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Mass Effect playthrough thread.
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Fri, 17 Feb 2012 04:48:49

Sorry Homer, beat you to it. We all seem to be replaying the series to get ready for ME3 so lets put it all in here.

The multiplayer part of the ME3 demo just went up and I am hooked already. I can tell I will put many many hours into this. You choose a character just like in the game, choose a class, you level up the same way with the same powers. Choose your load out, Steel I am happy to report that the weapons have a load of customizable options like the first game. The demo is like horde mode, waves of enemies come at your squad. There are different objectives in certain waves so its not all survive. Its just a blast having a group of for powered up dudes fighting awesome enemies. This mode spoils some of the games enemies like a female ninja that does crazy cartwheels and shit with double swords. Engineers can now deploy turrets. Enemies have much improved squad tactics, they deploy smoke grenades, regular grenades, they flank you. If a player falls he can be revived for a while, enemies usually huddle around them to make it hell for you to get to him.

You get credits and exp which you can use to start other characters in other classes and races, there is a ton to choose from. A store to buy upgrades for the weapons. Plus this mode will incorporate into the main game, what is happening in the online world can effect the galactic war in game, not sure how but it sounds awesome.  

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Fri, 17 Feb 2012 08:32:33

Oh man this is a blast. I am constantly switching characters so I am not growing that much. It is so much fun to try out all the powers. Oh and buying a pack and hoping to land a new character is so addictive.
What is shocking me the most is how much better the enemy AI is, it is a big improvement over ME2. These enemies are relentless, working together to flush you out from all angles. They are using grenades, shield dudes, crazy assassins and engineers that place turrets around objectives. It is so much more lively than ME2, it is really fantastic stuff. It looks like ME3s combat is as big a step up as ME2 was to ME1.
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Fri, 17 Feb 2012 10:40:59

I'm downloading both the PS3 version and 360 version.  I think I'll end up getting the one for 360.

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Fri, 17 Feb 2012 17:35:07

I don't even want to play the demo.

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Fri, 17 Feb 2012 18:13:34

Yes you do. But play multiplayer, screw the single player.

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Fri, 17 Feb 2012 20:24:54


So I finished up Mass Effect last night. Took about 10 hours or so - but I think it was worth it. Got reacclimatized to al the systems in that game, and remembered just how much I kinda dug it. Except FUCK THAT TANK.

Otheriwse, on track to finish up both games before ME3 launches. Perhaps my decision to replay both games on a console wasn't so stupid and impossible after all.

Though if you're all interested - I've been doing little pieces about my playthrough of the series so far on my new blog, which you can find here.

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Fri, 17 Feb 2012 22:33:49

I am totally in love with ME3 multiplayer. I was on a team where one dude was a krogan, not sure what class but he was crazy. He simply ran around and charged every one, bashing all enemies. He fought exactly like a krogan should! I was a quarian engineer, I have a turret that shoots missles and the freeze power is so aweosme.  It is hard to find good teams though, I lose a lot more than I win. It is a pain unlocking new species, its all random so it is the luck of the draw.

On ME2 I am playing as an engineer as well, a totally different experience than being a soldier. I am basically a tactitian commanding my guys and releasing drones and taking down armors, its really sweet.  

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Fri, 17 Feb 2012 22:45:05
I love the sp demo on the 360.  I want to try out the PS3 demo tonight to see if it is a big difference.  Which version are you using for multiplayer?
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Fri, 17 Feb 2012 22:54:39

Sweet article Homer. I made the exact same choices in ME1. I like to do a full paragon playthrough then later I will finally do a renegade one. But I might as well wait to do all three in one shot.

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Fri, 17 Feb 2012 23:01:30
travo said:
I love the sp demo on the 360.  I want to try out the PS3 demo tonight to see if it is a big difference.  Which version are you using for multiplayer?

360. I did try the multiplayer on PS3 and it looked great, nearly on par. So my fears have been alieviated. The PS3 version will be pretty good, not as good looking but everything seems to be playing fine.

