Yeah, I like that epic mickey panorama. And for marketing a peripheral that is supposed to precisely identify the human form I find it funny that sony thinks those people look remotely shaped.
Donkey kong game idea sounds interesting. I would have also liked to see retro make the ultimate wii shooter or a totally novel concept but this is good too.
Ravenprose said:
gamingeek said:
Can you play the Wii version just with the classic controller or wii remote only?
You play it with the Bongos or not at all! F*** New Play Controls!!!
Name is Zordiana. The Hookshot is also in the game The Hookshot makes no use of Wii Motion Plus. Sometimes you have to "draw" a specific symbol on a door with your sword, to open it.
This better be wrong. I'm hoping for more changes with the game. Not the same old weapons and basic first year wii ideas for motion like the symbol drawing.
I don't see why those two things need to be wrong for the things you want to be in the game still.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Well, I'm just thinking that if I start hearing about the hookshot and the archery it'll be the same weapon set we've had since ocarina. Archery would be a little freshened up with wiimotion but if the hookshot is the exact same thing I don't want to see it.
And the symbol drawing with the wiimote has been done before and if that's what is being highlighted about gameplay - I was just hoping for more creativity. I want more of a shakeup for this installment.
Link has used so many tools before it would be hard to bring something 100% new. The way you use them may stil be new though. For example what if the hookshot could be used everywhere, not just in designated points like it has been so far, and dungeons and the whole world had a more freeform design to make such use, well, useful? Stuff like that. The door mechanic sounds ok. Drawing with the mouse to make spells in Arx Fatalis may sound like an ordinary idea too but it did give that game a charm of its own. But yeah, these are just unfounded rumours imo.
Edited: Sun, 13 Jun 2010 20:55:02
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
Everyone is being asked to don “interactive white ponchos”. Pat
included. They have massive shoulder pads in ‘em.
A mermaid is sitting on a rock.
There is a “forest” one has to climb into, a television as well.
A family is suspended in the air on a couch.
Michael Cera, Billy Crystal, Nadine Coyle (which
Johnny is pissed about) and Raven-Symone are there.
Peter Moore is in the house.
It all looks very Heaven’s Gate-ish or maybe Logan’s Run. Can’t
Acey Bongos just said: All
the Cirque folk are dressed up like the blue bunch from Avatar. But
not blue. All very natural and relaxing. There are pan pipes.
D’toids Nick Chester just tweeted that a Cirque
de Soleil performer wearing a
sardine can on his ear was
handing everyone tin cans on strings. He also said that: “There’s
some kind of electronic hardware hidden in the shoulder pads of these
robes they made us wear. Weird”.
Christina Hendricks is there.
Pat just told me he was standing next to Itagaki.
BioWare’s Stephaie Bayer just said the ponchos made her fell likr
she was at a Gallagher show.
Name is Zordiana. The Hookshot is also in the game The Hookshot makes no use of Wii Motion Plus. Sometimes you have to "draw" a specific symbol on a door with your sword, to open it.
This better be wrong. I'm hoping for more changes with the game. Not the same old weapons and basic first year wii ideas for motion like the symbol drawing.