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Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D thread of replaying the GOAT. (Now with 50% more handholding)
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Fri, 20 Feb 2015 02:55:48

'K. I was afraid you would say that, but kinda reassured at the same time. Now, If I would only set aside some time to actually play...  Hrm

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Fri, 20 Feb 2015 10:20:36

Anyone else get momentarily stuck rescuing that floating zora?

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Sat, 21 Feb 2015 04:33:54
phantom_leo said:

Alright, someone clarify something for me 'cause I am running into the same wall I did when I played this on N64... I don't quite understand the "flow" of the game. Are you expected to be able to do "everything" within the three days? I know you can slow time and rewind time, but how do you know what you lose and what you don't? I don't get it. Do you REALLY have to do things like get the Moon Tear and the Deed and all that stuff again and again and again? I imagine you only have to finish the dungeons once, but I feel like I am missing some "point"... Advice, without spoiling anything?

No. You set goals for each and you try to accomplishing them. Forget the deeds thing until you unlock every area cause then you are just doing them over and over, save it till you can do it in one go. Same with the frogs or anything that requires you to jump around the world. When you are ready set a day to do that side quest, finish it all and get the prize and move on to the next goal.

begin a new day before you access a new area, ALWAYS slow time. Try your best to do what ever quests you have to do to get the song that unlocks the dungeon that is your save point. Once you have the song you never have to do that sections quest again, start a new day to tackle the dungeon which you now have access to with the song. Once you beat the dungeon now you have a shortcut to the boss which quickly allows you to fix the area and unlock all the quests in that area, so start a new day and do those.

Thats it, it's never about losing items or fighting a clock, you manipulate it and work with it.

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Sat, 21 Feb 2015 04:37:25

The fish boss is really cool now. Very different boss battle, I love what they did with it.

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Sat, 21 Feb 2015 15:27:40

Made some big progress today and yesterday with the Bomber's Notebook.  I decided to make a quick run through of Snowhead to get the flame arrows then go through later to finish.  We need a Zelda with tons of side quests like this.

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Sun, 22 Feb 2015 13:28:59

Odolwa is more fun than before, but he only started doing interesting things when he was one hit away from death. Maybe I'm just really good at killing him, but he seemed too easy.

Goht is more fun than before, though taking off the Goron mask to shoot the eye breaks the flow of the battle. Still, flow be screwed, I enjoy the change.

Gyorg is more fun than before, but possibly too difficult in the second phase. The battle took me longer than I'm comfortable with (the game having a time limit and all), but was definitely satisfying.

Haven't burrowed into Stone Tower Temple yet, but I'm sure I'll have the same thoughts about Twinmold as I have about Gyorg, with it probably being a more fun battle than Gyorg's. Can't wait to wrestle that thing!

Before, I said I was going at this game more leisurely than usual. Well, that ceased being the case after Snowhead Temple, and now I'm just grinding through the side quests like I usually do.

Edited: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 13:31:29
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Sun, 22 Feb 2015 13:47:15

Playing the game again I got to the great bay temple and I realised, I have only actually completed this game once. I have attempted to replay it many times over the years and I always quit at about this point because of this temple and generally finnicky things.

Like getting the zora eggs, I started doing the seahorse ones, only to realise I had to then get all the pirate complex ones too, all at once otherwise lose my progress. I made it down to the last 5 minutes on the final day. Phew.

I'm discovering things I missed playing before because of the rumours and the logbook like feeding fish to get a heart piece. Really glad I picked this game up again. The atmosphere too, so oppressive, melancholy. Great stuff.

I'd love to see a new franchise born with the Groundhog day concept, done by EAD.

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Sun, 22 Feb 2015 21:13:26

I worked hard on a lot of side quests today.  I got the Gilded Sword which is a beast.  Now that I learned the Song of Storms, I'm going to buy a bunch of beans and tackle the spider house.

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Sun, 22 Feb 2015 23:10:16

I've come to the conclusion that I am going to have to wait until after I finish Persona Q to really dig into this game. It's not quite what I was expecting and I see I'm going to have to devote more attention to it than an ordinary Zelda game to fully grasp it. It shouldn't take too long for me to get to it, but just from the brief glimpses of posts and reactions I've been seeing throughout this topic, I clearly underestimated this game!

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Sun, 22 Feb 2015 23:12:15

Yep, not the Zelda game to underestimate.  

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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 05:46:18

It is the most complex Zelda by far, which is why I love it.

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Wed, 25 Feb 2015 16:36:01

Sakons hideout is a pain in the ass. If you miss one second as Kafei the mask goes. And you cant even get back to the title screen in this game, you have to close the software and reboot for the save. indecision

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Wed, 25 Feb 2015 16:54:00

Someone tell me the motherfucking music to play to Evan and Japas. angry

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Thu, 26 Feb 2015 00:59:12

I was reading a GAF thread and was reminded of a creepy pasta of this game:

Anyone remember BEN Drowned?

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Thu, 26 Feb 2015 10:52:52


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Thu, 26 Feb 2015 19:25:49
travo said:

I was reading a GAF thread and was reminded of a creepy pasta of this game:

Anyone remember BEN Drowned?

Who is Ben?

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Thu, 26 Feb 2015 22:12:20

It's a creepy pasta, a story told to scare the crap out of you.  Ben drowned took on a meme of its own and became quite well known.  It's a fake but effectively creepy story.

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Thu, 26 Feb 2015 23:08:51

Is that the haunted MM cartridge

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Thu, 26 Feb 2015 23:23:29

Yep, bought at a yard sale.

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Sun, 01 Mar 2015 12:03:27

Double post. See next one.

Edited: Sun, 01 Mar 2015 12:06:42
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