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The Goldeneye (Wii) Thread: Reviews and hands on impressions from Page 10 onwards
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Tue, 16 Aug 2011 11:01:28

I did some more levels. Archives was pure action, but at least you have alternative routes. Also I find it extremely funny to run up to a guy and punch him in the face. I bet you could finish the game on easy, by just punching people in the face. The tank level was hilarious. Did I just shoot helicopters out of the sky with a tank? The train level was horrible. It was one of the best levels in the original, here the train itself is just few wagon long and it is standed. And you escape the train by shooting the hatch. WTF? Where is my watch laser? And why has Bond not banged that Natalya chick already? You suck Daniel Craig, you are nothing compared to Pierce Brosnan

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Tue, 16 Aug 2011 11:06:53

Are you still playing on easy? I love chopping fools in the face with the melee move. One hit takedowns FTW.

The train can't be considered a level, it's just a bit of wreckage on the construction site level. Did the rocket launcher guys give you any hassle on this level?

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Tue, 16 Aug 2011 18:21:30

No, their was just one that I know of, I just ran.

The statue level is awesome. In the original it was crap, but here sneak-o-licious. The final part was again a shoot out. The jungle is awesome, so many parts where you can sneak around. I lost patience and just ran around with a shotgun. Two more levels and I am done

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Tue, 16 Aug 2011 18:23:55
Iga_Bobovic said:

No, their was just one that I know of, I just ran.

The statue level is awesome. In the original it was crap, but here sneak-o-licious. The final part was again a shoot out. The jungle is awesome, so many parts where you can sneak around. I lost patience and just ran around with a shotgun. Two more levels and I am done

You should play the jungle level with a sniper rifle and try to sneak about and hack all the laptops. If there was just one rocket launcher dude I think you may be playing on easy. You should try and play the game again with difference choices, for instance on that mountain where they give you a sniper rifle, just go in with a shotgun and see what happens. Fun times.

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Wed, 17 Aug 2011 19:51:28

I finished the game. The last level was horrible, with stupid lasers killing me and stuff. The boss fight with Alec was also annoying. Overall I will say the game is good. Not great, not very good, but just good, But I only played in on the easiest level. In the original and Perfect dark it gets better and better if you play higher difficulties. Hopefully the same thing will happen here.

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Wed, 17 Aug 2011 20:24:09
Iga_Bobovic said:

I finished the game. The last level was horrible, with stupid lasers killing me and stuff. The boss fight with Alec was also annoying. Overall I will say the game is good. Not great, not very good, but just good, But I only played in on the easiest level. In the original and Perfect dark it gets better and better if you play higher difficulties. Hopefully the same thing will happen here.

Well yeah, because there are more objectives and you have to do them to pass the level.

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Wed, 17 Aug 2011 21:09:21
gamingeek said:
Iga_Bobovic said:

I finished the game. The last level was horrible, with stupid lasers killing me and stuff. The boss fight with Alec was also annoying. Overall I will say the game is good. Not great, not very good, but just good, But I only played in on the easiest level. In the original and Perfect dark it gets better and better if you play higher difficulties. Hopefully the same thing will happen here.

Well yeah, because there are more objectives and you have to do them to pass the level.

I am also hoping that the firefight become more tense because you can die easier.

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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 00:01:15
Iga_Bobovic said:

Not great, not very good, but just good

This should be the new review score method.

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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 00:11:28

So I started the game today, first thing I did was mess with the controls. I don't know, I am not picky like you guys I would have just stuck with expert 3 and been fine with it but since you insisted I did change the controls to the ones GG posted. It plays fine, still takes a bit to get used to.

I can say that I really like what I see from the game so far. At first I couldn't tell if you could play stealthy, I was getting into way too many firefights but as I played I reached sections where it was clear that you can move about the room and take everyone out quietly and so that is what I did. I find stealth gameplay to be far more interesting that shooting everything that moves so these areas were my favorite. If I got caught i would just reset to  last checkpoint until I passed the section undectected like a true badass spy.

