Forum > Gaming Discussion > New Super Mario Bros Wii Thread: UPDATED First Review from ONM 96%
New Super Mario Bros Wii Thread: UPDATED First Review from ONM 96%
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Sat, 21 Nov 2009 09:22:26
2-players is fun as hell, especially the ring battle stages. I can only imagine how awesome it is with 4 people. Game is excellent, its a 9 game for sure, just cause its not SMB3 or SMW doesn't mean its not awesome.
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Wed, 25 Nov 2009 06:29:08
I beat the game, well beat Bowser. Epic Bowser battle, what great stuff. I loved world 7. World 8 was a bit too easy at times, I was expecting more. Anyone claiming this game is super hard or anything is a baby, SMB3 and SMW still kicks its ass. Thankfully after you "beat" the game it is not over. Happy

Its the game that keeps on giving. Plenty of content here, 80 or so levels with secrets in each. If you like 2D Mario you have no excuse not to get this game.
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Wed, 25 Nov 2009 11:30:14
That's interesting because a lot of reviews say its hard.

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Wed, 25 Nov 2009 15:28:03
I have it already, but will wait until Christmas to play it. Grinning
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Wed, 25 Nov 2009 15:36:11

SteelAttack said:
I have it already, but will wait until Christmas to play it. Grinning

Just become Dutch and play it on December 5 during Sinterklaas!

The wait won't be as long! 

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Sat, 12 Dec 2009 21:21:06

New Super Mario Bros Wii get!!

I just bought the game and my cousins came to visit me just right after. So my first experience is 2 player co-op. Two player is more demanding than a single player, not just because of the interference of the other players, but also because of the scrolling. If you have an vertical level and you fall down, the screen will scroll as you fall until you hit the ground. With 2 player that will not happen and you will die. You can cheat this by pressing A. This will activate the bubble, as long as your partner does not die, you should be fine. We reached the 2nd world until we played some Galaxy and Boom Blox Bash Party.

It was really fun, and not at all chaotic. Sometimes you get in each others way, but with some communication you should fine. And the carrying your partner is a touch of genius. If you partner is taking his/her time, you can just grab him and go for it. 

After my cousins went home, I deleted my save file and played solo. when playing it I noticed the levels were of higher complexity than previous Mario games. Even on 1-1 you have rotating fields. Getting all the Star Coins took me a few tries. Sometimes I only had 2 and had to do the level again. I did not die alot, because I played the levels already with my cousins, but I had to focus. The difficulty build up pretty quickly. Rotating platform, gears over lava, swivelling elevators,  shit load of fishes (cheeps-cheeps) in the underwater level, hammer bros and fast rotating spheres. And this is just the first world. The second one gets more difficult, but I only played world 2 in co-op. So it is really promising so far.

The maps are also pretty awesome so far. The first one is basically left to right like NSMB on the DS. But the 2nd one scrolls vertically. Also unlike SMG, there is little downtime here. The opening cut scene is like 40 seconds and there are hardly tutorials, just text prompts. Galaxy 2 better take notice of this. Screw a stupid hub world, just give me a map. And screw tutorials while we are at it. 

So far this game is really good, it is definitely better than NSMB. Much, much better. I will have to play SMW and YI again to see how it compares to both of these, but that will happen after I finish this game. There are some criticism. First a minor one. I really hate naming your levels only in numbers. I liked that in Galaxy each level had a name. Which described what the level was about. Good Egg Galaxy had a Yoshi egg, Battlerock Galaxyhad lots of meteor rocks and cannons, Dreadnought Galaxy had a huge dreadnought spaceship, etc. It made discussing the levels much easier, because you could easily remember the name. The levels in NSMBWii are pretty distinct so far, but they have so boring names. Even the Worlds are just numbers. The desert world is not named dry-dry desert, but just world 2. 

The second criticism is less petty. The weakest point of the game is the thematic variation. World 1, is a grass world, world 2 is desert, there will be a tropical/water world, forest world, sky world. SMG greatest strength was the theme variation. Good Egg Galaxy had no theme, Bumble Bee Kingdom had a bee theme. You had a love-child of F-Zero and Wave Race (Loopdeloop Galaxy). Heck you even had ice/fire theme is a single level. SMG was all over the place with themes, this game takes 2 steps back (SMW had more theme variation than SMB3) and goes to the more boring cliché themes.

The graphics are fine. The animation is awesome, everyone dances to the music. The particle effects are cool and the backgrounds are beautiful and there are lots of things that rotate and plenty of enemies of screen. Also important, the game is not cluttered. The background do not interfere with the playable foreground, like Boy and his Blob (see the gametrailers review). The music is good, I think I heard the Dr. Mario theme. Again compared to SMG the music is a step back, but it does matches the theme well. And final point, I do not think online would work with this game. 

Oh and people saying this game is a port of the DS game can die in a fire. See the Matt Assamassassippi thread in the GGD for the latest idiot that claims the game is a port. 

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Mon, 14 Dec 2009 12:06:35

Finished World 2.

Like world 1 the variety between levels is high. Level 2-1 is platforming with rising sand pillars, 2-2 is dodging spike balls thrown by those pesky spike ball spitting enemies and 2-3 is fireball avoiding hell in a dark cavern. And it goes on and on. Sure the theme is desert but the levels all have their own character. The difficulty is increasing also, some star coins are very hard to get. I have not yet found/collected all of them. also the secret routes are very well hidden, I have found none yet. 

