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The Official Animal Crossing GOTY Hype Thread
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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 18:00:06
I haven't found him. I saw the guy that fucks the shoes up. But I didn't want to leave my shoes with him.
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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 18:43:47
On another subject:
How do I write letters to my town's inhabitants? Do I just write whatever the fuck I want and then attach a shell to it?
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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 18:44:59

gamingeek said:


I got a bubble blower. Dont get jealous guys. 

Phineas is the greatest. 

 I got the bunny balloon. Bunny balloons RULE!

Edited: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 18:49:43

The VG Press

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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 18:52:29

SteelAttack said:
On another subject:
How do I write letters to my town's inhabitants? Do I just write whatever the fuck I want and then attach a shell to it?

 I usually write a famous quotation, and send a piece of fruit. I send them crap, and they always send me cool stuff. Happy 

EDIT: If you have a USB keyboard, use that for letter writing. Writing letters with the Wii Remote works, but's it's hella slow.

Edited: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 19:02:20

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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 19:15:34

Ravenprose said:

SteelAttack said:
On another subject:
How do I write letters to my town's inhabitants? Do I just write whatever the fuck I want and then attach a shell to it?

I usually write a famous quotation, and send a piece of fruit. I send them crap, and they always send me cool stuff. Happy

EDIT: If you have a USB keyboard, use that for letter writing. Writing letters with the Wii Remote works, but's it's hella slow.

Sweet. Thanks. Can I send letters to all people in my town?

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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 19:19:49

SteelAttack said:

Ravenprose said:

SteelAttack said:
On another subject:
How do I write letters to my town's inhabitants? Do I just write whatever the fuck I want and then attach a shell to it?

I usually write a famous quotation, and send a piece of fruit. I send them crap, and they always send me cool stuff. Happy

EDIT: If you have a USB keyboard, use that for letter writing. Writing letters with the Wii Remote works, but's it's hella slow.

Sweet. Thanks. Can I send letters to all people in my town?

 Yup. I send out 10 letters at a time.

The VG Press

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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 19:21:59

Ravenprose said:

SteelAttack said:

Ravenprose said:

SteelAttack said:
On another subject:
How do I write letters to my town's inhabitants? Do I just write whatever the fuck I want and then attach a shell to it?

I usually write a famous quotation, and send a piece of fruit. I send them crap, and they always send me cool stuff. Happy

EDIT: If you have a USB keyboard, use that for letter writing. Writing letters with the Wii Remote works, but's it's hella slow.

Sweet. Thanks. Can I send letters to all people in my town?

Yup. I send out 10 letters at a time.


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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 20:07:42

SteelAttack said:
On another subject:
How do I write letters to my town's inhabitants? Do I just write whatever the fuck I want and then attach a shell to it?

 Uh, yeah actually. But avoid using slang or abbreviations or sometimes you wont get gifts back and they will complain that they didn't understand your letters. The animals can show other players, both online and offline, things you have written, so if you don't want to offend people, lay off the slurs. LOL But some people like to be crude and funny. I like to infer. 

You can send letters to your town, online friends towns or even to anyone you have registered as a Wii friend (system code or confirmed email.) To do that you have to go to the town hall and select the wii message board option, you can even attach your current photo to it. 

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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 20:29:49

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:
On another subject:
How do I write letters to my town's inhabitants? Do I just write whatever the fuck I want and then attach a shell to it?

 Uh, yeah actually. But avoid using slang or abbreviations or sometimes you wont get gifts back and they will complain that they didn't understand your letters. The animals can show other players, both online and offline, things you have written, so if you don't want to offend people, lay off the slurs. LOL But some people like to be crude and funny. I like to infer. 

You can send letters to your town, online friends towns or even to anyone you have registered as a Wii friend (system code or confirmed email.) To do that you have to go to the town hall and select the wii message board option, you can even attach your current photo to it. 

Yeah, that's true. All of the words have to be real words; the game uses spell check or something. The animals don't really understand what you wrote, but they can tell if the words are real. 

When it comes to crude stuff, remember that the game is viral in nature. I can connect to your town, and one of your animals can decide to move to my town taking with them all of the letters, greetings, and catchphrases you gave them. Then they will eventually move to someone else's town taking with them all of your stuff, and anything new that I may have given them. One crude letter could theoretically been seen by dozens of people depending on how many towns we might've visited online or offline. It's a cool feature, but there could also be some problems when people don't act civilized. That's why I don't join up with random AC players; you just don't know what you'll get. 

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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 21:35:03

That was fun LOL. 

Steel is running marks into my snow! 

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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 21:57:46

Animal Crossing Town Adventures

A group pic of GG, me, and Steel (in that order) in GG's town. Steel and I are ready for some heavy digging, but GG's too busy playing with his purple bunny balloon! LOL


Another group pic. This time with Lucky.


Yeah, that was fun. Happy

Edited: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 22:54:27

The VG Press

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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 22:27:23

LOL I couldn't stop laughing all the time we were online. Thanks guys for all the cool stuff and the pics. It's just so awesome. I wish I could find a WiiSpeak thingy around here.

Shit, GG's town is bigger than I thought. Maybe he's trying to compensate because of his tiny penis. Nyaa Besides, the landscape is different, it has a weird track line going down somewhere, and a bigger cascade. He gave me a shitload of stuff that I have in my tiny home now. I also caught a weird abyss fish! I couldn't find the town hall to leave a dirty message. Oh well, it'll have to wait until saturday.

