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RE Darkside Chronicles (Wii) Reviews are coming in (Page 8)
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Tue, 01 Dec 2009 02:19:19

Dvader said:
Bonus scenarios... must check this out.

Finished the game, story is ok. At the end you get a cool video showing Wesker so I was happy.

The story's okay? So best RE story ever? Nyaa

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Thu, 03 Dec 2009 22:29:27
YouTube keeps taking down walkthroughs, forcing me to actually play the game. No Wii, or lack of self-dignity, however.

Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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Fri, 04 Dec 2009 06:21:21

Coopersville said:
YouTube keeps taking down walkthroughs, forcing me to actually play the game. No Wii, or lack of self-dignity, however.

If you want to see all cutscenes just go here.

Holy crap my avatar changed!

Edited: Fri, 04 Dec 2009 06:21:42
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Fri, 04 Dec 2009 22:10:54
I want to see the entire game, played from beginning to end. So far, I've seen to the point where Leon and Claire start chasing Sherry.

Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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Sat, 05 Dec 2009 17:58:51

Coopersville said:
I want to see the entire game, played from beginning to end. So far, I've seen to the point where Leon and Claire start chasing Sherry.

Oh well, I am sure it will turn up soon.

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Mon, 07 Dec 2009 18:08:33

This is interesing, a review that mainly compares the game to Extraction.

And Darkside comes out very well.

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Mon, 07 Dec 2009 22:54:43

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Tue, 08 Dec 2009 03:01:43
God that shaky camera is annoying.

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Tue, 08 Dec 2009 08:08:44

Foolz said:
God that shaky camera is annoying.

Agreed. I absolutely hate shaky cams in movies, but it appears to be even worse in videogames due to possible control issues.

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Sat, 27 Mar 2010 14:10:57

Hobo price grab. I got this for £9.98 which is like Vader getting Cursed Mountain for $10.

Played the first mission, graphics are great, it looks like RE5 with slightly muddier textures. Lighting is fantastic, detail is good, some shaders there, nice character models.

And yet all I can think about is: why can't I move by myself?

Godamnit WTF is with Capcom and EA making games with production values like this, with the levels all there and in 3D for me to play and then fucking everything up by not letting me move about and play it like a real game? SO sick of this pointless crippling of games, designwise and in terms of commercial sales.

There's a bit of slowdown, not sure if its the game or the shaky came doing it. Controls are okay. Gameplay is paced a bit slowly, sort of halfway between Umbrella Chronicles and Dead Space Extraction.

I guess I have a bad impression of this game because I've just come off playing proper i.e non-rails games that do things properly like Silent Hill and Red Steel 2.

Still, as a RE whore, it satisfies me.

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Sat, 27 Mar 2010 16:48:40
What I was thinking was "WTF WHY NO CALIBRATION TO PLAY THIS WITH A LIGHTGUN?!" instead. Why does only SEGA offer proper calibration for their lightgun games, then the other companies wonder why theirs don't sell as good. It's because YOUR LIGHTGUN GAMES AREN'T PLAYABLE WITH LIGHTGUNS! At least its length, visuals and fan service somewhat make up for it, while for Dead Space: Extraction, nothing made up for it, so I returned it. And yes, the frame rate is less than ideal, they kinda overdid it with the graphics, it would still look great if the toned it down a bit, it seems just about every wall has semi reflecting properties or something for example.

And yeah I think this could have easily been a proper action game. Normally heavily scripted rail shooters are easier to pull off better graphics using various tricks but with the way the camera moves in this game it's clear that pretty much everything you see is properly modelled as you get different views from different angles of just about everything showing there are no missing backfaces or whatever other tricks they could use in a game with more predictacle camera movement. But I wouldn't think its development cost was that much more than other rail shooters, it was still outsourced to Cavia after all, hardly an AAA studio. But they did pull off good shit with this.
Edited: Sat, 27 Mar 2010 16:58:35
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Sun, 28 Mar 2010 12:18:54

Graphics here are awesome, just played up to Birkin boss.


The lickers look awesome, I can't see the seams of how it was made. 

Shaders everywhere in this game, highly detailed. 

I was pretty amazed visually by this boss:

And the lighting in this room was pretty amazing looking:

Since when did Cavia become the factor 5 of wii?

It's almost painful to me that they can make a game with possibly the best realistic visuals on the system, all these great RE locations and then not let you actually play it freely by letting you move in the third person. 

I think this game definetely will have more replayability than Extraction because you dont have to sit around listening to conversations for 10 minutes. 

That said for all the visual gloss I think that Overkill and Extraction are better in gameplay and style. This is on par with Umbrella Chronicles so far, only with better visuals.

