ice
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Mon, 20 May 2019 03:44:54

Pretty darn good ending. I enjoyed it though was obvious second half of the season was rushed.

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Mon, 20 May 2019 06:40:46

That was a special kind of stupid. First half wasn’t too bad. There was some really dumb lines and characterizations but that’s to be expected. Dany going full psycho evil. Jon still having doubt after all that was ridiculous. Still there was some tension and suspense, anything could happen, Will Jon die. He kills her which was to be expected but it was a good scene. Dragon comes and oh shit here we go, this dragon will be pissed... and it lets Jon love, decides to be reasonable and go mourn in peace? Huh?

Surely the unsullied and grey worm will kill Jon on sight, cause they don’t take prisoners of her enemies, RIGHT?! Nope instead the unsullied and dothraki are reasonable, keep Jon and Tyrion as prisoners for months it seems, and then call a meeting of all the powers to discuss who should lead. Cause of course that’s what these armies would do without their everything, their queen... WHAT THE FUCK. Then Tyrion who is the prisoner basically gets to pick the king?! And it’s Bran?! And then the show becomes a sitcom?!

Wow what an ending.

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Mon, 20 May 2019 13:40:52
I was immensely satisfied with the ending, even if they did cut off Tyrion's joke.
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Mon, 20 May 2019 14:46:52
robio said:
I was immensely satisfied with the ending, even if they did cut off Tyrion's joke.

That part was great.  I thought he was finally going to finish it.

Plus, there’s no way in hell Jon is returning to the wall.  He’s done with that.

Edited: Mon, 20 May 2019 15:03:00
Country: US
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Mon, 20 May 2019 15:05:18
It's funny because the joke is as old as time itself, but I'd still love to hear the way he'd tell it.
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Mon, 20 May 2019 23:14:46
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Wed, 22 May 2019 10:44:51
That dragon really doesn't like chairs. Bran is hilarious he's like a Jedi from a Star Wars film with the worst lines written by a 5 year old child. Not once as the three eyed Raven has he ever given any kind of insight or useful advice. His line when chosen as King, is just laugh out loud funny. In the end John gets reunited with his redhead buddy up north they go north of the wall and start their own buddy cop drama called ginger and black. Arya decides after watching one too many episodes of One Piece that she wants to explore the world  as a Pirate. It was terrible. Bron should have been king and just established a new world order or brothels.

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Wed, 22 May 2019 11:11:55
Read this nao:

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Wed, 22 May 2019 21:52:45

View on YouTube

I now like Rodgers more than Brady just for this...


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Mon, 27 May 2019 17:54:27

So if you know who died in the last episode, how did anyone know because that thing flew off with him/her?

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