OMG Aangry -- good to see you. I agree entirely on Mirror's Edge. I don't think DICE would have had any say in the inclusion of the combat (which ruined the game). As a protest I went through 6 levels without using a gun -- until ultimately it was required -- it totally was against the whole spirit of the game -- which is flight over fight.
Mekere said:and a linux based OS on my computer.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYodariquo said:Mekere said:and a linux based OS on my computer.
A lady full of surprises, isn't she?
aspro said:OMG Aangry -- good to see you.
Oh, I'm still around. I just don't post as much as I could. I'm like the little kid listening into the family discussions that nobody notices is there.
Wait - I wanted that to sound sort of warm and friendly but now I'm thinking of Damien.
aspro said:As a protest I went through 6 levels without using a gun -- until ultimately it was required -- it totally was against the whole spirit of the game -- which is flight over fight.
Oh yeah, me too. To me the fun and spirit of the game had little to do with combat, especially picking up a pistol. I always play games like you're "supposed" to but with this one I flat out refused. I actually got a kick out of disarming thugs and throwing their weapons away more than shooting them. A friends kid (slightly bloodthirsty) was watching me play and was mad that I wasn't shooting anyone. I quit playing after I got through a section with a bunch of guys gunning for me - I had to replay it a bunch of times to get through it but I did it and then gave up on it.
Yep, I really liked this game but I could have loved it.
aspro said:flight over fight.
aspro said:OMG Aangry -- good to see you. I agree entirely on Mirror's Edge. I don't think DICE would have had any say in the inclusion of the combat (which ruined the game). As a protest I went through 6 levels without using a gun -- until ultimately it was required -- it totally was against the whole spirit of the game -- which is flight over fight.
What about the more realistic freeze?
Foolz said:aspro said:OMG Aangry -- good to see you. I agree entirely on Mirror's Edge. I don't think DICE would have had any say in the inclusion of the combat (which ruined the game). As a protest I went through 6 levels without using a gun -- until ultimately it was required -- it totally was against the whole spirit of the game -- which is flight over fight.
What about the more realistic freeze?
aspro said:What?
Fight, flight, or freeze.
Though it would not make for a very long game.

And from what I've played so far at my cousin's house, this:

Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Foolz said:aspro said:OMG Aangry -- good to see you. I agree entirely on Mirror's Edge. I don't think DICE would have had any say in the inclusion of the combat (which ruined the game). As a protest I went through 6 levels without using a gun -- until ultimately it was required -- it totally was against the whole spirit of the game -- which is flight over fight.
What about the more realistic freeze?
Shit, freeze is good too! I loved the Thief games. And being an invisible hobbit thief when I tried out that lord of the rings mmo was fun. I played Call of Cthulthu in super stealth mode under assumption that it was a horror game and you couldn't go one on one with the crazed townfolk. ( you start out more on the run) Stopped playing it after I started getting into too many gun battles..
There's not enough games that insist that you be sneaky/stealthy .
Yodariquo said:
Why so chocked? Everyone in my family is using a linux based OS. Even my 10 year old niece
Mekere said:Yodariquo said:
Why so chocked? Everyone in my family is using a linux based OS. Even my 10 year old niece
Go easy on him, Mekere. He's going to burst an aneurysm.
Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom
I think, that after playing through the Dead Space games I'm going to have to give it to Dead Space as my favorite new IP. I would not rate either of the games above either of the NMH games, but as a peice of IP, judging by the depth o fthe story, the pacing, all the supporting media, I'd have to give it to them instead.