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Fallout 4 - Converted to Official Topic
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Sun, 15 Nov 2015 20:05:06

i had a great time clearing out the National Guard building today.  I still am a little hazy on building.  Can I only place buildings within those small parameters?  

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Mon, 16 Nov 2015 00:01:52

I rock em, roll em all night long

I'm the sixty minute man!

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Mon, 16 Nov 2015 01:04:08
aspro said:

I was on my way from Diamond City and came across a satelite dish place. It was an enjoyable challenge taking out all the people in the place, and plenty of ammo and weapons there as well.  I took the fusion core that runs the place, is that all to do? I waas expecting some kind of Far Cry like tower moment.

Also, at teh start of the game, onec I power suit died I just abandoned it.  Will there be others or do I ahve to track it down?

You can get another but they never die, you can repair them at the power station and you need fusion cores to power them.

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Mon, 16 Nov 2015 08:20:36
Dvader said:
aspro said:

I was on my way from Diamond City and came across a satelite dish place. It was an enjoyable challenge taking out all the people in the place, and plenty of ammo and weapons there as well.  I took the fusion core that runs the place, is that all to do? I waas expecting some kind of Far Cry like tower moment.

Also, at teh start of the game, onec I power suit died I just abandoned it.  Will there be others or do I ahve to track it down?

You can get another but they never die, you can repair them at the power station and you need fusion cores to power them.

Yeah, I knew about the fusion cores.  I could probably find my old one pretty (not) easily).

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Mon, 16 Nov 2015 11:49:31

The super mutant tower was awesome.  It's the best mission so far.  This game is so similar to the others, but that's not really a bad thing.  It feels more like an extension of F3, not really a sequel.

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Mon, 16 Nov 2015 18:55:57

How the fuck is everyone talking about defeating supermutants like they're radroaches?

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Mon, 16 Nov 2015 19:02:53

I had a nice rifle.  Either that or stand at a distance and let Cogsworth burn them.

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Mon, 16 Nov 2015 19:15:19
SteelAttack said:

How the fuck is everyone talking about defeating supermutants like they're radroaches?

I simply look at them and they shrivel up and die.


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Mon, 16 Nov 2015 21:05:13
Archangel3371 said:
SteelAttack said:

How the fuck is everyone talking about defeating supermutants like they're radroaches?

I simply look at them and they shrivel up and die.

So you made your character look exactly like you, then?cheeky

Super mutants are tough, but with the right company and gear they're not to bad to take down. 4 at once plus a hound? Different story

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Mon, 16 Nov 2015 23:22:11
gemini_red said:
Archangel3371 said:
SteelAttack said:

How the fuck is everyone talking about defeating supermutants like they're radroaches?

I simply look at them and they shrivel up and die.

So you made your character look exactly like you, then?cheeky

Super mutants are tough, but with the right company and gear they're not to bad to take down. 4 at once plus a hound? Different story

LOL Oh snap!


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Thu, 19 Nov 2015 21:24:11

I took out a whole post office of super mutants at level 12. This is game is fantastic, it can be played like an action game.

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Thu, 19 Nov 2015 22:13:42

Yeah, I don't really need much of a story in these game though I do enjoy a lot of the story beats.  Give me an action game that allows me to power up myself and my weapons.  I love this kind of combat.  

I just finished most of the missions in Good Neighbor.  The mayor told me to ease up on the killing sinc there was so much red in the gutters. Lol.

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Sat, 21 Nov 2015 05:28:06

I am thinking my initial plan of bulding a badass fortress at Sanctuary is not going to be easy. The place is way too big and open to properly shut it down. However I am not keen on moving the dudes somewhere else for stupid attachment reasons. I might reach a halfway solution in the shape of a small fortress in the area around the big tree and my house.

So far I have been doing minutemen stuff, not much more. I have stumbled upon a few radio signals that ended up in the clearance of a few places but not much of interest has been looted as a reward. I just built a beacon that supposedly lures more settlers, but so far I haven't seen anyone else crash at my place.

I should comment I have been very lucky in regards to performance. No stuttering or Fps hiccups even at places that have a bad reputation for that such as the assembly plant. Still waiting on interesting mods to come out, but I have a feeling the real game changers will take a while.

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Sat, 21 Nov 2015 07:52:43
SteelAttack said:

I am thinking my initial plan of bulding a badass fortress at Sanctuary is not going to be easy. The place is way too big and open to properly shut it down. However I am not keen on moving the dudes somewhere else for stupid attachment reasons. I might reach a halfway solution in the shape of a small fortress in the area around the big tree and my house.

