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RE Darkside Chronicles (Wii) Reviews are coming in (Page 8)
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Country: GB
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Tue, 17 Nov 2009 18:26:57


Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles is the best shooter on rails available on the Wii. Excellent graphical section, intense and spectacular action, filled with extras that increase their duration... It's impossible not to exhibit a smile when returning to Resident Evil 2 and RE: Code Veronica to play in a totally different way.

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The Darkside Chronicles is a nice improvement over the previous game, adding length and depth to a solid on-rails shooting experience. Story and characters are really outdated though, and aiming through the Remote is a real pain at times.

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Even with my complaints about the bouncy camera, I believe this follow-up is a significantly better experience than the original Umbrella Chronicles and one fun ride from start to finish.

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Game Informer

Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles acts as a fantastic primer for those who started with the more action-centric Resident Evil iterations, while simultaneously providing fan service and fun for dedicated followers. Novices and veterans alike would be doing themselves a disservice by passing up this game.

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For fans of twitch-gaming this surely ranks up there with the best that this anachronistic sub-genre has to offer.

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Digital Chumps

Darkside Chronicles isn't a bad game; it's just a lazy one.

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If you absolutely loved Umbrella Chronicles and know the Resident Evil series by heart, you might extract enough fun out of Darkside to make it worth your while. but otherwise, you can safely pass this one by.

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"Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles" enters a crowded genre on the Wii, a genre that has been done much better then what is presented here. Nice visuals and a stunning soundtrack can't save the huge design flaws present throughout the title, flaws that only serve to impair the gameplay and frustrate the player.

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Sat, 21 Nov 2009 01:49:52
Got it today and I am at the end of RE2. It definetly looks better than UC, the storyline seems to piece the games together far better than the first did. The cinematic feel to everything is really cool, there was one moment with Sherry where it felt like an action movie. I like that you have four weapon slots and its easier to switch through them. Choosing when to use herbs is also a plus. Boss fights have been stellar so far.

But I feel that so far everything else is a bit worse than UC. This game seems to have far less action, half the time the game is too busy moving you around that you don't have time to shoot anything. I cant tell you how many times the camera turns to see four zombies waiting for you and then you immediately turn around and run away. The first one had a more consistent flow of enemies to shoot at. Also it feels a lot easier, hopefully the harder modes fix that. I think there was more things to shoot in the environment in the first UC than this one. I had a lot of fun trying to find all the archive stuff, I think its a bit easier to find in this one. That may be partly due to the lack of camera control. It's not that big a deal but it is an example of this game removing more control from the player for the sake of a cinematic experience, I liked having to look around for secrets.

So far it seems like there are no side scenarios, I felt that was one of the best parts of UC. Yeah going through the games was cool but it was better to see the games through new perspectives. Here you don't get that. And yes I miss Wesker, you can't tell me that going through the RE1 mansion as Wesker wasn't one of the most awesome parts of the last game.

Right now I feel UC was better. This game has improvements but I feel they are all on the presentation side. It doesn't help that we went through a game like this already, the first time was an interesting idea, now I expect improvement and I get something that has less action. If there is a third one of these I will probably just rent it, there is no more they can do.
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Sat, 21 Nov 2009 09:20:02
I played some UC to see the differences and holy crap I forgot how sluggish that game felt. DSC has far superior gun controls, it's on the level of HotD. That alone practically changed my mind on the whole DSC vs UC debate. In UC zombies were bullet sponges, half the time it didnt even feel like you were doing damage, all that changed in DSC.

Yet I was right that UC has far more action. That game is throwing tons and tons of enemies at you all the time. Plus it has some added strategy cause you need to choose what secondary weapon to take with you on the mission. There are multiple shotguns, rifles, magnums, all with different pluses and minuses. And it is harder.

That said, the ending of RE2 in DSC was awesome and is a step in the right direction as it had plenty of action. I raised the difficulty to hard and the game started to kick my ass. Thankfully there is still a challenge. Hopefully all the later levels have more action like the last ones of RE2. The boss fights, WOW, G was incredible! I am all geeked out right now cause the end of RE2 was so freaking awesome.  I think in the end the better controls and the better selection of games will make me like this game the same or slightly more than UC.
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Sat, 21 Nov 2009 20:27:22

Keep em coming vader. It sounds interesting, did you try multiplayer?

I think I will get Extraction at hobo price instead. I think it will drop quickly given sales.

Have you got to the new scenario yet?

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Sun, 22 Nov 2009 01:51:30
Now I have no doubt this game is better than UC. I played a few more missions and the action has ramped up. I have gone for a few high scores on some of the levels and that addictive quality from the first game is totally intact. The shooting is so far improved, if anyone has any doubts pop in UC, the difference is incredible. I just started the CV levels,the zombies are more aggressive, they are starting to throw projectiles like they did in the first one. Most of my complaints are now gone.

GG yeah I played multiplayer, it's fine. HotD is a better game to play with two people, a lot more action packed.
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Sun, 22 Nov 2009 11:41:50
So now that you've played both games, if the second game is much improved any reason why its not had a boost in review ratings?

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Sun, 22 Nov 2009 18:07:02

gamingeek said:
So now that you've played both games, if the second game is much improved any reason why its not had a boost in review ratings?

