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Fri, 12 Jul 2019 08:41:09
Gagan said:

Cut your thumb off and learn to play with your other fingers. Devil May Cry is more important.

Literal lol.

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Tue, 03 Sep 2019 04:24:36
Gagan said:

It's almost here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The demo is so fucking good. No repeating boss fights the other character fights, Nero's buster has been giving more utility and options, the third character is a puppet character in a single player game (all you non fighting game players need not apply), and GLORIOUS LORD DANTE IS GONNA HAVE ALL HIS STYLES BACK WITH NEW VERSIONS OF CERBERUS N SHIT!!!!!!.............and there is some how more mechanics n surprises to unlock, the combo crafting is gonna be so godlike. This game could have some pretentious wanky walk fest to open the game and I would give no fucks.



Video games are saved o/

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Mon, 13 Jan 2020 05:39:36


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Sun, 15 Mar 2020 13:10:36

"the first in the series remains by the far the best"

You fucking ape

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Sun, 15 Mar 2020 13:18:35

Aarny you piece of shit, royal guard is how you guard fly. You're supposed to be the not ape on the devil may cry podcast!!

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Mon, 16 Mar 2020 10:28:18

I don't actually disagree with too many aspects of the take. The scores I naturally do, and the DMC1 over 3 aspect, but I've told you plenty of times Itsuno's games have some level design short comings and the enemies aren't as good as Kamiya's or Itagaki's. I don't think anything outside of the statues is that bad in the grand scheme of thing when paired with others, tho I don't know what difficulty either of you played DMC3 on. The bosses I disagree with, because outside of Arkham, who is terrible, most of the bosses I think are better than most of the genres offerings, bad man Vergil included. Key word was most, take it as you will. Using the first Bayonetta as the counter point I don't think any of its boss fights are inherently garbage, as much as most in the cuhrayzee community would, but the larger bosses really are a set of sequence of attacks they throw out where you do fuck all but get out of the way n pepper in basic attacks, and then you do some tings to get to the part where you can do real damage.

In DMC even the more set pieceish fights give you room to cut loose on the boss when given the opportunity. Cerberus allows for that, or you can be a punk ass n shoot em. Agni n Rudra, beowulf n such similarly you can just flex on. Vergil has a range of nice attack options while also just being more aggressive on the whole. Which is the bigger issue with the enemies is just their lack of aggression, they have the moves to at least hold space, it's why SoS n DMD are a lot more solid, if still lacking compared to the other top tier action titles.

I would still take DMC3's best bosses over 1, free. The combat wins fair n square, even with the styles separated you just have too many moves to be ignored, and the compact spaces with wall run, n free ride n such end up adding a lot to the combat, and I don't find the spaces to be the huge short coming on the combat that yalls did, albeit yeah the chess pieces are boredom. The difference is I very much am all about what the combat allows the player to do, and I think it rightfully solidifies DMC's place among the other ones. They may have stronger campaigns, but DMC3 and its sequels are funner to get good at, because you have so much room to experiment, lab out concepts, n such. I think its place is overrated in the series, because it's not as deep as 4, and Bloody Palace isn't as good in 3. But I think DMD can keep you honest enough, while the sheer ceiling for what can be done with DMC3's systems solidifies it over 1.

I think one is nice n tight, but this goes back to what happens on the following playthroughs. I don't give a fuck about the rest of the castle once I know what I need to do to get to what. Because all the scoring comes down to is don't get hit and finish this mission as fast as possible. in Resident Evil n Metroid the routing is part of the fun, ever part of the map needs to have some merit to the player, and entire speed run strats change on different sort of sequences you can take in those games, even Metroid Prime pre-wii trilogy allows for this (Prime is more of an exploration by the hand game these days), but its a non factor in DMC1. So that aspect of the game has held no water for me, where as DMC3's combo craft I think is the bees knees. Admittedly I'm not surprised Towers ended up being a DMC1 person, consiering his cherry popping game is Bayonetta. Platinum's games are more about how the player uses their tools to respond to the enemy (albeit in a more proactive way), where as Itsuno's brand of DMC has to a fault, been all about letting the player cut loose, said trade off is that you deal with some sand baggers.

I actually don't have a problem with the criticisms, just that I am retroactively lowering the score of every other game you have scored to below DMC3 to make your scale more appropriate. Sans like a few exceptions, Antichamber, Bayonetta, Braid n the like.

