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Official MGSV thread of Kojima's final gift.
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Wed, 23 Sep 2015 11:37:41
I'm up to a point where I have all currently available side ops done & I'm up to mission 16 in the main ops.

This mission is a pain in the ass.


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Wed, 23 Sep 2015 17:00:08

Yes it is.  

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Wed, 23 Sep 2015 19:14:38

I'm currently on Episode 39 and have done about 120 Side Op missions.

How many episodes are there?


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Wed, 23 Sep 2015 19:26:14

Fifty or fifty-one.

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Wed, 23 Sep 2015 20:04:02
travo said:

Fifty or fifty-one.



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Wed, 23 Sep 2015 22:58:18

That jeep/ smoke grenade video is amazing.  I wonder if it'll work on an extreme level?

Edited: Wed, 23 Sep 2015 22:58:44
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Fri, 25 Sep 2015 02:45:45

I just finished the game.


Kojima just blew my mind.

I can't believe I didn't see that coming. I mean I recognised it immediately and I certainly thought that it was odd at the time but it just wasn't something that clicked in my mind.

Anyway I did miss the cut-scenes and cool boss fights of the previous games but this was still a fantastic game none-the-less.

Can't wait for MGO now.


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Mon, 28 Sep 2015 12:08:04

I just got up to the part where the FOB shit kicks in. Kind of annoying honestly...this is the point where you really feel comfortable with the game and everything going on, then they throw this shit at you and all these tutorials.


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Tue, 29 Sep 2015 17:26:40

I've done all the Side Ops and only have 5 missions to do. To think that I've never used D-Walker or called in helicopter support yet but I have upgraded them significantly.


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Tue, 29 Sep 2015 17:48:34
Archangel3371 said:

I've done all the Side Ops and only have 5 missions to do. To think that I've never used D-Walker or called in helicopter support yet but I have upgraded them significantly.

I haven't used D-Walker either....I just have a strong affection for my Horse, Dog, and Quiet's beautiful tits and asshole. Can't be bothered with a robot.


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Wed, 30 Sep 2015 06:11:08
Master Miller seems like such an angry bitter guy in this game. While Shalashaska seems like the more stable one. Pretty much the opposite of what I expected.  


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Tue, 06 Oct 2015 18:15:01

I've gotten to a point where this game is actually getting boring. Its finally hit that place that all open world games do, where you're just doing the same mission types over and over. Time to do as I did with Witcher 3....ditch the side quests and blast through the main game.


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Wed, 07 Oct 2015 05:20:42

The side ops are filler garbage in this game.

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Thu, 08 Oct 2015 14:25:40
Gagan said:

The side ops are filler garbage in this game.

I practically ignored the non important ones. It's pointless shit.

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Fri, 09 Oct 2015 22:50:51

I just beat MGS5 I guess.....spoilers ahead:

WHAT IN THE HELL KIND OF AN ENDING WAS THAT?! This game has hands fucking down one of if not THE worst endings of a game of this caliber I have ever had the displeasure of experiencing. So great, you weren't really playing as Big Boss in MGS5, but a brainwashed body double. Ok...fine. But where the fuck is Big Boss then and how did he turn into the guy he became? What happened to Huey? What happened to Quiet? Why in the fuck is there no final boss or much of an explanation of what is going on at all? Because of the way they did the retarded ending credits for each and every mission in the game, I had NO IDEA I had even hit the end....I thought it was just another mission and that I had a handful more missions to open up...because that's what it feels like there should have been. So I'm sitting here doing fucking side ops waiting for more main missions to POP, when I finally realized something was wrong. Googled it and found out that I had already experienced the "ending".

LAME LAME LAME. As great of a game as this is overall, they totally fucked up at the end...this is the worst ending of ANY MGS title. No contest. The only other endings I can think of that felt this unfinished and lame were probably Halo 2 and Soul Reaver 2.

Have to drop my final score down to a 9.0


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Sat, 10 Oct 2015 09:00:16

I don't know, Big Boss at the graveyard in MGS4 is so incredibly stupid I'd still give that the nod.

In this case I'd say the whole story is a total package of horse shit. For so many of the story beats to even be taken reasonably serious, you have to assume that Ocelot, Kaz, and Venom Snake are fucking retarded. The whole "taking away the kids gun priviledges" line was like okay, Kojima got a new crack dealer.

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Sat, 10 Oct 2015 13:29:59
Ground Zeroes being a stand alone game was ridiculous too. That is basically the intro segment to Phantom Pain....should have been in the game. So these guys cut the entire beginning and ending out of the game, yet everyone gives it perfect scores.

I had a hard time giving it a 9 just for those reasons.


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Sat, 10 Oct 2015 13:43:21

Definitely!  Like I said, cut out some of the pointless main missions or move them to side ops.  Pace the story better by spreading more in between missions rather than nearly all of them in the end and better game.  I obviously enjoyed ( what little) story more than you guys, but think it was a bad decision to have most of it near the end.

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Sat, 10 Oct 2015 18:14:34

In Chapter 1 or Chapter 2?

Because I would argue the main missions in Chapter 1 are perfectly fine, narrative context issues aside. The game just needed more to its story for a game that long, and in the case of Kojima, it be nice if he came within the vaccinity of having a clue on how to actually write.

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