Probably the same reasons I would give this game almost the same score. The first time you play UC its an interesting take on RE, now that its the second one that novelty is gone and you expect more. Also the first game had more action, more enemies on screen, more dangers, a lot more to shoot at but it was more sloppy in how it handled the shooting. This is a more refined game in terms of the controls and flow of story. It actually has new normal enemies something the first game didn't have. When you put it all together I think it ends up around the same score as the first game and seeing how we should expect more from this game I don't see that as a bad thing.  I could put it to you this way, if DSC was released first and then UC came out, UC would not have the scores DSC had, it would have clearly worse scores.

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Mon, 23 Nov 2009 11:59:53
What about the pacing, the videos make it look perilously slow. How do you find replaying levels for fun?

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Mon, 23 Nov 2009 21:11:55

gamingeek said:
What about the pacing, the videos make it look perilously slow. How do you find replaying levels for fun?

You can skip most of the talking parts so you can get down to just the action. There is still a lot of slow moving parts but its not as bad shown in the videos. So far yeah I have had a blast replaying levels, like the first many stages have multiple routes,of course there are all those hidden items to find and higher rankings to attain.

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Tue, 24 Nov 2009 11:37:12
Sounds okay. I wouldn't buy it full price but if it drops to £20 I would pick it up.

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Wed, 25 Nov 2009 03:06:27

gamingeek said:
Sounds okay. I wouldn't buy it full price but if it drops to £20 I would pick it up.

You're almost as bad as Vader! Hrm

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Wed, 25 Nov 2009 11:29:12

But this is a meh game.

In interest terms. Plus Capcom need to be punished. And its a huge franchise game that will sell regardless. Not the same situation.

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Thu, 26 Nov 2009 02:24:43

gamingeek said:

But this is a meh game.

In interest terms. Plus Capcom need to be punished. And its a huge franchise game that will sell regardless. Not the same situation.

GG is correct, just wait. I buy now cause I am a huge fan of the franchise but its just a light gun game.

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Thu, 26 Nov 2009 02:46:45

Dvader said:

gamingeek said:

But this is a meh game.

In interest terms. Plus Capcom need to be punished. And its a huge franchise game that will sell regardless. Not the same situation.

GG is correct, just wait. I buy now cause I am a huge fan of the franchise but its just a light gun game.

I highly disagree! Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles is most certainly not a "meh" game. It is an outstanding third-party effort that should be heavily supported by all Wii owners. Well, after they purchase our superb New Super Mario Bros. Wii, of course. WinkWink

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Thu, 26 Nov 2009 02:55:37

gamingeek said:

But this is a meh game.

In interest terms. Plus Capcom need to be punished. And its a huge franchise game that will sell regardless. Not the same situation.

No, i mean you shouldn't be even considering picking it up. Nyaa

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Thu, 26 Nov 2009 10:11:30

I like Resident Evil.

Screw you!

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Thu, 26 Nov 2009 11:38:24
Then you're part of the problem!

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Sun, 29 Nov 2009 13:24:25


Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicles cheats (Wii)

Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles box artwork (Wii)
Here are the Resident Evil The Darkside Chronicles cheats for Wii listed in a nice overview. These include unlockable costumes, weapons, scenarios, chapters, difficulties and extra modes for this newest Resident Evil rail-shooter exclusively for Wii.

How to unlock Operation Javier Chapters 6 and 7
To unlock these last additional chapters, you must defeat the boss of Chapter 5 as quickly as possible. This will save a certain character you need to rescue and unlock the chapters.

How to Unlock the Bonus Scenarios
To unlock the hidden scenarios, you must beat Operation Javier Chapter 7 (see how to unlock it above) in under 10 minutes! This will unlock some cool bonus scenearios.

How to Unlock A Secret Mode
Fans of the second Resident Evil game (which you can read about in my Resident Evil 2 review) will be extremely delighted to see this hidden mode, which is a throwback to one of the weirdest hidden modes in Resident Evil 2. In order to unlock it, you must complete Operation Javier Chapter 5 on Normal Mode. The new additional mod will then be accessible from the bottom right corner of the Main Menu as “Secret”.

Following is a list of unlockable outfits for your characters that you can earn by beating the game on various modes and difficulties.

1. Chris’s Caucasus Costume - Beat Operation Javier Chapter 5 on Normal mode.
2. Chris’s Mafia Costume - Get an S-rank on Game of Oblivion Chapter 7 (final) on Normal difficulty
3. Krauser’s Detective Costume - Get an S-rank on Operation Javier Chapters 1-5 on Normal difficulty
4. Krauser’s Mercenary Costume - Beat Operation Javier Chapter 5 on Normal mode.
5. Leon’s Agent Costume - Beat Operation Javier Chapter 7 on Hard Mode.
6. Leon’s Detective Costume - Get an S-rank on Operation Javier Chapters 1-5 on Normal difficulty
7. Leon’s R.P.D. Costume - Beat Operation Javier Chapter 7 on Hard Mode.

How to unlock Very Easy Difficulty
To unlock the Very Easy difficulty mode, you have to use “Continue” at least 10 times while playing the game on Easy Mode.

How to unlock Very Hard Difficulty
To unlock the Very Hard difficulty mode, you must beat the game on the Hard difficulty setting.

Country: UN
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Mon, 30 Nov 2009 03:08:45
Those aren't really cheats. Nyaa

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Mon, 30 Nov 2009 23:46:12
Bonus scenarios... must check this out.

Finished the game, story is ok. At the end you get a cool video showing Wesker so I was happy.
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