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The Great Xcom 2 playthrough thread!
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Sun, 21 Feb 2016 06:32:53

I finally decided to start up this baby and WOW what an intro, what a great setup, what a great look to the game. Like I always do I like to name the soldiers which will be named from forum friends. I will detail how everyone is doing as I play. Now this is my first time playing so I am cheating a bit, later I will try an iron man run.

So lets begin. First I made some of us, it gets put into a pool so you show up randomly throughout the game. I made BlackKnight and GME as crazy as possible.

I'm pretty sure that is accurate.

So the first mission had Tony and Leo on the squad with two random chick (both way more badass than our two guys Nyaa )  The mission was going well, we were kicking ass, Leo had some clutch 20% shots. Tony was flanking along the other side but he got spotted. Tony got blasted, he died horribly and Leo started to freak out. So now I am down to two team members and we had 2 turns to hack into this device before it explodes. The two ladies fought their way to device, Leo snapped out of it and hacked the device with one turn left, but an enemy was able to kill the higher ranked chick. So I didn't like how that turned out so I reset the match. I later did a perfect mission though leo and tony were injured.

That's Tony before he died.

The second mission involved Carnage, Rook and Gaminggeek, an odd pairing. Muth missed every shot he took. GG freaked out and hid in a corner. Carnage was a bad ass who killed 3 enemies. Everyone survived but everyone except carnage was very wounded so you wont see them on missions any time soon. I just recruited myself so I am entering the next mission. I will cheat and make sure I don't die. Nyaa

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Sun, 21 Feb 2016 10:49:32

Game is awesome. I think I'm on mission 4 or 5, seems like I've barely scratched the surface. I was toying with the idea of naming my dudes, but this time around they did a really good job with giving the characters more personality so I think I'm just going to leave them be.


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Mon, 22 Feb 2016 03:42:49

I played a ton today. So the first mission I went on today finally had me join the crew, along with F1 and Zorro and Carnage. We have to extract the VIP scientist which was yoda! so we make our way kicking ass, wee all get some kills.

Things get complicated after we get Yoda as the exit is blocked by a squad. F1 got mind controlled and I couldn't get a clear shot at the sectoid controlling him. So I went into overwatch just in case evil F1 tries to kill me or yoda..

He runs into our room and my guy shoots and misses! F1 then follows to shoot me in the head and kill me!

There is no way I am dying in my first mission so I reloaded the save and this time F1 missed his shot. We were able to kill the sectoid, free F1 and head to the exit but alien reinforcements arrived. Carnage launched a grenade at them near a car that exploded and killed them all.

The next mission had me, Solid, Carnage and Gaminggeek. Solid and I worked together, but it was GG and Carnage that made the best team, just like in real life. Nyaa Toward the end of the mission I was a bit injured when this blob monster appeared out of nowhere.

We all were able to kill it before it killed anyone. I had the final epic sword kill to end the mission. Solid was the only one that came out of that without a scratch.

The next two missions go by well. I start to use ambushes, it works really well to get some free kills at the start.

I was wounded in the next mission, Carnage kept on kicking ass. Solid got by without a scratch again. In this mission you can see Tony barely escape with his life, he panicked and almost got killed. In the final mission Leo had this clutch final snipe kill to end it.

As of now no one is dead, I think I am good enough to allow people to die now. Carnage is the highest ranking officer. I have been making good strides in the game, it has such a fantastic sense of progression. Its a bit streamlined but done in a way to keep the pressure on. Choices show up and they feel that they have big impacts as the whole game is on a timer, so going for supplies rather than recruits can bite you later. You cant just sit around and develop everything. The combat missions are easily the best in the series, each match has its own wrinkles and that classic xcom randomness to it.

This game is phenomenal.

Edited: Mon, 22 Feb 2016 03:43:52
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Mon, 22 Feb 2016 10:17:02

Carnage is really a double agent. He doesn't give a fuck about saving the world from hostile aliens. His true mission is to wipe out all the Nintendo fans he can find.


