Forum > Gaming Discussion > Assesing the State of New IP this Generation - Thoughts?
Assesing the State of New IP this Generation - Thoughts?
I forgot about Evil Within and Sunset Overdrive. I still need to play Overdrive actually.
gamingeek said:Can anyone think of a new IP that has wowed them on the same level as a new IP did on past systems?
I know I found a lot of N64 games wow like because it was the first 3D era. But then on the PS2 era and Wii/360 etc era I can think of wow experiences there too.
This gen..... well I haven't played as much from other systems. Is there anything on there that has wowed anyone?
Rocket League.
edgecrusher said:Sometimes I wonder if Gagan likes anything.
Nope, fuck video games. They aren't worthy of your love Edge.
Archangel3371 said:
- Pokken Tournament
I mean it's just a collaberation between two established franchises in Pokemon and Tekken. Even from the gameplay standpoint, it's Tekken.
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robio (43s)
I enjoyed a fair number of new IP's myself. Off the top of my head were: