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The E3 2010 Great Dustbin of Doom dumping thread - Might as well put it somewhere
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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 04:59:44
Dont drink it!!

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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 05:03:14
Besides the Star Wars lightsaber game (which I was promised years ago for the Wii but it never happened, grrrr) this is the best thing to come from the night:

Minority report interface for netflix et al. I can get behind that. jeff
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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 05:05:55
Video chat
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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 05:16:04
Screens coming down, unveiling, like...fifteen floating rooms with families dancing in them?

Man, this is just...what.

Upside down lady again! Bouncing a ball. Upside down.

Flying...fucking...avatars in space? Jesus Christ, Microsoft.


He died after that last tweet. Nyaa
Edited: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 05:16:31
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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 05:21:59

This won E3.
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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 05:32:47
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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 05:39:45
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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 08:23:11

So hey, I'm text browsing only here... So... Has MS given us anything with Kinect that appeals to this audience?  The gamer that buys 2-3 games a month, plays every day or other day?

Or are they just assuming we won't go for it and are going for the MILF crowd?

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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 08:36:05

aspro said:

So hey, I'm text browsing only here...



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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 10:33:11

Dvader said:

Mass suicide to happen at end of event. lol


Dvader said:
  1.                             Seriously, that looked awesome. Finished with lightsaber dual v Vader.                            
  2.                             Fuck YESw STAR WARS EPIc OMG               
OMG!!!!!!!!! Better than Wii!!!!!!


Lucasarts are diiicks IMO. How many years has wii been out? Motionplus is there. And all they do is assign shit teams to do shit versions of force unleashed. Star wars with Red Steel controls would rock.

Dvader said:
Apparently they just showed Kameo 1 with Kinect support.


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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 11:29:53
What's the haps for today folks?

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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 13:13:57

Anybody else think this looks fake as hell? The character seemed to do a motion before the "player". Even if not, I can't see it being more than WSR Swordplay or Sports Champions Gladiator like thing. No way to control your character's movement without nunchuck, can't just walk around your room or something to go through a level...
Edited: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 13:15:22
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The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 13:15:29
My guess is Microsoft was willing to do what Nintendo wouldn't, pay for the development costs, and that's why we have a lightsabre game for Kinnect.  Whatever. Star Wars is lame.
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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 13:18:54
If that's all it was gonna be on Wii, a WSR Swordplay like thing, I'd rather not have it. LucasArts should look into doing something like Red Steel 2, only better. That's what people wanted really.
Edited: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 13:32:14
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The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 13:26:26

Agnates said:

Anybody else think this looks fake as hell? The character seemed to do a motion before the "player". Even if not, I can't see it being more than WSR Swordplay or Sports Champions Gladiator like thing. No way to control your character's movement without nunchuck, can't just walk around your room or something to go through a level...

Yeah it's fake, 1up said so.

The guy was just trying to mimic what he had already rehersed.

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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 13:31:45

Schweet story-ish trailer, hope it indicates single player and co-op is in the game, not just adversarial MP focus.
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The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 14:04:39

Dvader said:
From gaf:

Natal Press Conference - Sunday, June 13th
Microsoft Press Conference - Monday, June 14th 10:30am PDT <World Clock>
Nintendo Press Conference - Tuesday, June 15th, 9AM PDT <World Clock>
Sony Press Conference - Tuesday, June 15th 12:00pm PDT <World Clock>

EA Press Conference - Monday, June 14th 2:00 pm PDT <World Clock>
UbiSoft Press Conference - Monday, June 14th 5:00 pm PDT <World Clock>
Valve Press Conference - Monday, June 14th 7:00 pm PDT <World Clock>
Activision Press Conference - Monday, June 14th 9:00 pm PDT <World Clock>
Konami Press Conference - Wednesday, June 16th 1:00pm PDT <World Clock>

(more streams will be added)

Damnit LA is 8hrs behind me.

