Forum > Gaming Discussion > EA @ E3 2015 conference thread
EA @ E3 2015 conference thread
gamingeek said:Is he seriously showing off that POS yarn model and people are cheering?
I hope UBI is better at least MS had something to say I was intrested in.
Well, the game looks more interesting than EAs usual stuff.
What is this costumed guy there for?
Aw crap PvZ2 again.
Shouldn't that Criterion extreme sports thing be here?
Unravel looked cool. But EA promised two new IPs but they only showed one than.
Now they are talking about Sports.
NHL '16 looks great.
A soccer interview at E3? I play games to get away from football.
Downgrades all around. Star Wars looks like an absolute blast though!!!! Can't wait to play it!
Overall bad conference
LOL the comments in this thread.
So the only good thing they showed was Mass Effect.
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He's TALKING ABOUT THE GAME without showing us the game.