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Mon, 22 Feb 2016 10:21:20
edgecrusher said:

Carnage is really a double agent. He doesn't give a fuck about saving the world from hostile aliens. His true mission is to wipe out all the Nintendo fans he can find.

And that's why we are in the same team. Keep your friends close and your.....

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Tue, 23 Feb 2016 18:15:42

So last night I did the first major alien base attack mission, it was everything great about xcom. I had BK and Dez watching my broadcast, does steam save those? So it was me, Tony, Carange and Jill Valentine, the all star team, they are my highest ranked soldiers.

The mission started off alrigh, I got an ambush on some enemies and destroyed a turret but then some vipers showed up, I had the high ground, but they can spit venom. So Jill, Carange and myself all got poisoned. Tony the medic only had two healing charges and I wasted one on carnage because he was injured earlier. So I decided to save myself of course. Jill was losing one health every turn with no way to stop it, same with Carange but he had much more health. I thought about evacuating but I couldnt.

So we proceeded to kill the viper wave and Jill slowly died. Carange was two health away from dying when the poison stopped, so I decided to keep carnage behind myself and Tony for the rest of the mission to make sure he doesn't get shot. So a team of two guys and one half dead Carange ran into the alien base and managed to kill about 15 aliens. I was on the second floor raining death from above as Tony was below keeping them occupied. There were incredibly tense moments where a hit or miss was life or death. Finally we retrieved what we needed an had to make our escape but enemy reinforcements arrived.

At this point we are all near death. This mech was making its way toward Tony so I had to do something, I have a slash attack which of course leaves you right in front of the enemy if he doesn't die. Well it worked and the mech was still alive but it shut down from the damage but it was going to wake up. So Tony and I are standing next to this thing and Tony fires and misses! Then another enemy runs at me with a sword, he misses! Tony kills the sword guy, I slash the robot and I miss. Luckily the robot never woke up so in my next turn I killed it. We were able to extract before another ship came with more enemies.

So Jill is dead, RIP. The rest of us barely made it out alive.

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Fri, 26 Feb 2016 06:44:49

So i’ve played a lot, made some good progress on gear, our guys are getting better and better. One mission in particular had myself, carnage, zorro

and F1 try to hijack a commanders brain. Well when I did that this crazy new enemy appeared, a computer virus like creature that can duplicate itself. This thing was like a boss fight that appeared out of nowhere. I tried hard but found the best way to kill it involved losing F1, sorry buddy. He becomes the first death from our group.

That’s zorro getting the final hit on that thing from hell. I did some more missions that went extremely well. I now have an A-team, its me, Tony, Carnage and Leo. We cover all four classes and we are all high level. I have unlocked the 5th and 6th team members so now I can take 6 people into the field, so I will use the other two spots to rotate others so they can level up as well. BK recently had a great mission as the 5th guy. Kill rankings have me with 29, Carnage at 19 and Tony with 14.  I am finding the strategy overworld part to be thrilling, it feels like every choice I make with my money and time really matters. In mission I feel I have a good strategy going and am getting way better at keeping everyone alive.

I have been reading up on Xcom 2 online, there are some serious breakdowns of all the games systems and difficulty modes. I have learned that as much as I love this series I am a casual player in comparison to some people and I am fine with that. I love where I am at with the difficulty, at this time I don’t need to go deeper.

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Fri, 26 Feb 2016 06:47:59

I've made GME into my first psi ops solider. Yes I gave a crazy man mind powers, this should go well. A few of the guys have been injured like carnage and Leo so it gave some others time to shine. I gave Travo this awesome mech armor with a rocket launcher arm cannon, he kicked ass. Solid is getting good at hacking enemies, I took over a robot and turned it against them.

We have been kicking ass, I think I am going to increase the difficulty.

