Forum > Gaming Discussion > Disaster Day of Crisis: The Cheese is about to destroy us! OMG WTH? LOL? YES!
Disaster Day of Crisis: The Cheese is about to destroy us! OMG WTH? LOL? YES!
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Wed, 24 Dec 2008 08:39:21

gamingeek said:

£19.99 at game Happy

  $55 including postage... not bad at all!

Edited: Wed, 24 Dec 2008 08:41:12

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Wed, 24 Dec 2008 09:52:08

Do they ship outside of europe?

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Wed, 24 Dec 2008 12:05:28
Yep, 5 pounds postage to Australia.

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Sat, 17 Jan 2009 16:50:34

Review snippets

By rights this game should be terrible, given its protracted and troubled development and its utter confusion on what sort of game it wants to be. But somehow all the individual elements, which on their own are distinctly below-par, come together to form an entertaining and strangely gripping experience which is quite unlike most other games on the market. The key to enjoying Disaster is to suspend all expectations of realism and traditional gaming conventions and treat it like a no-brainer action movie. The plot could have been taken straight from a Roland Emmerich movie and the action sequences that make up the gameplay are fast-paced and jump from one genre to the next in a heartbeat. One minute you’ll be sprinting away from a Tsunami, the next fighting fires in a subway or gunning down terrorists in a burning factory whilst avoiding lava.

If you don’t mind the thought of logic gaps, plot holes the size of earthquakes and massive burgers hidden in oil barrels that replenish your health then Disaster could prove to be an enthralling experience. Given that it can now be found in most places for less than twenty quid you won’t be taking too high a risk on this and maybe Nintendo can be convinced to let Monolith loose on a sequel. In a game choc-full of catastrophes the biggest disaster is NOA’s stubborn refusal to release the game and NOE’s non-existent promotion of a title that deserves a much wider audience than it’s currently likely to have. Had Nintendo thrown some more weight behind this, both in presentation and gameplay terms, Disaster could have been a monster hit for the Wii.

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Sun, 18 Jan 2009 03:58:20
Man, so I was about ready to buy it (though FIFA is cheap but dunno if I can get to the shops atm) and then the Boom Boom box is announced, which I will probably have to pre-order.

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Sun, 18 Jan 2009 14:19:32

Foolz said:
Man, so I was about ready to buy it (though FIFA is cheap but dunno if I can get to the shops atm) and then the Boom Boom box is announced, which I will probably have to pre-order.

What is Boom Boom Box?

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Mon, 19 Jan 2009 03:56:17
Bang Bang Box

I just needa make sure postage isn't too expensive and I'll probably pre-order.
Edited: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 03:58:09

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Mon, 19 Jan 2009 11:47:14

Oh I see. Dual guns looks badass.

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Thu, 22 Jan 2009 21:27:46

More GAF Impressions:

Been playing through the game this week (yay PAL country!), man I love it.

I'm not that great at the driving bits so they can get frustrating, but everything else is so awesome. Great production values, great and varied gameplay, having fun exploring around everywhere looking for people to rescue then next min on-rails shooter then back to exploring. Music is of course top notch and the graphics (other than some strange NPCs) actually made me say wow at times, some really nice effects.

NOA are REALLY dropping the ball here, fuck Reggie. >_< Their attitude really pisses me off, the way they just dismiss their own companies product because its not casual enough. Psh!

The game just has such a cool atmosphere, epic.

Considering all the translation work was basically already done for them, and the 2nd half of last year we weren't exactly over-filled with games like this on Wii, when the core guys are crying out for something... to just ignore releasing a game this fun is idiotic.

I'm sorry, but again, fuck Reggie.

<3 Monolith Soft.

*chomps down on a giant hamburger while in the middle of a volcanic eruption Grinning


Got the game as a late xmas gift, only played through the first two stages so far, but daaaaaamn. What a surprisingly good game - although some of the graphics are plain ugly to look at, GC-level stuff. I'm getting a distinct MGS1 vibe here for some reason - only without sneaking and totally different. I know, it makes no sense, but somehow those two games feel connected.

I just upgraded the shit outta the heavy pistol, 22 damage per shot sounds awesome. I was tempted by the light handgun with the autofire, too, but... 22 damage+unlimited ammo=nom nom nom. Knowing myself though, this will most likely have been the worst possible weapon choice in the whole game


I finished Disaster today. This game is great.

Ray = best new lead in a videogame since Travis Touchdown IMO. And they both have the same hairstyle. Hmm..


I just finished this. It's going to sound so terrible to say about a game that's been reviewed as being merely good and mediocre, but this is one of my favorite games I've ever played. Ever. It's one of the best game Nintendo have put out since the N64 era in my mind - right up there with Wind Waker and Galaxy.

All in all, it's just awesome. It's complete. It's the most cinematic game I've played since Shenmue in a way. The Shenmue comparison is one I'd make quite a lot, too - both games take many different genres and 'modes of play' and introduce them to you as and when you hit them. This game is like all the fast, action paced bits of Shenmue strung together, mixed in with a bit of Time Crisis and a bit of the Minigame style action you'd expect from the Wii. QTEs, duck-and-shoot fighting, minigame rescues and exploration are all the name of the game, and it is god damn awesome.

