Forum > Gaming Discussion > What game made you think: Why is no one else doing this?
What game made you think: Why is no one else doing this?
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Fri, 02 Apr 2010 22:03:24
How about Rainbow Six?  Not even Rainbow Six is doing that anymore.


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Fri, 02 Apr 2010 23:54:09
SteelAttack said:
Elebits. I don't know if this is too hard to implement within another genre, but how come we haven't seen 3D object manipulation as deep and responsive as seen in a 4-5 yr old game?The way you can interact freely with almost any object inside the rooms, opening doors, drawers and handling all kinds of objects with realistic motions and physics is mind bending, and makes you wonder how could an adventure or survival horror game be improved with 3D object manipulation puzzles.

Something like these?

Some nice interactions in Shattered Memories as well, though not quite as extensive and physics driven as in these.
Edited: Fri, 02 Apr 2010 23:56:22
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Sat, 03 Apr 2010 03:57:26

Yodariquo said:
How about Rainbow Six?  Not even Rainbow Six is doing that anymore.

 Yeah, they stopped doing RS after the third one.

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Sat, 03 Apr 2010 04:00:12

robio said:

I think something else that hasn't really been adopted was the photo game like Pokemon Snap. I guess we had Afrika and Animal Kingdom: Wildlife Expedition (easily the worst game I've ever played).  

I think what the latter two missed though was a sense of urgency that Pokemon Snap had.  Because Snap was on rails you only had a limited time to get your pictures so there was very much a feeling of "I've got one chance to get this right." Love to see a new version of that game either a longer console version or a Wiiware version.

 Afrika had some urgency, because I always felt like I was about to scare off the beasts before I got a good shot.

All these on-rail shooters could/should easily add a camera option instead of gun.  It'd add extra gameplay and get the anti-violence people off our backs.

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Sat, 03 Apr 2010 04:26:13
Zack and Wiki style puzzle/adventure.

Kinda took the opposite route to modern adventure gaming as it wasn't an homage to point and click adventure games with the focus on story---and it followed a level format!

Yes, we need more of that. That was awesome.

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Sat, 03 Apr 2010 05:32:00

Agnates said:
SteelAttack said:
Elebits. I don't know if this is too hard to implement within another genre, but how come we haven't seen 3D object manipulation as deep and responsive as seen in a 4-5 yr old game?The way you can interact freely with almost any object inside the rooms, opening doors, drawers and handling all kinds of objects with realistic motions and physics is mind bending, and makes you wonder how could an adventure or survival horror game be improved with 3D object manipulation puzzles.

Something like these?

Some nice interactions in Shattered Memories as well, though not quite as extensive and physics driven as in these.

Nice, the Penumbra games. Sadly I never got past the first few minutes of the demo, and even though I do want to get both games, something always gets in the way. Never played Amnesia, but that video looks neat.

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Sat, 03 Apr 2010 17:47:40

aspro said:

The cover mechanism has become a part of FPS that was not prevalent until Gears of War. (It was in switch.kill).  It was a real shock to the system the first time you tried it, as up until that point FPS was essentially run and gun, but by introducing cover it made the genre slightly more realistic.  Halo Reach is going to introduce a block mechanism, that I can see being widely adopted pretty soon after.

The other mechanic that Gears also introduced that has been widely adopted is the "walk slow with finger to ear while we load the next level".

I never put that together, LOL . It beats GoW giant ass hallways that do nothing.

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Sat, 03 Apr 2010 17:54:02

Agnates said:

Something like these?

Some nice interactions in Shattered Memories as well, though not quite as extensive and physics driven as in these.

I like using the wiimote more as you feel like you are grabbing it, you can twist it without having to use buttons and such.

But what are those games. Can we make a thread about them? Wow.

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Sun, 04 Apr 2010 11:32:44

Agnates said:

Something like these?

Some nice interactions in Shattered Memories as well, though not quite as extensive and physics driven as in these.

 Kinda, but not quite. That's mouse point and click, not really what I mean about Elebits, object rotation, pulling things into and out of the screen realistically or having the sheer amount of maniputable objects. 

Shattered memories interaction is very limited too. 

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