Forum > Gaming Discussion > MURAMASA. DISCUSS. HERE. NOW!
Dvader said:I got bored of it half way through the chick. I will get back to it at some point.
This is why people use role play in sex.
I totally finished the game today. I have now seen all the endings. There are six in total and they are all awesome. The game is filled with cool little references that most non Japanese people won't get, I will explain some later. shame the localization is bad, they really dropped the ball there.
But now it's on like Donkey Kong. time to play Jungle Beat.
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robio (6m)
Just unlocked the third ending with Kisuke. You get this ending if you collected and forged all the swords. I also finished all the Monster lairs. The last one yielded the Narakami bracelet. Which gives you infinite soul power. Or in other words, god mode. .Spamming disturbance never gets old. So with Kisuke I have all the swords, all the special items and I am at level 99.
With Momohime I unlocked the second ending, will need to level up a bit so I can equip the Oboro Muramasa to unlock the final ending. After I done that, I can finally play Jungle Beat.