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Sat, 18 Feb 2012 11:28:10

I just started replaying Mass Effect 1, this time on PC so it should be a pretty new experience even though I've played the game 4 or 5 times through on Xbox. I'm using an Infiltrator...they suck at 1st because they are only good with Pistols, but once you level up you become a master with Sniper Rifles and Powers, so you can control the battle from afar while your comrades (I take a soldier and a Biotic person with me at all times) can do their thing. I'd like to try out an Engineer at some point though, Dvader makes it sound fun.

Right off the bat the PC version looks a ton better than the 360 version, everything is super clean and crisp. Apparently ME2 is the same way which isn't surprising...ME3 is as well. The controls took some getting used to but once you learn them they definitely offer smoother play than a gamepad. And obviously aiming is way better.

Just finished the 1st mission and am now on my way to the Citadel.


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Sat, 18 Feb 2012 15:46:22

With engineer in ME2 you will be sitting back a lot and just controlling powers. I am playing on veteran so its not the higher levels so I dont know how effective it is. I do feel like a tactian, its pretty cool. Plus I have powers that can take down shields, barriers and armor (the barriers I had to get from the special skill).

One thing I have to note is that in the PS3 version all the DLC is included on the disc. I experienced all of that as part of the game, I dont know what it would be like if it were not there. Those are some of the coolest missions in the game, especially shadow broker which is easily the best of the bunch. The others allow you to fly vehicles and stuff, it adds variety it the standard TPS. In shadow broker Shepard jokes "dont you miss the time you could slap omni-gel on everything to get it to work", lol I get it now. Happy

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Sat, 18 Feb 2012 17:05:44

Yeah Shadow Broker is awesome man....I don't know why they couldn't come up with badass DLC for the 1st game like that.

I just got done playing a few rounds of Mass Effect 3's multi-pllayer, and I'll say it right now: If the campaign is on the level of ME2 with this badass multi-player mode sprinkled on top, this is easily going to be the GOTY 2012. Color me impressed, WOW!!! Its got all the addicting qualities of Halo's Firefight and Gears' Horde modes, but done in a very Mass Effect way! Totally addicting and fun to play....really wasn't expecting this. I unlocked a Tali-style character as an Engineer, teamed up with 3 other players, and made it through all the waves on my 1st try. Soooo fun.

I also just got done hooking up my PC to my new 60 inch Aquos just before playing it for the 1st time, and it looks so insane on my TV (basically like a giant version of my monitor) that I think I'll be leaving it hooked up like this for a long while. My PC looks alot better on here than it did on my old Plasma for some reason...I guess just better compatibility with newer TV's.


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Sat, 18 Feb 2012 18:29:39

What is so addictive of the ME3 multiplayer is how it allows you to build so many different characters easily. Plus the character building is just like the single player game so it feels RPGish. That and the combat is really really awesome.

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Wed, 22 Feb 2012 21:15:21

Just finished ME2. The Mordin Tali sex prep talk was awesome, lol. Sadly I didnt get to see what was under the mask, booo!

Strangely this time I lost Zaeed in the final mission, I am pretty sure I did the same thing as last time. He is kind of worthless so I am sure it doesn't matter. So what happens if you never upgrade your ship, how does the ship chase change. How does your choice of team members change the final mission?

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Wed, 22 Feb 2012 21:26:54

I wonder if you choice to help cerberus in the end of ME2, will they be trying to kill you in ME3?

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Wed, 22 Feb 2012 22:20:10
Dvader said:

I wonder if you choice to help cerberus in the end of ME2, will they be trying to kill you in ME3?

Good question.


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Thu, 23 Feb 2012 03:30:16

Beat ME again, ended up with a goody goody Lv 51 maleshep infiltrator. Good stuff, I never did a paragon playthrough before. Immediately after I started ME2.

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Mon, 27 Feb 2012 13:29:21

I'm also a male Infiltrator in Mass Effect, and more than halfway through the 1st game on PC right now. I love the Infiltrator just offers so much variety.

Here's a few pics of my playthrough thus far:



Edited: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 14:31:17


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Tue, 28 Feb 2012 01:45:27

Why isn't the mako upside down?

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