_Bear said:WTF???? Killzone 2 are you fucking kidding me? You still press on with that one ? Let it go mate...
Please, we talked about Killzone 3 as well.
0 downloads...really, people? At least Bear had the common deceny to troll us.
Whoever is the guest on this one has a fantastic and sexual voice.
darthhomer said:Bah. This podcast needs more me.
Look who I found on steam playing Sonic of all things.
Foolz said:0 downloads...really, people? At least Bear had the common deceny to troll us.
I totally forgot about it, oops.
Foolz said:0 downloads...really, people? At least Bear had the common deceny to troll us.
I totally forgot about it, oops.Will listen tomorrow.
Dvader said:Look who I found on steam playing Sonic of all things.
Because I was trying out big picture mode dude
Plus, had already beaten it on PS3 a year ago.
Dvader said:Foolz said:0 downloads...really, people? At least Bear had the common deceny to troll us.
I totally forgot about it, oops.
is it because I'm on it? y do u h8 me ;_;
Jesus Christ, Homer comes into a podcast thread to complain about a podcast not having him on it (as if we wouldn't want more of him) and goes on to talk about Sonic. Unacceptable, bro.
Foolz said:Jesus Christ, Homer comes into a podcast thread to complain about a podcast not having him on it (as if we wouldn't want more of him) and goes on to talk about Sonic. Unacceptable, bro.
Haha. Anyway, I'll be re-adding the podcast to my phone, since my iPod died on me. You shall get your download!
Dvader said:I am sure you are awesome in it.
Then the only conclusion is because I'm on it. Y do u h8 me ;_;
Foolz said:Dvader said:I am sure you are awesome in it.
Then the only conclusion is because I'm on it. Y do u h8 me ;_;
Yeah, why do you hate Fooz?
That intro !!! I didnt get to hear all of it but great job guys. Foolz that Killzone 3 / CoD BO2 analysis was very good, I felt I actually learned something.
In fact, I can play Crysis on all the settings. Even the lowest.
Dvader said:That intro
!!! I didnt get to hear all of it but great job guys. Foolz that Killzone 3 / CoD BO2 analysis was very good, I felt I actually learned something.
The Black Ops part was the basis of an article, so it was probably more coherent due to having that in mind.
I am such an opinionated arsehole in this podcast. Aarny is a bad influence.
EDIT: By which I mean the same as usual (?) but louder with more swearing and verbosity.
EDIT2: Also, we have our first uncensored "nigga"s and we post the video on YouTube...hmm.
Tom "Foolz" Towers of Laserlemming.com and friend Aarny return to host the 136th episode of The Pressroom (while playing Left4Dead). On hand impressions of Left4Dead 2 (PC), God of War Collection (PS3), A Virus Named Tom (PC),
Demon Souls (PS3), Sly Cooper Collection (PS3), The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles (PC), Journey (PS3), The Ship (PC), Half-Life (PC), Antichamber (PC), Nikopol (PC), Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (PC), Killzone 2 (PS3), Borderlands (PS3) and a Football gamegasm (soccer, sorry).
1:40:00Foolz Talks About PS4
1:49:42What's Holding Back Crysis 3? And Other Crytek News
1:51:58Kojima Talks PS4
1:53:40Retro City Rampage Maker Says Wii Version is a Gift
1:54:56West Zampella Loses West
Community Focus:
Robio, GME and Vader Make Some Lists
Intro and Outro music by Aspro AKA John