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In the (non-gaming) News
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Sat, 03 Jul 2010 02:51:57
I'm holding out hope that this isn't real, but it sounds like it is.

A page from a Bob Jone's University textbook:
Bob Jones University's take on Electricity


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Sat, 03 Jul 2010 03:47:15
First off what text book has passages of the bible. Unless you go to a private school, religion and school never mix.

And I just saw the source, its a "Christ-centered resource for education, edification and evangelism." Clearly for christian schools. I would love to see their history books.
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Sat, 03 Jul 2010 03:50:19
                    Moody Science Classics: Facts of Faith [DVD]                                               Moody Science Classics: Facts of Faith [DVD]
                          by Moody Press
               Price: $8.99

A million volts of electricity go through a man's body without harming him. Scientific experiments that show what faith is and how to get it. DVD contains an English version and a Spanish version. A resource for science and Bible. Suitable for upper elementary and teens.

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Sat, 03 Jul 2010 04:24:35
Dvader said:
First off what text book has passages of the bible. Unless you go to a private school, religion and school never mix.

And I just saw the source, its a "Christ-centered resource for education, edification and evangelism." Clearly for christian schools. I would love to see their history books.

You should know more about these fundamentalist universities -- they play a major role in American politics.  George W Bush spokes at Bob Jones University during the 2000 election campaign.

Another such school is Regent University, founded by Pat Robertson -- the guy who claimed Haiti has it bad because they made a deal with the devil.  It's received the worst score possible from the US News & World Report rankings.  During the Bush presidency, its graduates had 150 appointments.

It would be nice to just laugh at the morons, but the inmates are running the asylum.


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Sat, 03 Jul 2010 04:37:47

Yodariquo said:

You should know more about these fundamentalist universities -- they play a major role in American politics.  George W Bush spokes at Bob Jones University during the 2000 election campaign.

Another such school is Regent University, founded by Pat Robertson -- the guy who claimed Haiti has it bad because they made a deal with the devil.  It's received the worst score possible from the US News & World Report rankings.  During the Bush presidency, its graduates had 150 appointments.

It would be nice to just laugh at the morons, but the inmates are running the asylum.

Yikes, if their books are like that holy crap. I think you can mix religion and education if you still base the education on reality. But that was like psycho Jesus camp level stuff. I have never heard of them but I never doubted they were out there.

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Sat, 03 Jul 2010 05:02:21
Dvader said:

Yikes, if their books are like that holy crap. I think you can mix religion and education if you still base the education on reality. But that was like psycho Jesus camp level stuff. I have never heard of them but I never doubted they were out there.

Religion actually handled as education and not proselytizing is actually rather important -- western culture, including movies, music, books and plays, has enormous influences from the Bible alone.  Comparative religion, in theory, is a great idea.

That all said, it can also be an incredibly bad idea, because it can be done so wrongly.  Religion is a vitally important subject, which is why it's frustrating when people write it off with politics as a waste of time, and "nobody ever changes their minds" and everything as subjective.

There's a fine line between healthy knowledge and being corrupted beyond hope.  Francis Collins, current director of the National Institute of Health, is one of the foremost geneticists in the world, having played a major roles in the human genome project.  He also has insane religious views.  Fortunately, that doesn't affect his scientific work.  It's not a stretch to go from brilliant scientist, to fundamentalist nut with no scientific understanding should he have had the misfortune to be taken in just that much further.


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Sat, 03 Jul 2010 09:52:30
Really what we should all be asking is: Why is there a girl drying her hair in a text book? If we do indeed not know what elecricity is, how can we be sure that it holds any relevance to the electric hair dryer beyond the name alone?

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Sat, 03 Jul 2010 18:08:15
Illinois facing fiscal disaster.

Yikes. These guys should have practiced in Sim City first. Nyaa
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Sun, 04 Jul 2010 13:59:28
Might want to stay away from Youtube for a couple days -- there's an active glitch that gets around the HTML filtering.  I haven't seen it actually get cross site scripting yet, but it's a concern.  Cross-site scripting could mean serving up malware and hijacking accounts.

Comment hijacking

This is just some font formatting and a marquee, but once you're through the filtering, it's iffy.


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Tue, 06 Jul 2010 00:22:45


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Tue, 06 Jul 2010 00:32:26
LOL 4Chan's at it again. Apparently they were the ones behind the XSS chaos on YouTube over the weekend as well. That involved...Justin Bieber videos. 
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Tue, 06 Jul 2010 00:41:21
SteelAttack said:
LOL 4Chan's at it again. Apparently they were the ones behind the XSS chaos on YouTube over the weekend as well. That involved...Justin Bieber videos. 

While it naturally spread to 4Chan, these are not the trolls you're looking for.  ebaumsworld on this one.


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Tue, 06 Jul 2010 00:46:40

Yodariquo said:

While it naturally spread to 4Chan, these are not the trolls you're looking for.  ebaumsworld on this one.

 Thanks for the info. BTW, has the security issue at YouTube been adressed? I know there was some statement issued by YouTube or Google or whatever on that regard, but I trust you much more. 

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Tue, 06 Jul 2010 00:53:04
SteelAttack said:

 Thanks for the info. BTW, has the security issue at YouTube been adressed? I know there was some statement issued by YouTube or Google or whatever on that regard, but I trust you much more. 

Looks clear from here.  I've seen reports of people trying and failing to reuse the same exploit, and the obvious troll-targets are clean.  There could always be something new, but it would have to be just that: new.


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Tue, 06 Jul 2010 01:21:33
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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 07:13:59,254005

After breaking things off with his mistress, Vanessa Lopez, Shaq has had to endure a few legal battles, not to mention his ex-wife starring in "Basketball Wives." The latest complaint being brought against the 38-year-old big man is the funniest yet. From the strangely capitalized Mediatakeout:

According to Vanessa, Shaq runs an illegal computer hacking ring. And she claims that the enterprise violates the RICO statute (The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act is a statute used to put the MOB in jail and take their money).
So what's next. Well it doesn't look good for Shaq. According to one of's insiders,"They're suing under civil RICO, only the district attorney can bring a CRIMINAL RICO case. But now that [Vanessa and her attorney's] put it out there, I'd expect that there would be a CRIMINAL RICO investigation of Shaq very shortly."

You heard it here second — Shaquille O'Neal is the mastermind of an illegal computer hacking ring that may be prosecuted like a mob case in the 1950s. Totally makes sense, and totally a credible lawsuit that will for sure result in a severe punishment for O'Neal. He's probably one of those "Anonymous" guys on 4chan too. END QUOTE

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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 08:36:02
Now we know who Yoda's real employer is! 

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Fri, 09 Jul 2010 23:52:46
Comcast Loses Class-Action Lawsuit

Comcast customers are now entitled to $16 back for illegally throttling peer-to-peer connections.  You can file for yours here:


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Sun, 11 Jul 2010 09:46:38
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Tue, 13 Jul 2010 20:55:03
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