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The Anime Watching and Recommendation Thread (94 series now watched and rated)
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Wed, 02 Apr 2014 11:41:19

Found this site which only has English dubbed anime to stream, works pretty well:

I was checking out the English Blood + dub:  

Well this is weird, I was searching for the Hellsing Ultimate OVAs on youtube and they seem to have listed the actual real episodes as OVAs.

Just search for "Hellsing Ultimate OVA Episode 1 English Dub HD 1080p"

And all the episodes from Hellsing Ultimate are there to watch in English:

Good quality too. Happy

Edited: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 14:18:48

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Wed, 02 Apr 2014 14:02:43

Damn it, now I have to get the Brotherhood OVAs

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Wed, 02 Apr 2014 21:18:47

So I was reading up on Berserk because I saw the two films. I thought the films were just episodes smushed together but it seems the movies were created as an attempt to complete the manga story. There was an original 25 episode series of Berserk from 1998, dubbed into English and viewable here:

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Thu, 03 Apr 2014 03:11:23

The shows meant to be a pretty big deal. Only seen few episodes and it looked alright.

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Thu, 03 Apr 2014 10:50:25
Foolz said:

The shows meant to be a pretty big deal. Only seen few episodes and it looked alright.

I read that it changed a lot compared to the manga. I'll check it out on youtube and buy if it's good.

Finished Code Geass season 1, and it got epic in the final few episodes, so much changing, big events, plot twists. So good. But I still cannot stand that walking piece of toilet paper Suzaku. Being Suzaku is like stabbing Winston Churchill (your father) to death. Allowing the Nazis to invade Europe and win the war. Then joining the Nazis as an honourary Nazi. Standing by as they execute and commit genocide. Then having said Nazis try to kill you on more than one occasion, even being sentanced to death by them, and still coming back to fight FOR them against your own people.

This guy needs the beating of his life and yet he's presented all in white in his white mech as some kind of "pure" sympathetic character in the series that the girls will love. I want every tooth in his face broken.

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Thu, 03 Apr 2014 14:37:39


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Fri, 04 Apr 2014 17:48:28

The worst aspect of Suzaku -aside from his bare faced hypocrisy and stupidity- is that all the clever, well worked machinations of the lead character (Lelouch) are undone by Suzaku wading into the fray like a bull in a china shop. It's like planning and rehearsing a show for 4 years only for a big, dumb dog to run on stage and start destroying the set completely randomly.

Also I must add that the lead character has perhaps the most unfortunate name in human history: Lelouch (le-loosh) Lampradouch (lam-pra-douche)

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Sat, 05 Apr 2014 17:00:12
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Sat, 05 Apr 2014 17:11:58

I just configured a premium Crunchyroll account.

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Sun, 06 Apr 2014 12:02:04

Only 2 more episodes of Steins Gate to watch and it's gotten a lot better.

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Mon, 07 Apr 2014 14:50:55

So I finished Steins Gate.

The last episode was a little weird, if only because it's not a full episode - just like a 7 minute epilogue.

It's a good series but I do have a few issues with it. For a start it's a short series, 24 episodes but it pretty much pisses away half the episodes on pointlessness. It feels like it could be a 15 episode series and been better overall, cut the fat as it were. Up until the big mid-series event it's just faffing about. They also fail to flesh out other aspects like CERN and the conspiracy and they do not really capitalise on the big emotional moments like other series can do, Angel Beats, Fairy Tail, Clannad etc. You really need to MILK those moments for the payoff.

There were too many coincidences too:


That all the existing characters just happened to be these important people relative to the story was too much. The 1 person reveal okay, 2 was stretching it, the third time it happens you're just like huh? Really unimaginative.


On the plus side it's a very consistent series tonally, not many other animes reach this level of consistency. I feel it loses the humour in the latter half of the series too. As a whole I feel like the series probably should have focused more on comedy and the emotional ties between the characters. Some of the emotional moments just did not pay off or felt weak, the coincidences hurt the story, CERN wasn't fleshed out, the future wasn't really shown properly either. It's a good series but one I felt could have been better.

In terms of where I place it in the big list of stuff I've seen, its position doesn't reflect how good it is, but more how much I enjoyed it.