So far I have been doing minutemen stuff, not much more. I have stumbled upon a few radio signals that ended up in the clearance of a few places but not much of interest has been looted as a reward. I just built a beacon that supposedly lures more settlers, but so far I haven't seen anyone else crash at my place.

I should comment I have been very lucky in regards to performance. No stuttering or Fps hiccups even at places that have a bad reputation for that such as the assembly plant. Still waiting on interesting mods to come out, but I have a feeling the real game changers will take a while.

I've pretty much been doing the same as you, though after the last minuteman quest I said fuck this and headed for Diamond City. My game is also running smooth. The game is decievingly good looking. Some areas have that Fallout 3 vibe where it looks bland but you except it because, well, nuclear war and shit. But then some of the other areas especially indoors are really beautiful and well beyond FO3 or New Vegas. I still think Skyrim with mods installed looks better though.


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Mon, 23 Nov 2015 17:23:42

Ok I'm much deeper into the game now and I can flat out say, this is the best Fallout game yet. It blows FO3 and New Vegas away. Once you learn to ignore the minutemen crap and head to Diamond City, the whole game comes into its own. Bethesda took all the good from the last two Fallout games, added in lessons learned from Skyrim, and I'd even say took a page from Bioware in terms of presentation and pacing.

Some of the random encounters I've seen happen and the way the world behaves in regards to it all is really cool, and I've found myself saying "omg did that just really happen" a few times now. Also, just the little details on how characters interact with you and each other is great. In fact, I'd say there's a lot more "character" to the characters in this game than really ANY Bethesda game up to now, including the Elder Scrolls games. This is an area where it feels like they've learned from Bioware. Usually characters feel a bit lifeless in Bethesda's games. Here, they're mostly all very interesting.

Also, the workbench stuff in this game has really been nicely streamlined over their other titles. Very user friendly and intuitive. In the Elder Scrolls games you feel like you need to go to fuckin college to study how to get the most out of the workbenches. Here, its more "Nintendo-like" I guess where its all simplified and you can pick up on how to build shit quickly.

Graphically, I have no complaints at all. Game is full of detail and after the opening area in the boring subburb it gets very beautiful with some amazing areas and really nice character and weapon models. The pacing of the quests and story is also perfect so far. You can easily explore while going about the main questline and don't feel like you need to go out of your way.

So far really impressed...can't stop playing.


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Mon, 23 Nov 2015 19:26:50

I'm in agreement with you, Edge.  It's just so much fun to explore.  I find myself needing to get to bed, but I won't because I want to explore for just ten more minutes.  I'll finish one quest and immediately jump into another.

Edited: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 19:27:16
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Tue, 24 Nov 2015 02:30:01

I am sucked in I can't stop playing. There is such a clear difference between how gameplay is handled in an open world in this game and witcher 3. Bethesda games excel at emergent gameplay, it's the reason why I witcher 3 was not GOTY to me. In witcher nothing surprising will ever happen with the gameplay, every monster you face is battled the same way, every enemy stays in its defined area. Contrast that to this game, the craziest stuff can happen at any time.

Just now a giant verijet was flying overhead one of my settlements, it was shooting at raiders on a bridge. The jet exploded in the sky, debris falling, now there are brotherhood of steel guys in full power armor in a shoot out at raiders and all of a sudden my settlers started to fight along side them. So we take out a raider outpost and i notice the shooting had not stopped. Some straggler raider is running back to a fully fortified raider base. My entire town chases them, it was like a war movie! We destroyed the raiders,finally they all turned around and went home.

that is the magic of gameplay! That is what makes these games so amazing and fallout 4 is no exception. It is without question the best game Bethesda has made mechanically, the action is great. I do wish it had the storytelling and choices of NV but it does not, I would say this is the least choice I have ever seen in a Bethesda game. My perfect game would be a mix of both but I'll take what I can get. This game is so much fun to play.

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Tue, 24 Nov 2015 08:53:07

^It does get better as you go along, which is saying something.

Where do you guys get rid of your rads?

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Tue, 24 Nov 2015 09:09:11
In the toilet.


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Tue, 24 Nov 2015 19:25:52
aspro said:

^It does get better as you go along, which is saying something.

Where do you guys get rid of your rads?

Rad away, or at the doctor in diamond city. Or you can cook mutant hounds.

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