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Fri, 26 Feb 2016 11:58:55

Send Resident Evil Stars To Fight Aliens With Resident Evil XCOM 2 Mods

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Fri, 26 Feb 2016 12:57:04
gamingeek said:

Send Resident Evil Stars To Fight Aliens With Resident Evil XCOM 2 Mods

That's pretty cool. I haven't messed with mods but I am surprised at how many there are already.


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Sat, 27 Feb 2016 14:09:58

Once again I don't even make the B team.

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Sat, 27 Feb 2016 15:42:46
robio said:

Once again I don't even make the B team.

You need to hope some people die. Maybe sabotage a plane so a whole squad wipes and you can finally jump in.

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Sat, 27 Feb 2016 16:56:10
Dvader said:

I have learned that as much as I love this series I am a casual player in comparison to some people and I am fine with that. I love where I am at with the difficulty, at this time I don’t need to go deeper.

I'm that way with every game. Its a big reason why I don't play more online games too. There are just too many people out there who have obviously NOTHING to do but play games, and every game has a group of people who just play them nonstop and learn every little detail about them like they're a fucking martial arts master. Sorry, I just can't do that. Too many things to do, too many games to play to be bogged down to only a few just to perfect them.


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Wed, 02 Mar 2016 05:46:13

I haven't updated in a while, honestly things are too easy. I did bump up the difficulty but I am still dominating. I don't want to go to the highest setting on this run because that changes the metagame and I don't want to alter that mid game. No one has died, some have been injured. My guy has reached his max rank, he now has over 50 kills. Tony is in second place, he is almost to the highest specialist class. Leo is my dominating sniper, he is constantly taking out aliens from a far distance away. Carnage is my main grenade guy though he is injured a lot, he gets replaced by BK quite a bit. Solid is fantastic as a specialist who can hack enemy robots. GG fills in as a specialist when need be. Travo is low level but has been badass every time I use him.

But the new star is GME, I have turned him into Professor X, he is mind fucking everything. He sits in the psi chamber all day gaining new abilities that keep getting better and better. He can freeze enemies, make them go crazy, mind dart them, I am sure soon he will be able to straight up control them. Plus I gave him my best giant armor with rocket launcher so he is like Iron Man too.

Look at that guy, what have I done, he has too much power!

So I just defended my base from aliens, 3 guys got hurt and everyone got to join in on the fun. We have a major mission coming up, lets see if anyone dies.

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Fri, 04 Mar 2016 18:37:35

I hit some crazy spike and the whole team died. I could have that so I reloaded and made it through with injuries but alive. Basically a big daddy randomly showed up, this thing is worse than a tank.

Then we had another super hard mission where so many of my a team was out I had some lower ranked guys join in. Travo is my go to reserve, he has been clutch. I had Claire red field substitute for Carnage. Muthsera is getting some sniping time now that zorro and Leo are hurt. GG has been hurt for like two months it feels like. And now I am out so I need a new team leader, which will be GME and his super powers.

I'm researching new plasma weapons and armor so that should help a ton. I have rag starting up the PSI program so now I can have two telepaths.

We fought this super new enemy, this was a boss battle and our team handled it perfectly. This thing seems to be the key to the end game. I still have a few things that need to be done but we are almost there.

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Fri, 04 Mar 2016 21:03:06

I'm in this?  Cool!  Thought I was left out this go round.

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Mon, 07 Mar 2016 05:45:45
travo said:

I'm in this?  Cool!  Thought I was left out this go round.

We lost our second soldier, Travo was murdered by a commander unit who was alive because Tony and Carnage cant shoot straight. RIP.

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Mon, 07 Mar 2016 11:10:37


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Tue, 15 Mar 2016 04:34:33

After many many hours I finished the game. The final mission was incredibly epic. So I got the best squad possible, me, tony, carnage, solid, ragnar, and GME. We were joined by the commander who had the powers of the most powerful enemy in the game the avatar. The final mission takes you to the alien base where you need to kill three enemy avatars. There are 34 enemies stationed at the base. The commnders powers are ridiculous so that helps a ton, he has a huge area attack and can mind control an enemy every 5 turns. We cleaned up the base easily, I would mind control the watcher which is very powerful and also has a huge area attack. It was smooth sailing mostly. Even when things looked bad like solid being surrounded below we would kill them all.

