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Watch Dogs official thread
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Wed, 28 May 2014 01:50:49

You need to hack the city to get the booklet.

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Wed, 28 May 2014 03:13:15

So far it's very fun.  I love hacking and I believe it's going to be a very deep system to play around with.  Like Vader said, the combat gets the job done but it's nothing special.  The hacking is the real treat here, figuring out combos to take down enemies and uses for escape.

btw, the city looks great during the day and at night, it looks like ass.

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Wed, 28 May 2014 05:51:35
Well if the combat is just OK then it makes sense that some don't think its an 8/10 game because as we all know, only action matters anymore.


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Wed, 28 May 2014 11:23:41
travo said:

btw, the city looks great during the day and at night, it looks like ass.

That's the complete opposite of reviews, but they were playing the next gen versions.

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Wed, 28 May 2014 17:44:32

It looked like a PS2 open world game at night.  The textures were barely noticeable.   It looked closer to GTAV during the day time.  Tiny details like patches in the road were certainly more apparent.  The difference is...ahem...night and day. Nyaa

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Wed, 28 May 2014 18:06:36
travo said:

It looked like a PS2 open world game at night.  The textures were barely noticeable.   It looked closer to GTAV during the day time.  Tiny details like patches in the road were certainly more apparent.  The difference is...ahem...night and day. Nyaa

This is a video from the next gen version:

Watch Dogs comparison – E3 2012 vs the PS4 retail release

To me, the daytime looks worse. VG says the game comes alive at night in next gen versions. The daytime looks pretty bland to me.

Digital Foundry said:

When render time runs over budget, an adaptive v-sync kicks in when the game can no longer sustain 30fps, resulting in the manifestation of screen-tear until overall engine load has stabilised. Therein lies the principal difference between the Xbox One and PS4 versions of the game - the Microsoft console runs over budget more often, especially in driving sections, meaning more tearing. Noticeable, but not especially annoying on PS4, the Xbox One version is somewhat more intrusive in this regard - with tearing even appearing in certain cut-scenes, which remain completely solid on the Sony console.

Edited: Wed, 28 May 2014 19:53:01

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Thu, 29 May 2014 00:01:44

Starting Watch Dogs now!!!!

Oooooooh YeeeaaaaaHHHHH


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Thu, 29 May 2014 01:38:02
edgecrusher said:

Starting Watch Dogs now!!!!

Oooooooh YeeeaaaaaHHHHH

I honestly can't tell if you have been actually excited for watch dogs or sarcastically excited.

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Thu, 29 May 2014 07:11:45

Well all you guys who got Watch Dogs on consoles are gonna love this....

I have been trying to play it for hours now but I can't beecause THERE IS NO FUCKING SOUND.

I boot the game up, seems fine. Opening menu and start screen have both visuals and sound. Load a new game, and boom the sound goes away. I can't get in game sound working at all. Tried updating drivers, playing with things, nothing works. Tried 4 other games and they all work fine so its a Watch Dogs thing. Nobody is talking about it online as far as I can tell so maybe its just my machine. lol

At any rate, Watch Dogs is not playable until I get a fix. The one MAJOR down side to PC gaming.


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Thu, 29 May 2014 07:24:51
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Thu, 29 May 2014 07:28:03

Oh....this is the problem...

5. Watch Dogs PC has no sound with Dolby Digital Live 5.1

A known issue and a fix will be rolled out soon, but for now, use 16bits 44100hz.


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Thu, 29 May 2014 13:06:29

The dangers of being a PC gamer are still very real and alive. FEAR THE PC!!! FEAR IT!!!

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Thu, 29 May 2014 14:28:01


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Thu, 29 May 2014 19:02:24

I was knocked down last night, but tonight when I have the game running gloriously all will be forgiven!



Edited: Thu, 29 May 2014 19:02:37


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Thu, 29 May 2014 19:30:11

Hope you get it running. I just posted a story about PC guys complaining even top end rigs can't run the game on ultra. Ubi on twitter is saying it's because there's no unified memory.

Edited: Thu, 29 May 2014 19:31:13

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Thu, 29 May 2014 20:25:40

I have it running fine now, all on ultra. The sound is fine too since I turned DD LIVE off.

I also just downloaded a driver that gets your PC thinking the PS4 controller is an Xbox pad, so now I can use my PS4 pad on the PC fuck yeah!!!!!

PS4 controller has quickly become my favorite one. Not an easy task overtaking the Xbox pad, but Sony has done it.


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Fri, 30 May 2014 03:03:41

Wow!  I've been very busy so I didn't get to really dive into this game until tonight.  I wasn't really feeling this game at all because I was constantly interrupted.  But now I finally got around to an infiltration mission.  The sneaking is incredible, so many ways to take down enemies through distractions and use of the environment.  In fact, it's boring to go in with guns a blazing.  Sneaking is the way to do it.

Alright GG, the nighttime area does look better.  But the first impression I got during the first mission was not good.  

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Fri, 30 May 2014 05:26:27

Enjoy some sexy pics of me:


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Fri, 30 May 2014 06:23:57

Watch Dogs is a good looking game, but its not really the next-gen step it was made out to be visually. Then again, when they first showed it at E3 was quite awhile ago at this point. But there are other games that look just as good as this if not better, like Witcher 2, Crysis 3, and Sleeping Dogs.

Pretty fun so far, it seems like a deep game with lots to do. I'm so pumped about using the PS4 controller on my PC too, works great. Here is the patch for anyone who wants it:,2817,2429965,00.asp


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Fri, 30 May 2014 07:03:08

very nice edge

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