Forum > Gaming Discussion > My Wii fit u adventure.
My Wii fit u adventure.
A few tips for you.
- If you're serious about exercise focus more on the yoga and the strength training. Additionally the dancing is pretty good for breaking a sweat, but it's fairly tough not to feel like a dork while doing it.
- Don't bother trying to create a routine until you've done each exercise 2 or 3 times. You have to *successfully* do each one to unlock harder or longer variations, and ultimately those are the ones you'll want to use for a routine.
- Wait until you play the snowball fighting. It's the best FPS on the Wii U.
- The obstacle courses are a lot of fun. Really gives you some appreciation for what Mario has to go through.
- I don't know if you have a lot of custom made Mii's or not, but if you do they'll make a lot of the exercises even more entertaining. It makes jogging around Wuhu Island a lot more fun when you go, "hey did Barack Obama just run past me?"
So i spent over an hour on this thing, worked up a decent sweat and had fun. i was just randomly trying out stuff. Some of the games are really fun, especially obstacle course. That is like real life Mario, its amazing. I feel bad for Mario now every time I die and start at a checkpoint.
Some of the stretches and exercises had my body spasming, I cant hold some of those poses. They need a fat trainer, one who cant touch their fingers to their toes, I need to follow that guy.
It says I burned 230 calories, thats like one cookie.
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robio (2m)
So I bought a balance board yesterday and downloaded wii fit u, I am going to give this a try. Now I am probably a bad candidate for this as I will be away from the wii u for days at a time, the game will probably hate me for doing that.
So you start off and it does tests to see how healthy you are. The game announced "you are OVERWEIGHT!!!" And then my mii got fat.
I have a fit age of 40. So you se some goals and the game keeps track of it all.
It had me practicing balancing, wow I suck at that. I did some step excersie, I have no coordination. There was a fun scuba game where you have to walk in place and do squats to move around the ocean while you collect fish. That kind of stuff will keep me going. As you play it tells you how many calories you have lost.
it seems pretty cool, it has that Nintendo quality oozing throughout. I will do my best to keep a routine. I felt really bad after I tried a few of the excersises cause some pizza just arrived. Oh well one step at a time.