Though I do have some issues with the stealth as its kind of old school. It has the telepathic guards where if one sees you all of a sudden everyone knows exactly where you are. Also it has the completely oblivious to their surroundings guards where you can shoot cameras and other guards near a guard and he won't notice as long as you used a silencer. Also bodys vanish so I have shot a guard and had another patrolling guard walk right past the disappearing body not giving a care in the world. There was one area where if I crossed a certain invisible line it alerted the guards, I guess it was scripted. I was ducking behind walls and moving, no way they could see me and every time I passed that spot they would get alerted.  So it isn't perfect and also there isnt much you can do, its either silently kill everyone or get into a big firefight, there isn't anything in between. I will get my true stealth playground fix next week when Deus Ex hits, this will serve as an appetizer to that.

I like having optional objectives and even in the early stages its been hard to find my way to some of them cause of some clever geometry of the levels.  The game looks good though it is so damn weird to see Craig in Goldeneye and having no Sean Bean sucks. But its clearly a Wii game with a good budget. Thumbs up from me so far.

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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 00:12:24
Iga_Bobovic said:

I did some more levels. Archives was pure action, but at least you have alternative routes. Also I find it extremely funny to run up to a guy and punch him in the face. I bet you could finish the game on easy, by just punching people in the face. The tank level was hilarious. Did I just shoot helicopters out of the sky with a tank? The train level was horrible. It was one of the best levels in the original, here the train itself is just few wagon long and it is standed. And you escape the train by shooting the hatch. WTF? Where is my watch laser? And why has Bond not banged that Natalya chick already? You suck Daniel Craig, you are nothing compared to Pierce Brosnan

Wait there is no laser watch in this game??? That was the one thing I wanted to play with the most from the N64 version. Aww thumbs down now. Nyaa

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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 14:35:19
Iga_Bobovic said:

I am also hoping that the firefight become more tense because you can die easier.

Yeah that definetly happens.

Nice impressions D. What would you see as an in between stage between stealth and action? It all sort of makes sense to me and usually you get the helgast throat radio warnings when someone spots you and alerts everyone else. I think that if you clear the area the alert goes and you can get back to being stealthy.

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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 15:48:20
gamingeek said:

Yeah that definetly happens.

Nice impressions D. What would you see as an in between stage between stealth and action? It all sort of makes sense to me and usually you get the helgast throat radio warnings when someone spots you and alerts everyone else. I think that if you clear the area the alert goes and you can get back to being stealthy.

The in between is the ability to mess with the guards. In Goldeneye they stay on their routine unless they spot you. You cant knock on a wall and have a guard come inspect it, you cant strap c4 to a guards back and then lure him toward a group of other guards and blow them all up. Or the Deus Ex route where there are multiple ways to handle a situations like turning turrets against guards or clearing out a room by hacking into a system to release gas.  Its an action oriented FPS so its not expected to be that in depth.

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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 17:02:54

Ah I see.

Quick tip, when in ADS if you hold down Z you get camera lock in the center rectangle of the screen. Useful for headshots.

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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 17:15:35

Played some more in the Agent mode. I am liking it more now. I tweaked the controls, so it just feels better now. Done the dam and facility level. Now doing the airport. Played some online multiplayer, it was nice. People kept killing me like a bitch though. The third match I actually did well. I was not winning anything, but I had some nice kills. Then the host went away during the match, what a wuss.

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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 17:22:28

What are the 4 difficulty modes again?

Is Agent the one below Classic?

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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 17:24:25




007 classic

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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 17:24:39

I am playing on the one under classic. Perfect difficulty so far.

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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 20:30:35
My friend code is 519286284619. This is stupid.
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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 21:07:34

I am really liking the game even if some of the all out shooting sections are frustrating, like escaping that exploding base in the snow, grrr.

I tried out multiplayer and I am shocked to see its as deep as a COD game with level rankings, loads of perks, unlockable modes, etc. But the game cant seem to handle all the action, it starts chugging, frame rate drops, and when you get lag mixed in with IR controls it becomes a mess. When it works though its really fun. I love golden gun mode, glad to see it here. Of course there are some level 50 bastards with every perk and weapon unlocked so they own every match but i have one medals for being the guy to kill the experts the most.

We have to play together, something like 4 people, I think it will play better that way. Are there classic maps?

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Thu, 18 Aug 2011 21:43:13
Iga_Bobovic said:




007 classic

You should be on 007 mode minimum. But even I can't beat the final defend Natalya bit on that mode.

Dvader said:

I am really liking the game even if some of the all out shooting sections are frustrating, like escaping that exploding base in the snow, grrr.

What was frustrating about it?

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