Forum > Gaming Discussion > Gamescom conferences MS at 8amEST, Sony 1pm EST
Gamescom conferences MS at 8amEST, Sony 1pm EST
I was in a chat during the conference. Good stuff, about what you would expect from gamescom. Lots of downloadable games. That last one was really cool.
Rime was game of the conference, it looks like a new WW, absolutely beautiful.
Tearaway PS4 is ok, didnt care for it on Vita. Smart move though.
I am going to try that horror demo thing. The Until Dawn looked stupid, no more move
Driveclub is stunning.
MGSV cardboard box was HILARIOUS!!!!
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aspro (1m)
So MS is going to have their conferene in about 5 hours, I will not wake up for that.
Sony will be at 1pm, I will be all over that.