I will say now similarly that's why some of the DMC crowd, flip this convo has criticisms of other games in the genre. Because that crowd is plenty aware of the short coming of DMC enemies (ahem wait till you fight the chimera n the blitz) and bosses, but expression is a huge part of the appeal of these games, and as pure self mitigated challenges or showcase of skill the combo craft in these games is second to none. It's allowed for a level of perfomance art no game really provides, even fighting games can't offer that since those games have hit stun decay. And it's what's held against the more red tape of Bayonetta, and even NG. Albeit the real knock against Ninja Gaiden is that it's Ultimate Technique the game.

All in all I am stilly mostly pleased, tho still annoyed with one of the greatest action game franchises finally getting some burn on the game under. If you come out of this game being a reboot lover, you better have Vader ban me on that day. Piece of shit.

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Thu, 13 Aug 2020 16:39:10


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Thu, 13 Aug 2020 22:30:55

Eventually. Unrelated, but is Doom Eternal as good as speed runs make it look?

Edited: Thu, 13 Aug 2020 22:34:04

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Fri, 14 Aug 2020 16:45:10

I like it enough to humor the idea that I am okay with you not playing Devil May Cry 4 n 5 if it means you will play Doom Eternal, on nightmare, do all the slayer gates and do the master levels or it doesn't count. That is not something I would ever humor for doom 4.

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Sun, 16 Aug 2020 09:42:46

Nah, i'll play DMC4 before I play Doom Eternal, but I won't play either right now.

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Mon, 17 Aug 2020 01:02:29

Why do you do this to me!!

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Sat, 22 Aug 2020 09:50:46

Coming to Switch?

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Fri, 18 Sep 2020 04:42:29

CAPCOM YOU FUCKS WHAT DO YOU MEAN SPECIAL EDITION ISN'T ON PC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Wed, 28 Oct 2020 01:26:34

Well tomas Ocotber now. Almost November. So you can at least be playing some Devil May Cry 4 or Doom Eternal.

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Wed, 28 Oct 2020 01:57:00

Unfortunately I'm still suffering flashbacks to DMC3, so that's a nope right now.

I'll play Doom Eternal when it goes onto gamespass, though.

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Mon, 02 Nov 2020 01:14:20

What you mean suffering flashbacks. Make no mistake. Devil May Cry 3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>95% of the games you've played. Up to n including 95% of the games you have rated higher than DMC3. Up to n also including 95% of the games you have rated higher than DMC3, after the fax of rating DMC3.

But I am not hear to argue that. Is your PC up to snuff yet? DMC4 is probably cheap as hell for PS3, ditto special edition for 4. Would not recommend special edition for PC, its less optimized than vanilla DMC4. That and in the grand scheme of things playable Vergil, Trish, and Lady not worth if you gotta pick one or the other, especially if you can get vanilla cheaper.

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Mon, 02 Nov 2020 01:21:28

If only that were true.

I should have no issue running the PC version. There are mods to fix its issues, right?

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Mon, 02 Nov 2020 05:55:37

DMC4: SE? its like optimization shit. I remember when I played Legendary Dark Knight mode on DMC4: SE, my pc build with the 970 would kind of crash because of it.

But if I did the same thing on DMC4 it's fine, and visually there aren't any improvements to justify that shit. Legit its only real additions are inside base ball stuff (which actually hurts high level play), and the 3 characters. Don't think a mod fixes problems, but you should have played DMC3 with style switcher mod if we really talking mod hours. Although I guess you should play the first real style switcher Dante, and then play modded DMC3 Dante, and then play DMC5. For the tru way to follow how DMC developed and get a grasp on how its community developed versus where Capcom ended up at DMC5.

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Mon, 02 Nov 2020 05:59:32

Pls learn guard fly. It is cool!!!!

Doesn't make sense first playthrough, but you can just go in replay an area to dick around and learn to move as dante, or bloody palace. and its one of the funnererest things in the whole ass genre.

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Mon, 02 Nov 2020 06:14:46

Yeah I would've enjoyed DMC3 way more with style switching, but Aarny bought me the PS3 trilogy. Ultimately, he's to blame! Nyaa

The odds are I'll be playing DMC4: SE just cause Aarny has it on Steam and we Steam share lol. You can't beat free!

It should run fine, as this build has an RX 2070 Super.

Guard Fly mode looks bonkers wtf.

Edited: Mon, 02 Nov 2020 06:15:25

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