It was great to hang around with GG and Raven for a while, even if those fucks have cool balloons and all I have to play with are my fucking testicles. That's why I couldn't stop crying. LOL

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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 22:30:35
Oh and GG was typing in spanish!
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Wed, 17 Dec 2008 22:32:05
And a white tiger moved to my town shortly after! WTF? LOL
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Thu, 18 Dec 2008 10:56:03

SteelAttack said:
Oh and GG was typing in spanish!

 I was typing in English. Does this game translate auto-messages? How cool is that? Like I was saying when you click the keyboard and the keyboard is up on the screen there is an oval shape in the top right with a little keyboard symbol. If you click that you get a pre-written set of questions, greetings and commands, which make life a lot easier for online play. I got fed up of it though and had to get WiiSpeak. I thought it was expensive but I saw on the shelf next to it the wireless PS3 headset was the same price. 

I put my Batman design in the shop if anyone wants to grab it next time they come over. I made Steel his Higgins Mii but you have to register my system code so I can send it over and you will have to make the shirt yourself. It's quite easy just fill a grey background with dark stripes. 

Great pics Raven Grinning We look like 3 little freaks. Look at Steel in his gas mask and you in your skull T-Shirt and there I am in my santa costume and holding my bunny balloon. Something is wrong with this picture. LOL Raven do you know how to get rid of residents you dont want? In Wild World I stopped visiting and stopped sending letters. In this game there is that complain option in the town hall but it doesn't seem to have any effect. I want this frigging woodpecker out of my town. 

SteelAttack said:

LOL I couldn't stop laughing all the time we were online. Thanks guys for all the cool stuff and the pics. It's just so awesome. I wish I could find a WiiSpeak thingy around here.

Shit, GG's town is bigger than I thought. Maybe he's trying to compensate because of his tiny penis. Nyaa Besides, the landscape is different, it has a weird track line going down somewhere, and a bigger cascade. He gave me a shitload of stuff that I have in my tiny home now. I also caught a weird abyss fish! I couldn't find the town hall to leave a dirty message. Oh well, it'll have to wait until saturday.

It was great to hang around with GG and Raven for a while, even if those fucks have cool balloons and all I have to play with are my fucking testicles. That's why I couldn't stop crying. LOL

 You were running my snow to pieces fool! Is my town really bigger? That's weird, Raven's town is the same size as mine. I put the track/pathways down myself to cover up the animal tracks. You can lay down designs on the ground, a walrus gave me the path design. If you want it I can put it up at Sables when you come over. Did you use the fridge to store items? You couldn't find the town hall? WTF LOL in the pic above we are all standing in front of it. 

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Thu, 18 Dec 2008 11:11:38

OMG at the snowman or the eagle? 

I take it you still have the old nook store? 

Look at my four bad boys up there. ha ha. 

Group shot!

This is the Higgins Mii. Cost me 3000 bells just to put this mask on damnit! Register my system code. 

Steel in the museum. My fossils are second to none. Apart from a T-Rex missing a head. 

Lucky, the mummy dog, currently vying for a job in the Mummy 4. 

Steel kipping in Harry's lounger. 

Bye buddy! It was funny when you said you were going before then got lost LOL

After all the commotion I hit the city late at night and saw a half moon in the sky Happy

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Thu, 18 Dec 2008 16:54:03

Animal Tracks is Starting to Piss Me Off.

I turn on my game today, and I'm starting to see how much of my town has changed since I first started playing it. It's more dirt than grass/snow now, and t's really begining to look fugly.

I went into this Animal Crossing Community Forum thread, where a girl managed to fix her town.

She went from this after only a month of play:

To this:

She time traveled to see how long it would take to restore her town's grass, and it took six months to restore it! WTF? It takes only a few weeks of normal play to destroy most of your town's grass, but it takes six months for it to return? GASP And it will only return if you stop walking/running on it too, so it may never grow back! Sad

Animal tracks is a neat idea in theory, but in execution, it sucks big time. Nintendo should not have implemented this nonsense. Sad

Note: It seems that walking on your grass/snow will wear it down, but running will wear it down much, much faster. I'm going to stop running in my town for now on.

Edited: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 22:25:13

The VG Press

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Thu, 18 Dec 2008 17:08:34

Yeah it really is crap. I laid down a few paths to cover them up. I think I may try and copy the snow design and lay it down on the ground to patch holes. It is a good feature in theory but it needs to happen over a longer period of time and recover sooner or give you the option to grow grass, plant seeds, lay down astro turf, whatever. 

Look at the pic where steel is checking out the snowman. Notice the pattern on the ground where it is wearing away? Sucks. 

I've tried planting flowers over the patches so I avoid them, but 6 months? WTF. I'm not time travelling either. Next time you guys come over you walk, otherwise my shovel is going up your asses!

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Thu, 18 Dec 2008 17:19:34

 Yeah, I'm not time traveling either; that hurts the game more than animal tracks does. I'm going to put down some pathways, and walk on those for the most part. Hopefully, it'll grow back. 

Nintendo really needs to patch this game ASAP. I can't believe they thought this would be a good idea.

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Thu, 18 Dec 2008 17:33:13

Ravenprose said:

 Yeah, I'm not time traveling either; that hurts the game more than animal tracks does. I'm going to put down some pathways, and walk on those for the most part. Hopefully, it'll grow back. 

Nintendo really needs to patch this game ASAP. I can't believe they thought this would be a good idea.

 Uh, I'm not a fan of patching but this sounds like it could be a very small download to fix, just stop the code from tracking your paths. 

But nintendo would never do it. Best you can hope for is in a years time some special item appears in the mail via WC24 that is like magic restore in a can. But it will never happen. 

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