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Then we reached the final room. it has teleporters all over and after every turn a new group of enemies would spawn in. This room had 3 avatars with a squad of tough aliens. The first one I was able to single out and we killed it and the surrounding aliens while suffering minimal damage but it left the squad split in half and the spawning enemies kept coming. Soon I had two avatars on me and like 10 enemies all over the map. Rag was using his mind powers and killing aliens left and right but he got shot and ended up bleeding out on the ground. Luckily Tony is the healer so he revived rag only to have a grenade go off and boom tony was dead. My healer was dead.

Rag was surrounded, carnage and I were near by trying to hold off hordes of enemies I mean hordes. Meanwhile the commander got the ability to mind control at the right moment, got a watcher in the crowd. Rag was shot and he fell and started to bleed out again but with no healer we just left him to die. Solid was being hit, GME was being hit. On the next turn the watcher and the commander both unleashed area attacks and we killed a ton of aliens in one go and cleared us some space. The avatars can teleport all over a map so the key is to be spread out. My character attacked the avatar which teleported near the commander and he hit and so on. We killed the second one but more and more enemies spawned in.

The team is split in half I am with carnage on one side, the commander is with GME and Solid on the other. The avatar is near me but so is a ton of aliens including a watcher. I am hurt, if I attack I basically leave myself open to massive attacks but I had to move the avatar to the other group so I attacked and hit the bastard. Then I remembered my guy gets to move after a successful attack, so I ran toward carnage you had one medkit, my best friedn Carnage to the rescue, he healed me! The avatar now went to the other side where 3 mechs, 3 vipers were waiting and had my commander conered. Solid has the ability to use an area attack to destroy robots so I get him close... but he cant reach. So I try to hack one of them, he fails. GME is out of major attacks so he fires desperately at the avatar. The commander is waiting on his powers cooldown.

The aliens kill solid and GME. The avatar jumps toward me and carnage and takes over carnages mind! Now I am surrounded by evil carnage, three faceless monsters and a watcher, I am dead.

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See all those red icons on the bottom, thats how many aliens had me in their sights. I panicked so I lost control of myself for the turn but I killed one faceless. Meanwhile back on the other side it was the commander versus an army and I had to kill the avatar to end the mission. Still need two turns for the cooldown to the big attack to wear off, so I make a run for some better cover and take a shot at the avatar to hurt it a bit. Their turn, the mechs fire at the commander, they do minimal damage and the snakes move into position. The avatar fires and does decent damage, i am down to half health. Now to me, surrounded by everyone... evil carnage fires at me and misses! a faceless attackes and misses. The watcher fires a beam and it only takes away a few health, and the other alines just get closer. I survived the round!

The commander has mind control, too many aliens I cant surivive the next round to reach my big explosion, so I mind control a viper so that they can fire on that. Meanwhile I am still panicked and cant move. Their turn. The alines shoot the viper and klll it leaving only a few shots at the commander who easily survives. Here we go again with me, almost dead and totally surrounded. Carnage reloads? The faceless miss again! The watcher fires and misses! Other faceless just walk away. I survive!!! Panic is removed, Carnage mind control is gone and the commander has the area attack!!!! From certain death to new life. The commander annaliates all the aliens and guves huge damage to the avatar, the avatar teleports to the other side where carange and myself are waiting. I take off toward the avatar, I walk right up to him and fire in his FACE! EXECUTION!!! WE WIN! I got the killing blow!

If it wasn't for carnage missing it would have been over. I like to think that even though he was mind controlled carnage's love for me prevailed. Nyaa

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Tue, 15 Mar 2016 09:34:37

R.I.P., Icepick.

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