~~The list of anime series I've seen so far from best to worst


•Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood

•Fairy Tail (Up to Part 7)

•Full Metal Alchemist

•Blood +

•Hellsing Ultimate

•Code Geass (Finished season 1)

•Death Note (still watching)

•Bleach (On Season 6)


•Full Metal Panic FUMOFFU

•Beserk (seen first two movies)

•Full Metal Panic

-Steins Gate

•Angel Beats

•High School of the Dead


•Elfen Lied



•Iron Man


•Samurai Champloo ~~(abandoned after 8 episodes)

•Chrono Crusade ~~(abandoned after a few episodes)

•Hellsing: Original series ~~(abandoned after a few episodes)

•Cowboy Bebop (abandoned after a few episodes)

•Blood C - awful horrible, ruins Blood franchise


Edited: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 18:38:31

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Mon, 07 Apr 2014 16:33:11
gamingeek said:

So I was reading up on Berserk because I saw the two films. I thought the films were just episodes smushed together but it seems the movies were created as an attempt to complete the manga story. There was an original 25 episode series of Berserk from 1998, dubbed into English and viewable here:

Whoa, just saw Berserk ep 1, if t wasn't for Guts I wouldn't recognise it from the movies. I guess ep1 is set in the future? Who's snake guy? Seems pretty decent but very 90s which isn't a bad thing. Episode 2 is just like the movies now. So weird watching this. The animation in the movies is on a whole other level.

Edited: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 17:12:02

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Wed, 09 Apr 2014 11:54:26

Flipping heck the first four episodes of Series 7 of Bleach is godawful, we're talking below season 1 bad. Series 6 and 7 seem pretty directionless at the moment.

Here's how I would rate Bleach by series:

  • Series 1 - C
  • Series 2 - B+
  • Series 3 - B+
  • Series 4 - B
  • Series 5 - B
  • Series 6 - C - (minus)
  • Series - 7 - D

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Wed, 09 Apr 2014 20:39:18

Whoa, Code Geass S2 opening is weird, series 1 ended with a cliffhanger and instead of resolving that situation the reset button is hit with no real explanation.

Anyone know anything about Mardock Scramble or Persona 4 the Animation? Do you need to know or have played Persona to watch it?

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Thu, 10 Apr 2014 04:10:40

Finished watching Hajime No Ippo: Rising a couple days ago. I just love this series. Love every character in it.

Started watching Kuroko's Basketball, which scratches the itch that Slam Dunk used to scratch a while back.

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Fri, 11 Apr 2014 12:39:44

I thought ~~Hajime No Ippo was an old, old series? What's the history with this series? New series?

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Fri, 11 Apr 2014 15:21:04
gamingeek said:

I thought ~~Hajime No Ippo was an old, old series? What's the history with this series? New series?

Yeah, they're 3 anime series. The first one is the lenghtier and aired from 2000-2002, the second one: New Challenger came out in 2009, and this one, Rising, was broadcast in Japan from Oct 2013 to March 2014.

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Fri, 11 Apr 2014 15:22:58

Kuroko got awesome. It has the right amounts of comedy and cool stuff happening at all times. Also feels like they're moving to somewhere. Other sports anime feel like they go on forever without ever getting to anything interesting. In this one there's always a match going on.

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Fri, 11 Apr 2014 15:37:55
SteelAttack said:

Yeah, they're 3 anime series. The first one is the lenghtier and aired from 2000-2002, the second one: New Challenger came out in 2009, and this one, Rising, was broadcast in Japan from Oct 2013 to March 2014.

Are they all worth watching? Do you need to see one series to get the next?

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Fri, 11 Apr 2014 15:43:23

So I tried watching Fairy Tail with the nephews. I was initially reticent to show them in it because even though it's very light hearted, they say things like "if we stay here we'll be killed" even though no one ever gets killed or anything. But then I was forced to read Snow White, kids book to them and it was all about the Queen ordering Snow White to be killed and die, so I thought what the hell?

The older 5 year old was enjoying Fairy Tail but when the younger 3 year old saw the main character Natsu get angry he started moaning "I don't like this" and I had to shut it off. I think it's because he's a defiant little punk who keeps doing what he's told not too and playing out. Then when he goes too far his parents/grand parents will get angry and shout at him.  So when Natsu got mad he thought he was being told off.

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