If this keeps up, NSMBWii will beat LKS as my GoTY. 

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Tue, 15 Dec 2009 19:11:01

Well I guess I am the only one here. Played some more and nothing changed. The level are still distinct and the difficulty is increasing steadily. I actually had a super guide block appear once. I keep failing a certain level. But after eating a shroom and getting the penguin suit I completed the level and moved on. 

Oh BTW the penguin suit is fun and handy. Belly sliding across ice and water is so much fun. And extra grip in water and better swimming is quite handy. Then there are the ice balls for killing enemies and you have one of the best power ups ever. Helicopter suit is also quite useful. And unlike the raccoon and cape it is useful under all circumstances. You do not need a running start to use it, and you can also use to save your arse when you miss a jump.

GG I really think you will like this one. Each level introduces a new mechanic. So new some from previous games, and they keep doing it, so far. It is comparable to Galaxy's in that way. Of course thematically it is two steps back (see two posts above), but besides that it is all golden. 

Edit: almost forgot.

I found two secret exits that lead to warp cannons. Damn they were really well hidden. Some of the exits and star coins are very difficult to find. Getting 100% will take a while.

Edited: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 19:14:46
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Tue, 15 Dec 2009 21:41:15
Nice impressions, Iga.

I still miss the cape. Sad

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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 18:53:39

I think I have found Leo's favourite level, a level with 2 huge phallic objects colliding to each other at full force. 

This game uses all the stuff that were in previous Mario's and more. Slinging, climbing fences, all kinds of enemies. You see one level with a certain enemy or obstacle and once the level is finished it is thrown away and a new mechanic is introduced. Each and every level until now has its own hook. 

People calling Nintendo lazy here can go to hell. This is a true AAA epic Christmas title. Fuck the haters.

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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 22:10:46
Iga, it would be a lot better if it had full orchestra soundtrack, voice acting, an epic storyline with at least half a dozen hours of non-interactive cutscenes, "realistic" brown and gray levels, and rendered in the full glory of 720p HD.

Yes, it would be much, much better.
Edited: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 22:14:27

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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 22:21:58
Well World 6 is brown, is it not?
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Wed, 16 Dec 2009 22:24:50

Iga_Bobovic said:
Well World 6 is brown, is it not?

I'm only on World 4, with all of its sickeningly bright colors and cheerful midi music. Argh!

Edited: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 22:27:31

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Fri, 18 Dec 2009 14:15:45

I just finished the game. And it's my GoTY. 

Each and every level has a unique hook and the levels get crazier and crazier. The game does loss steam at the second half of world 8. The levels still have a unique hook, but they are simpler and easier than the ones before. You had this awesome build up, only to lose steam at the very end. But luckily the game end on a very high note. The last boss is fucking awesome.

Now it's time to get the star coins. I went back and have finished world 1 to 4 completely. All star coins ans secret exits found.  World 5-8 await. 

Oh and GG once you finish the game you can save everywhere. 

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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 14:58:03

Okay found all the Star Coins and it was awesome.


The secret level in world 7 was hard and the secret level in world 8 was also tricky. But nothing compares to the levels in world 9. Holy crap, no mid point saves, star coins are hidden in the most inconvenient places. The hardest by far is 9-7. It very difficult to get to the end, let alone get the star coins. I lost 20 lives to get past the level and at least 20 more to get the fucking star coins. The last level 9-8 is much easier, but the level itself is awesome. It's more like a "you are a awesome player" level. 

This game is without a doubt more difficult that SMW. Only the secret level tubular is harder, the rest of SMW is much easier. Especially if you have the cape. Not so sure about the difficulty with respect to SMB3. SMB3 could be harder, but I played it when I was much younger. Level design wise I think this game stands at the top, together with SMG. But the theme variety in NSMBWii is much weaker than SMG. You have a grass world, a desert world, a forest world, etc. SMG you have so much more and crazy levels like Toy Galaxy, Meteor basses, huge dreadnought, fire and ice level, crazy 2D gravity levels, etc. They have done all what they can with the classic and cliché Mario themes, the next step is to move beyond that theme and do some more daring stuff. Well actually they already did in Galaxy. Let's hope Galaxy 2 learns from both SMG and NSMBWii. 

Multiplayer is awesome, single player is awesome. So far the best game I have played this year. Now it's time to play Boom Blox. 

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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 15:51:37

Two days bitches!

And its mine.

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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 17:03:48

gamingeek said:

Two days bitches!

And its mine.

I have it already under the treeeeee!!!

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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 17:30:54

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

Two days bitches!

And its mine.

I have it already under the treeeeee!!!

I would love it if one of your other gifts was a disc shredder and your kids went to town on your collection LOL

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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 17:39:40

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

Two days bitches!

And its mine.

I have it already under the treeeeee!!!

I would love it if one of your other gifts was a disc shredder and your kids went to town on your collection LOL

That's not funny.

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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 17:41:28

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

Two days bitches!

And its mine.

I have it already under the treeeeee!!!

I would love it if one of your other gifts was a disc shredder and your kids went to town on your collection LOL

That's not funny.

 Why are you still posting? Go play Galaxy, you only have 2 days to get 242 stars. Times a wasting. Go Go Go!

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