This is without a doubt one of the few games I've played to have done QTEs well. The 'last boss' was absolutely incredible, and it was powered entirely by QTEs. I was really on the edge of my seat.

This is the most movie-like game I've ever played too, sans Metal Gear Solid 4. You do less watching than Metal Gear, but it's sitll got a very fun, interesting plot. Wildly unbelievable but it's fine - this game is a lot like being in a Disaster-driven series of 24 - lots of shit happens, and just when you think everything's going to calm down it goes crazy again.

The score is amazing. Characters are well enough developed evne if they are very much simple stereotypes and like Ryo, Ray is a simple but really likable lead. And yes, Reggie is right, the voice acting isn't great, but it fits the entire feel of this game, which is this super-cheesy every-disaster-and-action-movie-you've-ever-seen-rolled-into-one.

I really enjoyed this game. I think part of it is because I love light gun games in general, but light-gun games are usually low on plot and have simplistic, arcade game values in the score, characters, design, and general aesthetic. This game has the arcadey light gun gameplay with detailed weapon and character upgrades, a fun plot, and high, high production values.

This game is in my mind the vision of what Wii Hardcore should be in the future. Despite the lower graphics it looks fantastic in places (not so hot in others, but whatever) and is more than passable. The way the controls work are perfect for the Wii - a mulititude of different 'styles' of gameplay, each with different setups, some motion sensitive driven, and some not. It just works.

Sorry if this seems gushy, but I fucking love this game. It's a crime this may not get released in NA. A crime.

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Fri, 23 Jan 2009 03:38:49
A crime that they should have suffered many years ago, and hopefully they won't get to play it until it is ported to the DS3.

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Sat, 31 Jan 2009 13:46:31

Diary of disaster - Discover Disaster: Day of Crisis on Wii
Diary of disaster - Discover Disaster: Day of Crisis on Wii

Some days it’s best to stay inside. Unfortunately for Raymond Bryce, the star of Disaster Day of Crisis on Wii, battening down the hatches and taking cover isn’t an option.

Despite the fact that staying on the streets means Ray will have to face and survive all of nature’s fury in the space of 24 hours, the small matter of having to avert a nuclear disaster means it’s his duty to be in the wrong place at the wrong time over and over again.

Read on to discover out just how Disaster: Day of Crisis got its name. And next time you find yourself complaining about a spot of drizzle, spare a thought for poor Ray.

Disaster 1:
Earthquake, Blue Ridge City: 8:12 a.m.

When Ray’s morning starts with a polite request for him to single-handedly bring down a crazed ex-army colonel who’s picked himself up a few nuclear warheads, he could be forgiven for thinking things couldn’t get much worse. Imagine his surprise then, as his early skirmishes with the colonel’s cronies are interrupted by the sound of rumbling.
Although he was probably forced to skip breakfast, this rumbling definitely isn’t Ray’s stomach. As roofs cave in, the ground splits open and buildings are reduced to rubble, Blue Ridge City and surrounding area say good morning to one very bad day. Ray’s first few steps downtown after the disaster offer an eerie reminder that he is very much alone.


Disaster 2:
Tsunami, Blue Ridge City: 10:03 a.m.

On a bridge just outside Blue Ridge City, Ray is closing in on the terrorist cell behind the missing nuclear weaponry. But as he searches for precious information, something begins to darken the horizon. If he was starting to recover from being shaken up earlier in the morning, this latest disaster threatens to dampen his spirits, big time. Only some death-defying driving can save him now, but he’s going to need to hurry - this bridge is about to be engulfed by some seriously troubled waters...


Disaster 3:
Volcanic Eruption, Mount Rosalin: 1:32 p.m.

It’s not often that one disaster averts another, but when the volatile Mount Rosalin begins spitting forth enormous flaming rocks, the timing couldn’t be much better for Ray. Having gotten himself close to the elusive Colonel Haynes, he finds himself starting down the barrel of a problem with no apparent solution. But when the nearby volcano goes up in smoke he can breathe a sigh of relief – well, for a second or two at least. Soon he’ll be battling his way through a disused power plant, attempting to outrun scorching lava and struggling to survive the devastating fallout. Probably no time for lunch then.


Disaster 4:
Flood, Bainsville: 2:10 a.m.

It never rains but it pours. When Ray parachutes into Bainsville he’s well aware that the approach of Hurricane Erin is set to cause some record-breaking rainfall. But upon touching down in a city that is quickly becoming submerged and laid to ruin by a full-on flood, it’s apparent that his day isn’t about to get any better. Internal politics rage between Ray’s enemies as the waters rise, but his pursuit of them is put on ice when he gets trapped in an abandoned building with a sizeable leak. Surely it doesn’t get much worse than this?


Disaster 5:
Hurricane, Port Alex: 4:55 a.m.

