Forum > Gaming Discussion > Mass Effect 3 - Post Mortem
Mass Effect 3 - Post Mortem
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Fri, 25 May 2012 20:21:25

Now that it has been a while, where do you Mass Effect vetrans put three in the series, in terms of fun/ quality etc...

After all my characters died at the end of 2, I'm not really that interested in playing it, but now that the hype and controversy have been washed away by time, I'd like to hear some candid thoughts on the game.

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Fri, 25 May 2012 21:30:10

It was a great game just like the other two...and plays VERY similar to ME2. Some things I liked more about it, and others didn't feel as well thought out. I still don't like the way they did the ending, but there's tons of games I can say that about. I just found the end kind of depressing and odd. Other than that though, awesome game. Mass Effect 2 is still my favorite though.


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Fri, 25 May 2012 22:14:16
I would place them in this order:
  1. Mass Effect 3
  2. Mass Effect 2
  3. Mass Effect
I think they got better with each game. The addition of mp to ME3 was a very cool and fun addition.


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Fri, 25 May 2012 22:25:51

Mass Effect 2 is still my favorite. it was my first ME game so it was really special. I loved the characters and I loved how personal the story was for every character, something missing from ME3. The situations and amount of places you visit created this Star Trek like experience which I loved. Plus the ending was crappy.

My rankings are

1. ME2

2. ME3

and far below those two ME1.

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Sat, 26 May 2012 20:28:19
Dvader said:

Mass Effect 2 is still my favorite. it was my first ME game so it was really special. I loved the characters and I loved how personal the story was for every character, something missing from ME3. The situations and amount of places you visit created this Star Trek like experience which I loved. Plus the ending .

Mass Effect 2 was the perfection of the formula...and they didn't have to worry about silly things like ending the story or trying to tie it all together. It kind of reminds me of Resident Evil 2, where its just such a perfection and does so much right that where can you really beat it?


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Mon, 28 May 2012 21:49:29

Mass Effect 2 was almost like a different game from the first. I do wonder how much that had to do with EA's polishing versus MGS.  Probably none, but still a thought.  The only problem with 2 was the story arc, but like I think Vader said, each chapter felt like a self-contained episode of Star Trek TNG, which made up for the lack of cohesive story.

Might be time for 3... I may be able to get a save point going and see if I can replay the last few hours of 2 and upgrade my characters so they don't all die.

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