So British time:

Microsoft Press Conference - Monday, June 14th 6:30pm

EA Press Conference - Monday, June 14th 10pm

UbiSoft Press Conference - Monday, June 14th Midnight

Valve Press Conference - Monday, June 14th 3am

Activision Press Conference - Monday, June 14th 5am

Nintendo Press Conference - Tuesday, June 15th, 5pm

Sony Press Conference - Tuesday, June 15th 8pm

Konami Press Conference - Wednesday, June 16th 9pm

Ehhhh, looks like today I get the MS and EA conferences then bed.

Then wait around all day for Sony and Nintendo on Tuesday.

Edited: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 14:07:07

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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 14:53:24
Here you can read some glowing impressions of SOCOM4 as IGN pretends such controls have never been done before, because apparently the guy's only frame of reference is RE4, and not a Wii game where you use the pointer to actually control the camera as well, like, I dunno, every FPS on it. Gotta love he's describing RE4 Wii as gimmicky, I guess he's telling us IGN's review was moneyhat powered to get such a rating? I dunno why nobody can be honest about it, this is obviously 2006 all over again. It's great that PS3 owners will finally get great FPS controls to go with their games (as I said before, even if Move flops, I'm sure support will become a basic feature for all FPS games anyway), but there's no need to pretend it's something Wii hasn't been doing since launch (as pointer controls didn't require Motion Plus to function with speed and precision). Ignorance doesn't excuse the lack of fact checking on the "journalist"'s part, though I'm sure he's aware of all the Wii games that control similarly and simply chooses to ignore them in favor of being sensational and putting Wii down. Anyway, the game seems solid so far, though it seemed to ditch the realism Rainbow Six-esque aspect of the series for a more COD type experience.
Edited: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 15:17:24
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The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 15:32:49

Agnates said:
Here you can read some glowing impressions of SOCOM4 as IGN pretends such controls have never been done before, because apparently the guy's only frame of reference is RE4, and not a Wii game where you use the pointer to actually control the camera as well, like, I dunno, every FPS on it.

It's Greg Miller.

That's really all you need to know.

Greg fucking Miller.

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Mon, 14 Jun 2010 15:38:12

Greg Miller said:
Anyway, I popped out of cover, and in the tiny gap between the frame of a far-off car and the road, I could see the ankles of an enemy. In a snap, I pointed the Move and took my shot. It was simple, easy and fast.

This is what I wanted Resident Evil 4 on the Wii to be. It's quick and precise. It feels like a real control scheme and not a gimmick.

What a dick.

Greg Miller said:
Perhaps the coolest part of the demo/Move integration? Painting a target for an airstrike. As the squad advanced in the level, Ops Com was put in touch with some soldiers who had real firepower. Trouble was that these heavy hitters couldn't see the enemy artillery on the ground. It was my job to target the cannons and mark them for destruction. I pointed the Move controller at the machines, held down the L2 button, and watched a little meter fill in. Then, fire rained down.

You do this in COD REFLEX wii already.

Greg Miller  said:
It's still early on the SOCOM 4 front. Sure, I'm high on the Move controls now, but maybe my next demo won't be as polished and I'll start having doubts. Still, the fact remains that SOCOM 4 at E3 showed me how cool a "hardcore" game with the Move could be. You can sit on your couch and relax while playing this one and not have to wag your hand to throw a grenade or pump your arms to run. The Move stuff is there -- from what I've seen -- just to aid your aiming and to make you feel like the gun is in your hands. That's how it should be.


Welcome to 2006

Ryan Clements

In that same sense, the PlayStation Move could actually provide better control for certain gameplay mechanics. For example, drawing with the wand is naturally easier to do then drawing with a D-pad or analog stick. There are bound to be situations where the PlayStation Move can give us better controls, not just different controls, which is what a lot of Wii games attempt to do. Throwing a grenade by wagging a Wii Remote is not as easy as pressing a single button. It requires more energy. It's all about finding the right time and place for motion. That's when things could get brilliant.

Someone show this guy how you can draw on the screen in Okami.

Listening to Miller and Clements exchanges is like listening to two people who never took the time to play a wii and always pigeonholed it as the gimmick console.

You're liking these gimmicks now, am right?

Edited: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 16:03:27

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