The palm trees of Port Alex would probably make it an attractive holiday destination if it wasn’t being battered by an almighty hurricane. Rain, wind, explosions; you name it, Port Alex has it. And to think, poor Ray hasn’t even packed a jacket. But as Ray muses before stepping out of the car in pursuit of his final target: “Oh well, what’s a little hurricane going to do?” And after the day he’s been having, you can probably forgive his blasé approach to what’s waiting just around the corner. If he makes it though this one, he really should take tomorrow off.


Disaster: Day of Crisis is in shops now, only on Wii.

Click here to see the game in action.

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Sun, 01 Feb 2009 03:50:44
Man, this thing is cheap as chips on the English ebay. I've been trying to win it, GG, but no one selling wants to post to Aus. Sad

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Sun, 01 Feb 2009 13:20:52

Yeowch. Sad to hear. Another Gaffer finished it last night:

"I just beat the game last night. A very nice experience throughout the entire game, but the ending was phenomenal."

Oh nice, if you click here you get mini-videos, just hit the arrow key next to the video player to take you to the next one.

And another GAFfer:

"I finished this game recently, and I must say it's pretty awesome. I had it through my rental service, and took some 10+ hours with it. It's not the longest game or the most sophisticated, but it's a real experience. The cinematic narrative, the variety in missions and the constant progress through the game make it fun.

To give some perspective, I've recently rented Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Wario Land: Shake Dimension, Farcry 2, Condemned 2 and Dead Space. Out of these, Disaster was right up there with Dead Space as most memorable and fun experiences.

Oh, and it works on NTSC Wii with the old Freeloader "

Edited: Sun, 01 Feb 2009 19:52:08

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Mon, 02 Feb 2009 03:48:43

It'll have to wait now, unfortunately! Won LBP at a good price and kinda used up all my funds.

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Thu, 05 Feb 2009 12:21:26


The first thing you'll notice when you first boot up Disaster is that the graphics are really nicely done. Ray's character model is very nicely detailed, the characters themselves look somewhat life-like (especially in cutscenes) and the environments are really nicely rendered. The characters that you'll be saving will be looking less, well, detailed than Ray which creates a kind of strange discrepancy that makes you wonder if the characters both exist in the same world, but for the most part the characters models for the generic NPCs do their part. But, enough about character models, what's arguably more important is the world they inhabite - and that's where Disaster really captures something.

The environments you'll be exploring in Disaster are pretty standard things you'd expect in a disaster themed game/movie. First, you have the city, which is where most of the action happens. Buildings fall, dust and rubble scatter throughout the environment dynamically, and fire spreads like it should (for the most part). The fact that all of this happens in real time during gameplay without any significant slowdown is a really big feat. Then, you have a forest covered in ash from a recent volcanic eruption. The ash slowly floats to the ground, covering the grass and the environment around you, turning a lush and green forest into something horribly oppressive. The art team working on this game really did a great job in making you feel like what you're wading through has seen better days - that's what makes the atmosphere of Disaster so good.


The soundtrack is booming, makes you feel alive and really helps you to feel motivated to save these people and persevere in the end. It sounds really corny, I know, but that's the whole appeal of Disaster, it's exceedingly entertaining, filled with cliche'd dialogue (which, by the way, is mostly voiced and has had some good effort put into it.) and it melds everything you'd expect in a game together to make a really fun experience. The soundtrack and sound effects really help to add to that.

What's perhaps the best thing about Disaster is that although it is short, you won't really get bored throughout the game. That's perhaps the best thing about Disaster, it's an engaging experience that might even leave you reluctant to put your Wii remote down.

All in all, Disaster: Day of Crisis is a very competent action adventure title that offers a lot of things for the player to do that they won't find anywhere else. Where else in a video game will you find yourself running away from fire tornadoes, diving into a hurricane, driving away from a tsunami or perhaps even sprinting away from volcanic flow? No where - and that's why Disaster is such a unique and enjoyable experience. Most gamers should have a lot of fun with Disaster, and some casual gamers should too, but all in all, I can recommend it to those core gamers that Nintendo of America's president has obviously forgotten about. A brilliant game regardless, just a shame that everyone may not experience it.

Vooks score was 7.4 but they have this weird gamespot style automated score thing. The important thing is the "tilt" which they gave a 9.0 to.

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Thu, 05 Feb 2009 15:10:54
I am never going to play this game.
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Thu, 05 Feb 2009 15:29:35

They should put it out in Autumn as a special edition, sharpen up the textures, put in analogue control for driving as an option. Maybe do a special chapter of the game as an extra. Actually, you know market the title. They didn't market this game at all. If it weren't for the nintendo channel you wouldn't even know it existed.

With some more input this game could have been really awesome.

Edited: Thu, 05 Feb 2009 15:30:34

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Sat, 07 Feb 2009 05:57:18

So when is it coming to NA?  I just amazon'd it and they gave me dick.

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Sat, 07 Feb 2009 07:09:05
aspro73 said:

So when is it coming to NA?  I just amazon'd it and they gave me dick.

Still TBA as far as I know


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sat, 07 Feb 2009 15:11:46

aspro73 said:

So when is it coming to NA?  I just amazon'd it and they gave me dick.

I hear that's what the NA version is. Literally you open the box and a pop up dick appears. Like a pop up book.

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