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Interstellar - Nolan pulls a Kojima
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Wed, 05 Nov 2014 06:08:36

WOW. Interstellar is an impressive movie, please go see it in real IMAX, there are certain shots in this movie that are in such enormous scale that I don’t know how it will work on a normal screen. This is Nolan’s 2001, there are moments of pure silence and space imagery.

But did I love it, I don’t think so. I really wanted to love it, this is hard core sci-fi, I love space exploration. I loved the premise, I was so excited for the movie to jump into space. I love the focus on science and the love for nasa. And then the journey began and it did not excite me as I was hoping for.

There is a certain energy that Nolan movies usually have, they normally grip me in such a way that I am fully invested in everything happening in the film. For reasons I am still not sure of I never felt that hooked. Part of it maybe that this is probably his most dramatic focused movie since probably Insomnia, I was hoping for a space adventure, when it is more of a space drama. People at my theater loved the movie, my party all enjoyed the movie, I really enjoyed the movie but I was not as blown away as I normally am after a Nolan movie. I am curious to see how the general movie going public will take to it. If you are not into science you may find this movie very boring, slow and long. That being said I could easily see the flip side, some people will swear this is Nolan’s best movie and proclaim it an all time great. It will be divisive.

Now as for my thread title, I’ll explain below in the MAJOR SUPER SPOILERS SERIOUSLY DONT EVEN READ A WORD OF THIS

I have never seen an actor being hidden from a movie in this day in age like what Nolan did with Matt Damon. When he comes out of the cryo chamber I was like “WTF they found Matt Damon!” And what a great asshole role did he have. I would say when he was in the movie the movie was at its best. That whole sequence was stunning, exciting, everything I hoped the entire movie would have been. No previews mentioned him, reviews didn’t even mention him, the only comparable example of something like this is what Kojima did with Raiden in MGS2.

Then there is the ending, where to begin. Like MGS2 I felt the ending went off the deep end. You have this movie based mostly on actual science all of a sudden go to crazyville. I get it, we don’t know what is in a black hole, it is a blank slate and allows writers to tell whatever story they want. The whole being the ghost of the bookshelf went a bit too far. Lets go back to Inception, there is a film where Nolan invented a certain set of rules and the whole movie followed those rules and built on it. The finale took the viewers to the full dramatic extent of those rules. Interstellar has some of that world building, with a quest that had some rules or it was based on rules of science, and it just goes off in a tangent in the end rather than take the earlier ideas further. I felt the whole twist where oh look it was cooper who was interacting with the other characters throughout the whole movie was forced. I didn’t see it as a “aha” moment, I saw it as “well ok, I guess it is neat he was ‘them'”.

The movie does have some great emotional moments and incredible acting I just never felt it all clicked in ways Nolan movies usual do for me.

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Wed, 05 Nov 2014 08:10:37

I'm planning on seeing it next week.  It releases here on Friday.  No IMAX theathre nearby though.  Sad

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Sun, 09 Nov 2014 00:52:12

Sorry, but I disagree.  Interstellar is stellar, amongst Nolan's finest.  The drama focus is exactly why I loved it. The drama hit pretty close to home to me, especially Cooper's longing to save his children.   I loved the ending and that OST!   I'm so happy Hans Zimmer didn't attempt to copy his Inception score.

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Sun, 09 Nov 2014 01:01:00

Super major spoilers.....don't look, don't look, don't look!!! Major spoilers!!!The twist didn't bother me because I actually thought it would be Cooper anyway.   I felt like there were too many things pointing to him being the ghost: the coordinates to NASA, the focus on the watch, "Stay!".  So it didn't feel forced on me. To me, this was one of those movies where the journey is the most exciting part and McConnaughey's Cooper is a character I wanted to follow to the very end.  In fact, I got kind of pissed when he detached himself from the ship. I was afraid we were going to be forced to follow Anne Hathaways character from then on. Nyaa.

My wife went in to this with no expectations, having seen nothing of this.  She was blown away.

Edited: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 01:53:57
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Sun, 09 Nov 2014 01:08:13
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Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:10:06

I'm in the Vader kamp myself.  I much preferred the sci-fi angle over the drama of the second half.  Gravity was coated in a certain degree of Hollywood sugar, with her actually making it back, but this was of a whole other magnitude.  I would have been much more content with the mission succeeding or failing, and never knowing who 'they' were.  The dr.Mann bit was great though, and something I was suspecting to happen.  I mean really, is any man capable of making such a sacrifice?  Of not grasping that last lifeline that might bring you salvation?  This ties in neatly with this mission-to-mars thing the NASA is experimenting with.  Those people are plainly not coming back.  That sounds all nice and dandy if you're looking forward to spending a whole lifetime there.  It doesn't sound such a good preposition if the whole thing bombs and everyone dies within a week after reaching Mars.

Also, what's with the time goes slower near the black hole thing?  I know time supposedly slows down the faster you go, this being related to light actually having a mass of it's own, but it's the first I've heard of any theory that states that time slows down the closer you get to a black hole.

Anyway, I enjoyed the movie, certainly something very different from his latest movies.  I don't feel that the fiction he creates was as complete as that of Inception however.  This might be due to how Interstellar is grounded in real science, creating something of an uncanny valley.  If time was slower on dr.Millers planet, surely NASA could have seen that something was 'off' with her signal?  And why did they bother going there in the first place, while the mission could easily have researched the other 2 planets before heading there.  It'd only seem like a couple of minutes to dr.Miller anyway.

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Fri, 14 Nov 2014 19:56:25

I thought this was going to be about Nolan North or Nolan Bushnell. Sad

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Sat, 15 Nov 2014 19:41:24

Any aliens in this movie?

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Tue, 18 Nov 2014 21:00:52

I'm adding in some text here just so the followign major spoiler doesn't show up readable on the home page.  So here it is, the answer to GG's all defining question:


And now the first bit refuses to be un-spoilerd.  Oh well.

Edited: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 21:03:31
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