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Sun, 28 Mar 2010 20:08:49
Nah, I thought Umbrella was better. No shaky cam and movie aesthetics. I liked in Umbrella where you could have a street of zombies ahead of you and the camera just parks so you can have time headshotting them. In darkside you take aim and then the camera spins away to look down an empty alley. Uh thanks.
Plus the first one gave you more stuff to shoot. For darkside I would be in scenes where I would be looking for anything to shoot to pass the time between creatures (lights- no , signs - no, etc)
And the first game had the extra missions to unlock. That was a fun extra.
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Sun, 28 Mar 2010 21:42:25
I thought the first was much worse with a worse framerate, yet also worse visuals, and really shitty tiny headshot triggering area. The zombies didn't have proper feedback to getting shot either, most of the time at least. I don't mind the shaky cam in DSC, slow zombies like Resident Evil's aren't much of a challenge compared to something like House of the Dead which doesn't mind to pop random crazy enemies from whatever direction and in whatever quick way. Shaky cam achieves a sort of similar effect while keeping the enemies Resident Evil style. The result is the same, the enemy may be slow but it still zips along your screen in weird patterns and speed depending on the scene, just as if it was some kind of crazy hopping demon from House of the Dead. Okay, not quite that dramatic, and the games are still mostly easy with high scores being the driving factor rather than survival, but it works your trigger finger, you need to aim precise and fast. If only they had proper calibration so I could play it with my hand cannon, that would have been so awesome. The headshot point seems bigger too, though it's still the forehead rather than the whole head or something. Tofu mode unlocked is most excellent as well. As is seeing the old games in graphics that pass for current gen, since Resident Evil 5 didn't offer that (no zombies, or anything classic) WinkWink
Edited: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 21:49:12
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Sun, 28 Mar 2010 23:42:24

angrymonkey said:
Nah, I thought Umbrella was better. No shaky cam and movie aesthetics. I liked in Umbrella where you could have a street of zombies ahead of you and the camera just parks so you can have time headshotting them. In darkside you take aim and then the camera spins away to look down an empty alley. Uh thanks.
Plus the first one gave you more stuff to shoot. For darkside I would be in scenes where I would be looking for anything to shoot to pass the time between creatures (lights- no , signs - no, etc)
And the first game had the extra missions to unlock. That was a fun extra.

yeah there are a few things UC does better, like give you hoards of enemies to fight while keeping the camera still.  Plus the extra side quests were excellent. For all the improvements done with DSC, like Agnates mentioned, there were some things taken away. DSC is better but not by much I felt.

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Mon, 29 Mar 2010 14:32:28

The shotgun is hacking me off. I cant upgrade the re-load yet and yet when you reload that sucker it takes ages and you can't cancel the re-load, or switch weapons which makes boss fights painful. You sit there whilst someone pummels you whilst you wait for bullets to be individually loaded in. 

I like the Havok physics. During one talking scene I had fun shooting a paint can and watch it bounce about realistically. Oh and headshots feel better, especially blowing meat chunks out of the skulls or knocking off their police hats. 

Oh yeah the shaky cam is more than annoying in boss fights. I'm trying to aim at a specific point and the camera is rocking about like I'm on the Titanic. 

angrymonkey said:
 I liked in Umbrella where you could have a street of zombies ahead of you and the camera just parks so you can have time headshotting them. In darkside you take aim and then the camera spins away to look down an empty alley. Uh thanks.

 That's annoying. 

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Mon, 29 Mar 2010 18:54:44

Agnates said:
I thought the first was much worse with a worse framerate, yet also worse visuals, and really shitty tiny headshot triggering area. The zombies didn't have proper feedback to getting shot either, most of the time at least.

Well, I respectfully disagree. I understand what people say but I just don't see it. I didn't notice framerate problems enough to hurt gameplay for me, visuals don't matter over gameplay and the tiny headshot area was great- made it challenging and I'm pretty sure I got way more headshots in the first game anyway. And zombie feedback is great but just visuals over gameplay again.

Agnates said:
slow zombies like Resident Evil's aren't much of a challenge
Agnates said:
and really shitty tiny headshot triggering area

I live for headshots in this game so your comment doesn't make sense to me.

I guess my biggest problem is that I like the slow moving camera in the first way better. The second one moves it so much it makes it more visually interesting but it screws up so many of my headshot attempts that I hate it. To me, anything that arbitrarily affects your shot is a problem. Creature dodges and I miss - fine, camera  jumps and I miss - wtf.

And the boss battles. I can't tell when they're ready to die anymore - they mucked those up.

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Mon, 29 Mar 2010 21:19:37
Er, first you say the "tiny headshot area was great" then you quote me saying it was tiny and say you don't understand? Now I don't understand. If you liked the game, great for you, it's still massively flawed, as is DSC.

And why quote what I said about slow zombies out of context like that? I explain what I meant right after that, and it wasn't a jab at any one game. See HoTD enemies versus the (both) Chronicles enemies. HoTD kicks your ass in comparison. Not Overkill mind you, 2 & 3. They don't try to make enemies show up realistically in the distance and slowly crawl to you, they just make them show up unexpected and agile, your camera will turn to the side and BAM a zombie will be there ready to eat you, or they'll suddenly drop down havnging upside down from the ceiling smacking you around, or they will be some kind of zombie ninja dwarves hopping around and throwing knives at you, etc. RE zombies don't do that shit. Completely different type of gameplay that actually kicks your ass rather than simply make the high score and bosses the challenge (which it also is).
Edited: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 21:25:37
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Tue, 30 Mar 2010 11:55:35

Agnates said:
Er, first you say the "tiny headshot area was great" then you quote me saying it was tiny and say you don't understand? Now I don't understand. If you liked the game, great for you, it's still massively flawed, as is DSC.

Monkey likes headshots and the tiny headshot area in the first game was more satisfying to him I guess because it took more skill to get them. I found it unrealistic personally and not fun when they were like bullet sponges. When I shotgun someone in the head, I expect the proper reaction.

I think the frame rate in the first game was way better than Darkside and the gameplay seems better too. The shaky camera and incessant focus on cinematic style just hampers the gameplay too much here. But as a visual showpiece with some more weapons and altered hit points, some nice tiny physics touches, its still good-ish.  

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Tue, 30 Mar 2010 17:46:51

Claire just used a lipstick rocket launcher to kill a boss. 

*fake snaps disc in half*

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